Design Games - Martin Wetterstrand

Design Games - Martin Wetterstrand

Design Games - Martin Wetterstrand


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TREND GAMETo explore trends within a specific IT-development domain we have created a version of the Portraitgame. The game challenges trends by requiring ‘evidence’ or arguments for a trend in video materialfrom field studies.The Trend game is played in a similar way as the Portrait game. It starts with one story with sevenvideo cards. The participants take turns in picking a ‘trend note’ which specifies a tendency that hasbeen observed. The participants create stories about the different trends using at least three video cardsas well as one of the cards already lying on the table.The Trend game was developed and played in a commercial assignment and the ‘trends’ were providedby the marketing division of the company with which we collaborated. (Picture from workshop at PDC2004)Habraken and Gross explored different roles and ways of collaboration. They set up the rules in theconcept design games so that the participants were issued with roles and they were told to strive to winthe game. This is different from the design games presented in the present paper, where the participantsare themselves and there is no winner. The goal is not to win but to find design openings that arerealistic for the participants to adopt and take responsibility for.The Trend game was a way of approaching data that was contributed by a marketing division. Part ofthis game was to make the trends less ‘flat’ and relate them to existing practices. Another part was toeliminate trends that did not move the project in the desired direction. A large project group played thegame. The trends which persisted were accepted and included in the design world of the project (thegroup recognized the trends as their own).DISCUSSION: IMPOSING A FLAIR FOR PRACTICEThe design games focus on different aspects of human practice. In all the games, players need to makearguments using the video cards. This is a way of imposing a flair for the practice (that is designed for).In the design games there is also a rule that says that each move must be explained to the other players.Sometimes this starts a discussion that might lead to a change of move. When the design games arefinished, traces of the discussion remain in the form a specific card arrangements. The arrangements arenot thought of as independent representations of the process which anyone can understand without help.It is those who have been part of the process that can make sense of the arrangements.A combination of a number of the design games was played as part of the different projects. The Portraitgame is a way of entering the field material, and the portrait created can be used in, for example, theLandscape game or the Trend game. It was noted in relation to the Trend game that after working with

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