guidelines for management of student projects - Strathmore University

guidelines for management of student projects - Strathmore University

guidelines for management of student projects - Strathmore University


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An example <strong>of</strong> how the penalty system works is set out below and explains what mark a <strong>student</strong>whose project is worth 60% would receive if s/he handed it late (x = no <strong>of</strong> days after due date).Time <strong>of</strong> submission Penalty Mark (%)On or be<strong>for</strong>e due date none 601 ≤ x ≤ 7 10 marks 507 < x ≤ 14 20 marks 40x >14 max 0The penalty system will not apply to <strong>student</strong>s who have been granted an extension (unless theythen failed to meet the extended deadline). It is only aimed at those <strong>student</strong>s who hand theirproject in late with no valid excuse.PlagiarismIt is important that the <strong>student</strong>s adhere to the standard conventions <strong>for</strong> the referencing <strong>of</strong> otherpeople’s work. In particular, the project should clearly mention any work that is not the work <strong>of</strong>the <strong>student</strong>, whenever such work is presented.A project must be the <strong>student</strong>’s own work and must not contain any plagiarised material. Use <strong>of</strong>plagiarised material will be treated as a disciplinary <strong>of</strong>fence under breach <strong>of</strong> examinationregulations (c.f. Section on Plagiarism in Students’ Handbook/ Academic Honesty Policy).11 ASSESSMENTAfter submission <strong>of</strong> the project, the latter will be assessed by the <strong>student</strong>’s supervisor(s) and oneother examiner chosen by the Faculty/School/Institute, in collaboration with the ProjectCoordinator.In the event that the supervisor is a part-time staff, then the second examiner/assessor should be afull time academic staff <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>. Both the supervisor and the second examiner/assessorcannot be from outside the <strong>University</strong>.The assessment <strong>of</strong> the final year project is based mainly on the written project. Each project willbe subject to double blind marking, i.e. each assessor will submit his/her marks independently.

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