& Albany County Post - The Altamont Enterprise

& Albany County Post - The Altamont Enterprise

& Albany County Post - The Altamont Enterprise


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Altamont</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> – Thursday, May 17, 2012 17Out& AboutBus trip to BeantownGUILDERLAND — Guilderland’schamber of commerce andpublic library are sponsoring abus trip to Boston on Saturday,Aug. 18.<strong>The</strong> bus will leave the library’sparking lot, at 2228 WesternAve., at 7:15 a.m. Riders will bedropped off in the Quincy Marketarea of Boston, and be picked upnear the market at 7:15 p.m. forthe trip back.<strong>The</strong> cost is $50 per person.<strong>The</strong> deadline for reservationsis Monday, July 16. Placesmay be reserved online at thechamber website —www.guilderlandchamber.com— or checks,payable to the “GuilderlandChamber of Commerce” — maybe mailed to Erika Gauthier,Star Plaza #109, 2050 WesternAve., Guilderland, NY 12084. <strong>The</strong>names of those going on the tripshould be specified.For more information, callGauthier at 456-6611, or e-mailegauthier@guilderlandchamber.com.Grist Mill seeks volunteer guidesBy Janet HaseleyCommunity correspondentRENSSELAERVILLE — Volunteersare being sought to helpshow the Rensselaerville GristMill to visitors from noon to 2p.m. on Saturdays this summer.Special museum exhibits areabout schools, past and present,in the town of Rensselaerville.Visiting hours are from 10 a.m. to3 p.m. on Wednesdays until mid-October and from noon to 2 p.m.on Saturdays until Labor Day.<strong>The</strong>re is no charge to visit andto take mill tours.Genealogy researchers areadvised to visit on Wednesdaysbecause there will be severalResearch Group volunteers onhand on Wednesdays.Two volunteers are neededeach Saturday until Labor Day.Please call me at 797-3194 ore-mail me at edhase@aol.com ifyou are willing to help for evenone two-hour session. Writtenguidelines are available and individualtraining can be arrangedif wished.<strong>The</strong>re are several maintenanceand research chores thatalso need help. Contact KenStorms at 797-5154 or e-mailkenstorms2010@gmail.com tovolunteer for maintenance jobsor contact me for research jobs.4-H offerssummer youth programVOORHEESVILLE — <strong>The</strong>Cornell Cooperative Extension<strong>Albany</strong> <strong>County</strong> 4-H programwill host Ready Set 4-H SummerAdventures the week of July 23to 27. <strong>The</strong> program will run from9 a.m. to noon daily at the WilliamRice Extension Center inVoorheesville.Some of the projects offeredwill include: learning about bothlarge and small animals, fiberarts, geocaching, outdoor education,and culinary arts, as well asa variety of hands-on projects.<strong>The</strong> program is for youth inthird through sixth grades andthere is a registration fee of $85per youth. Each youth will receivea T-shirt and a snack willbe provided each day.Pre-registration is requiredand registration will be limited.Participants whose registrationsare received after the limit isreached will be placed on a waitinglist.To register a participant, or formore information, contact EileenDePaula at 765-3500 or emd32@cornell.edu.For more information aboutother 4-H youth developmentopportunities, contact the <strong>Albany</strong><strong>County</strong> 4-H office at 765-3500.Hannaford customers generate$2K for V’ville ElementaryVOORHEESVILLE — VoorheesvilleElementary School willreceive $2,062 from HannafordSupermarkets, one of the top fiveamounts in New York State.Altogether, 693 schools in NewYork State received a total of$188,922 toward the purchase ofitems such as computers, sportingequipment, and playgroundgear. Overall, the Hannafordprogram raised $778,876 andcontributed to more than 2,600schools in New York, Vermont,Massachusetts, New Hampshire,and Maine, according to a releasefrom Hannaford.Hannaford customers generateddonations for their localschools by purchasing participatingproducts between Sept. 4 andDec. 3, 2011. <strong>The</strong>se customersreceived “school dollars” and depositedthem in collection towersat their local Hannaford, wherethey directed the funds to theschool of their choice.<strong>The</strong> New York school thatearned the most was HighlandHigh School at $2,698, for whichit got an additional $1,000 asdid the top school in each of fivestates.Hannaford Supermarkets,based in Scarborough, Maine,operates 179 stores in the Northeast.In 12 years, the programhas raised more than $7.5 millionto benefit local schools.<strong>The</strong> Annual Bird Festival will be held on Saturday, May 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the EldridgeResearch Center at 284 Pond Hill Road in Rensselaerville. <strong>The</strong>re will be guided walks, mist-nettingdemonstrations, and craft projects for kids. Kelly Martin will talk on wildlife rehabilitation.Springfest returns in honor of <strong>The</strong>rese MirandaBy Laura BaronCommunity correspondentVOORHEESVILLE — <strong>The</strong>Voorheesville Friends of Music ispleased to announce the returnof Springfest, an outdoor musicfestival, which will be held at theClayton A. Bouton High Schoolin Voorheesville. At Springfest,live entertainment will beprovided by several local bandsfeaturing current Voorheesvillestudents, faculty, and alumniand alumnae.<strong>The</strong> bands will share an outdoorstage near the football fieldwith the scenic Helderbergs as aJohn Boyd Thacher State Parkis offering a special event as apart of New York Heritage Weekendon May 19 and 20. New YorkHeritage Weekend, in celebrationof National Preservation Month,will showcase the Empire Stateto residents and visitors at thestart of the summer tourismseason.On Saturday, May 19, localhistorian Tim Albright willpresent a Chronicles of ThacherPark History Hike. Hikers willlearn about the bygone times ofCar show to benefit recovery effort in schoharieSCHOHARIE — Cruise intothe village on Saturday, May 26,for the second annual SchoharieSloughters’ Car Show, which willfeature all types of vehicles, includingantiques, customs, classics,motorcycles, and trucks.Registration for the event— sponsored by the SchohariePromotional Association — is $10and runs from 8 a.m. to noon atthe side entrance of the countyoffice building on Spring Street.<strong>The</strong> show opens to the public atnoon, and awards will be distributedat 4 p.m.backdrop and music productionsponsored by Live Sound, Inc.<strong>The</strong> afternoon will be capped offwith a performance by a wellknownlocal musician and fanfavorite, singer/songwriter/banddirector Brian Kaplan.<strong>The</strong> original Springfest, whichtook place in May 2010, wasconceived of and organized by<strong>The</strong>rese Miranda, past presidentof the Voorheesville Friends ofMusic. Miranda envisioned avenue where local bands couldshowcase their talents for theenjoyment of the community.An outpouring of donations fromthe Indian Ladder Region whilestrolling the panoramic cliff-toptrail.Albright will tell tales ofthe area and stories of formerresidents. Hikers will meet atthe Upper Overlook parkingarea at 9 a.m. and walk to HailesCave. <strong>The</strong> walk is approximatelyone to one-and-a-half miles, andwill last until about 11 a.m.Participants may continue towalk or return to their vehiclesafter the scheduled hike. Appropriatefootwear for hiking isStarting at 9 a.m., there will bea craft and vendor show on MainStreet, along with a variety offood vendors. Jack Miller Tractorand Truck will also be giving hayrides to the Old Stone Fort andthe Train Car Museum in theafternoon.All proceeds from the showwill be donated to SchoharieRecovery Inc., to benefit peoplewho lost their homes and possessionsto the epic floodingcaused by Tropical Storm Irene.Schoharie Recovery staff willbe at the registration area tothe community in memory ofMiranda and the generous supportof so many others whoselives were touched by her, willfund this event and enable theFriends of Music to offer freeadmission.Be sure to mark Springfeston your calendar! Springfest isfrom 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, May20. Admission is free. Onsiteconcessions will be available,no outside food or beverages arepermitted. We encourage everyoneto come out and support ourtalented young musicians.Climb the Indian Ladder back in timesuggested. Binoculars may behelpful. <strong>The</strong>re is no fee.Last year, Heritage Weekendfeatured 166 events hosted by143 organizations throughoutNew York. Heritage Weekendgenerated an estimated $1.6million last year. For a completelisting of events, visit www.HeritageWeekend.org. For moreinformation on <strong>The</strong> Chroniclesof Thacher Park History Hike,call 872-1237.answer questions and provideinformation.<strong>The</strong> town’s small, close-knitcommunity continues to recoverfrom last summer’s flood. <strong>The</strong>storm unleashed record rainfalland unprecedented havoc inSchoharie <strong>County</strong>, and manypeople are still displaced fromtheir homes.For information about the carshow, contact Phil Liddle at 295-7756. For information about thecraft and vendor show, contactBarbara Sharpe at 868-2878 orbsharpe2@nycap.rr.com.

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