Please complete a full course syllabus using this format. The ...

Please complete a full course syllabus using this format. The ...

Please complete a full course syllabus using this format. The ...


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After School Professional Development Program65 Court Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY 11201Helaine Schwartz, Director aspdp@schools.nyc.govprepared to help their students develop strong feelings of self-efficacy, not through superfluous praise, butthrough making students aware of their potential futures, which they can affect through their own efforts.Motivating and engaging all students means finding ways to do so for African-American, Latino, and lowincomestudents as well as those students who may have had more benefits at home and are already moreintrinsically motivated. <strong>The</strong>se strategies will empower teachers to find ways of nurturing all their studentsand help them assist in closing the achievement gap. Teachers trained in motivating and engaging studentswill be contributing to a culture of achievement for all students.NOTE: Midterms may be submitted anytime but are due no later than 2 weeks after the finalregistration date.CalendarSession # 1Date: self-pacedTime: self-pacedNumber of hours for <strong>this</strong> session: 1Topics: List session topic and material, e.g. handouts. Indicate midterm and final exam date.Setting Learning GoalsKDS has implemented a topic at the beginning of the <strong>course</strong>, Setting Learning Goals, that instructs participantsto read the <strong>syllabus</strong> that contains a <strong>course</strong> and unit descriptions and then to develop student learning goals relatedto the domains and components from Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (athttp://charlottedanielson.com/theframeteach.htm). <strong>The</strong>y may also consult the NYC Teacher Effectiveness site (athttp://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/CommonCoreLibrary/Toolkit/TeacherEffectiveness/default.htm),and the NYC CCSS (athttp://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/CommonCoreLibrary/Why/NYSStandards/default.htm). (Participants may alsodraw from existing classroom data they have collected from pretests and assessments or know anecdotally.)Objectives: Specify instructional goals and standards for each session.Goal:• To set student learning goalsMethod of Instruction: List the method of presenting: Classroom video or interactive hands-on activity. Includestrategies to meet diverse learning needs (differentiated instruction).• Participants consult standards• Participants create learning goalsClassroom Practice: Specify what skills and strategies the participant will bring back to his/her classroom.• Participants bring their learning goals to their studentsResources (readings, artifacts, internet sites, videos, etc): Provide the title, author, edition, publisher, cost, andwhere it is available. If there is a guest speaker, include the presenter’s name and affiliation.• Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (at http://charlottedanielson.com/theframeteach.htm).• NYC Teacher Effectiveness site (athttp://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/CommonCoreLibrary/Toolkit/TeacherEffectiveness/default.hRevised 11.2011 his

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