QB50 System Requirements Document

QB50 System Requirements Document

QB50 System Requirements Document


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5.10 Example SU Command Sequence ScriptAn example of the user-readable ASCII command sequence script is shown below:OBC_SU_ON @19:00:00SU_STIM 0xF0 @19:02SU_HVARM @19:03SU_HVEN @19:04SU_HK 60 @19:06SU_CALM 5 64 28 ON ON ON @NOWSU_LDP 0x09, 0x04,0x41,0x80,0x00, 0xFE,0x00,0x00,0x02,0xFF @NOWSU_HC 100 64 24 ON ON ON @ 19:15SU_SCI 01 28 90 5 10 32 @19:16SU_SCI 02 28 90 5 10 500 @19:17SU_SCI 02 28 90 5 10 500 @19:50SU_SCI 02 28 90 5 10 500 @20:15OBC_SU_OFF @20:02OBC_SU_ENDTable 5-2 - SU Commanding Script ExampleNOTES:1) Commands prefixed by “OBC_” are attended for the OBC script handler tointerpret and execute.2) Commands prefixed by “SU_” are to be sent to the Science Unit.3) The TIME field “@t” is NOT sent to the SU, but interpreted by the OBC as thetime at which the script command is to be executed. When “@t” is set to“@NOW”, the OBC shall execute the command immediately.The above ASCII script is parsed by the SCRIPT_ENCODER tool (provided by SUteam) that shall produce the encoded BYTE packet of the script to be uplinked to theCubeSat.

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