Nature of sound. - audio alchemy

Nature of sound. - audio alchemy

Nature of sound. - audio alchemy


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Manger – Zerobox 107 IIe<strong>Nature</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>sound</strong>.When as a loudspeaker manufacturer youhave a product in your range that is repeatedlyreferred to with the greatest respect as a classicby experts, journalists <strong>of</strong> the specialist press, pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsin recording studios and music loversthen you can be satisfied and just a bit proud. Becausehere “classic” certainly doesn’t meanrelying on the “traditional”. Because standstill isalways a step backwards, we insist in the design<strong>of</strong> the new Zerobox 107 on the retention <strong>of</strong> thetried-and-tested, while improving on this usingthe latest knowledge.To be exact the new Zerobox 107 is a 1.5 waysystem in the guise <strong>of</strong> a two-way system, as theManger <strong>sound</strong> transducer is essentially responsiblefor reproducing the music as authenticallyas possible. Only below 160 Hz do the twowo<strong>of</strong>ers specially designed for the Zerobox 107kick in to support the <strong>sound</strong> transducer in itsdemanding task. Only the lowest octave between80 Hz and 40 Hz is reserved for the wo<strong>of</strong>ers ontheir own. And this constellation also ensures theideal <strong>of</strong> a punctiform <strong>sound</strong> source.The demands placed on the crossover are particularlystrict to ensure that the wo<strong>of</strong>ers can continuethe transient <strong>of</strong> the Manger <strong>sound</strong> transducerfor a natural reproduction with absolute temporalprecision. A 3rd order filter with a precise time delaypreceding the wo<strong>of</strong>er driver provides optimum interaction<strong>of</strong> the <strong>sound</strong> components. A closed cabinet also supports thiseffect and allows the wo<strong>of</strong>ers to decay in a controlled and idealway. And to ensure that not a trace <strong>of</strong> the musicality is lost alongthe way, only top-quality state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art componentsare used in the Manger <strong>sound</strong> transducer.New findings in the field <strong>of</strong> physics and materialstechnology have meant that the Manger developercan’t rest on his laurels. The Zerobox 107 hasalso been sensibly overhauled in other areas. Thespecific use <strong>of</strong> the latest high-tech dampingmaterials from the automotive industry, in additionto the continuously optimised internalstruts, means that the cabinet remains unmovedeven when subjected to extreme pressure.Tried-and-tested technology is however notcompletely forgotten. Three <strong>sound</strong> transducersare used in every Zerobox 107. This speciallydesigned Manger arrangement does not serve,as is <strong>of</strong>ten believed, to achieve surround <strong>sound</strong>,but to simulate a quasi infinitely large <strong>sound</strong>baffle. In this way effects that would otherwisebe caused by a narrow cabinet front are totallysuppressed, and instead it exclusively serves theundisturbed <strong>sound</strong> propagation <strong>of</strong> the front<strong>sound</strong> transducer.The Zerobox 107 was singled out for thehighest praise and declared a “Reference Speaker”by the German magazine “Stereoplay” as earlyas 1999. That the new version will continue thesuccess <strong>of</strong> our classic model and not only maintainits qualities but also improve on them is a certainty.Because neutrality will continue to find an evergrowing circle <strong>of</strong> listeners. Music in its most natural form, just asthe musicians played it, without any artificial technical additives, movesus and fascinates us, because we can feel the music directly.

Manger Zerobox 107 IIe data sheetDriverThree Manger <strong>sound</strong> transducers (MSW, W05, 8 Ohm) – patentedbroadband <strong>sound</strong> transducer with bending-flexible sandwichdiaphragm, 70 mm double voice coil (0.4 g in weight) and 15 extremelypowerful neodymium magnets for impulsive dynamics and concentric<strong>sound</strong> propagation (point <strong>sound</strong> source).Finishes• silk matt lacquer: black, white and aluminium (silver).• silk matt veneers: alder, beech, cherry.• fine wood veneers: Macassar ebony, Santos rosewood, Poplar burl,Birdseye maple. Other veneers on request.• Piano High Gloss black: a high-gloss polyester lacquer applied inseveral layers.Two Vifa wo<strong>of</strong>ers (20 cm), custom-built carbon fibre-paper diaphragmdriver for a dry and natural bass.CrossoverCrossover frequency 170 HzMacassarebonySantosrosewoodBirdseye mapleAlderMSW: High-pass 1st order filter, Mcap + Mcap Supreme capacitors,130.0air coils, MOX resistors120.0110.0100.090.0Wo<strong>of</strong>er: Low-pass 3rd order filter, MKP capacitors, vacuum-80.070.0impregnated Zero-Ohm transformer coils in the signal path60. dataImpedance: 4 OhmRise time: 13 µsSensitivity: 90 dB 1W/1mauto30.0 100.0 1000.0 10000.0log Frequency – HzFrequency Response: A very balanced frequency response is important <strong>of</strong>course, but it still isn't everything. Linear from 40 Hz to 25 kHz (- 3dB).0.010CabinetCabinet made <strong>of</strong> medium-density wooden fibreboard. The cabinetinterior is fitted with complex braces and lined with polymer resindamping panels. Trapezoidal cabinet design to suppress standingwaves in the cabinet’s interior.0.0080.0060.0040.002-0.000-0.002-0.004-0.006-0.008-0.010auto3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0Time – msecDimensions and weight110 x 26 x 34 cm (HxWxD), 43 kgYou can hardly get more perfect than this: The arrangement <strong>of</strong> the <strong>sound</strong>transducers, the extremely fast rise time <strong>of</strong> the MSW and the special filter technologyprovide the whole system with optimum transient and decay. TheZerobox 107 itself never dominates and always emphasises the actual music.

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