Renewable Energy Handbook 2010 - Department of Finance - The ...

Renewable Energy Handbook 2010 - Department of Finance - The ...

Renewable Energy Handbook 2010 - Department of Finance - The ...


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1.1 Purpose <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Handbook</strong>1.1.1 INTRODUCTIONThis second version <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Renewable</strong> <strong>Energy</strong><strong>Handbook</strong> has been prepared as a “one-stop shop”for information on the development <strong>of</strong> commercialrenewable energy projects within Western Australia.Since the fi rst edition <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Handbook</strong>, published inJanuary 2006, there have been signifi cant changesto the electricity market in Western Australia.<strong>The</strong> major changes are the disaggregation <strong>of</strong> thestate-owned vertically integrated electricity provider,the establishment <strong>of</strong> a competitive electricity market,increases in regulated electricity tariffs to movetoward cost refl ectivity, the emergence <strong>of</strong> newrenewable energy technologies and changes toplanning approvals. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> has been revisedto refl ect these changes and to build renewableenergy project proponents understanding <strong>of</strong> theelectricity market.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> takes you through the relevantapproval processes for a renewable energy project.It does not focus on any single renewable energytechnology, but rather provides an overview <strong>of</strong> theissues relevant to all renewable energy projects.As well as being a guide for project proposals,the <strong>Handbook</strong> is a resource for all those with aninterest in renewable energy, renewable energyprojects and related policies in Western Australia.Decision makers, including Local and StateGovernment agencies, investors, landholders,local community members and other interestedstakeholders, will fi nd this <strong>Handbook</strong> useful.1.1.2 HOW TO USE THIS HANDBOOK<strong>The</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> steers the reader through therenewable energy project development processin a logical, step-by-step way. Key relevantinformation on the renewable energy market andthe steps in development <strong>of</strong> a renewable energyproject in Western Australia are provided inChapters 1 to 3. Supplementary details and directionsto additional sources <strong>of</strong> information are provided inAppendixes 1 to 3. For answers to the followingquestions see the chapter outline.OFFICE OF ENERGYRENEWABLE ENERGY HANDBOOK <strong>2010</strong>01HANDBOOK OUTLINECHAPTER 01What exactly is renewable energy?What are the history andbenefi ts <strong>of</strong> renewable energyin the global and, specifi cally,the Western Australian context?CHAPTER 02How does renewable energy fi twithin the electricity market, includingthe legislative and policy frameworkfor renewable energy withinWestern Australia?CHAPTER 03What are the approval processesapplicable to project developmentin Western Australia?APPENDICESFor helpful details on specifi crenewable energy technologies seeAppendices 1 & 2.For a range <strong>of</strong> useful industry andgovernment contacts, publications andwebsites, a glossary and an acronymtable see Appendix 3.9PURPOSE OF THE HANDBOOK

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