Looking beyond the horizon - Miami Children's Hospital Foundation

Looking beyond the horizon - Miami Children's Hospital Foundation

Looking beyond the horizon - Miami Children's Hospital Foundation


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HEALTHCARE OUTREACHTHROUGH SCHOOLS ANDCARE SETTINGSINVESTING IN OUR FUTURE:PREVENTION AND HEALTH PROMOTIONHealth on Wheels: <strong>Miami</strong> Children’s<strong>Hospital</strong>’s Health on Wheels outreachprogram, administered by <strong>the</strong> hospital’sDivision of Preventive Medicine, featurestwo 40-foot mobile medical/dental unitsthat provide primary care services at publicschools, migrant camps and communityactivity centers with high populations ofat-risk children.The mobile units are staffed by boardcertifiedphysicians, nurse assistants andparamedics. To date, <strong>the</strong> team has servednearly 100,000 children and adolescents in<strong>Miami</strong>-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties.The program targets medically uninsuredchildren and works to establish a medicalhome for <strong>the</strong>m to ensure continuity ofcare and promote better health. Since <strong>the</strong>program’s inception in 1995, <strong>the</strong> staff hasbeen able to identify more than 462 childrenwith life-threatening diseases. These childrenhave been treated successfully.Brightening Smiles for Disadvantaged Children:Tooth decay is <strong>the</strong> most common chronicchildhood disease and low-income children aremost likely to be affected by it. Of <strong>the</strong> 463,000low-income children in <strong>Miami</strong>-Dade County, itis estimated that less than 20 percent receiveannual dental care. To address <strong>the</strong> situation,<strong>Miami</strong> Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong>, <strong>Miami</strong> Children’s<strong>Hospital</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> and <strong>the</strong> Health <strong>Foundation</strong>of South Florida came toge<strong>the</strong>r in 2006 tocreate “Healthy Smile, Happy Face,” a programthat’s bringing dental services and educationto low-income children in <strong>Miami</strong>, Brownsville,Homestead, Florida City and Overtown.Health Connect in our Schools: <strong>Miami</strong>Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong> supported <strong>the</strong> developmentof <strong>the</strong> Health Connect in our Schools program,founded by The Children’s Trust to address <strong>the</strong>need for school-based healthcare. Through <strong>the</strong>program, <strong>Miami</strong> Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong> providesstaffing for six clinics based at <strong>Miami</strong>-DadeCounty schools, providing primary care, firstaid and assessment as needed.Building Healthy Connections: <strong>Miami</strong>Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong> also participates in <strong>the</strong>Building Healthy Connections Program, whichoffers health services at Head Start-affiliatedchild care centers. The program helpsensure that <strong>the</strong> children receive necessaryimmunizations and that health problems areidentified early in a child’s life.AFTER CARE AND SUMMERCARE PROGRAMSOK FINE: To help children in <strong>the</strong> city’s Overtowncommunity reach <strong>the</strong>ir academic potential,<strong>Miami</strong> Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong> teamed up, startingin 2004, with <strong>the</strong> Florida Department ofEducation, <strong>the</strong> Alonzo Mourning <strong>Foundation</strong>and o<strong>the</strong>r sponsors to develop <strong>the</strong> OK FINE(Overtown Kids – Fitness, Involvement, Nutritionand Education) program at <strong>the</strong> Overtown YouthCenter. The program, which has touched <strong>the</strong>lives of hundreds of children and families,offers recreational and academic after-schooland summer programs for children at riskof poor classroom performance and is beingconsidered as a model for o<strong>the</strong>r communities.100,000Children and adolescents served by <strong>Miami</strong> Children’s<strong>Hospital</strong>’s Health on Wheels outreach program in<strong>Miami</strong>-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties.Reaching Out20 21

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