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impacts, <strong>the</strong> assessment also considered o<strong>the</strong>r projects (both those constructed and underconstruction, those approved but not yet built, and those proposed (applications and scoping)but not yet determined) within 60km of <strong>the</strong> site. Cumulative ZTV maps and viewpoints were alsoproduced and viewpoint sites visited where o<strong>the</strong>r windfarm developments would be visible. Fulldetails of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r sites considered (including project status, type and distance from <strong>the</strong>application site) are included in <strong>the</strong> ES.3.4.10 The ES advises that significant cumulative effects were found from 4 of <strong>the</strong> viewpoints,<strong>the</strong> first 3 were close in viewpoints and were cumulative in relation to <strong>the</strong> Little Raith (Little RaithFarm, B925 and Shawsmill). Cumulative effects would also be experienced from Arthur's Seatdue to <strong>the</strong> number of wind turbine projects in <strong>planning</strong>. Overall, <strong>the</strong> ES concludes that from <strong>the</strong>assessment of cumulative visual effects relating to static viewpoints, <strong>the</strong> proposal is likely tocontribute a low to medium level of cumulative impact to views.3.4.11 An assessment of <strong>the</strong> potential for cumulative effects from all major tourist and transportroutes within <strong>the</strong> study area was also undertaken and includes <strong>the</strong> A92 between Dunfermlineand Glenro<strong>the</strong>s, <strong>the</strong> A909 between Burntisland and Kelty and <strong>the</strong> B925 between Crossgatesand Kirkcaldy. The ES concludes that <strong>the</strong> cumulative magnitude of change is considered to bemedium from both <strong>the</strong> A92 and B925 with medium to high levels of effect likely to beexperienced by road users on <strong>the</strong> A92, A909 and B925 public roads.3.4.12 SNH have advised that <strong>the</strong> most widespread impacts of this application are <strong>the</strong> potentialcumulative landscape and visual impacts of <strong>the</strong> Clentrie turbines with o<strong>the</strong>r consented andproposed schemes in <strong>the</strong> area and in particular in combination with <strong>the</strong> nine turbines underconstruction at Little Raith located about 2 km to <strong>the</strong> west. The Mossmorran chimney andassociated chemical works are also relevant as <strong>the</strong>y are highly visible in <strong>the</strong> local landscape.They have advised that whilst <strong>the</strong> actual extent of combined visibility is not fully clear from <strong>the</strong>submitted ZTV's or <strong>the</strong> LVIA, what is certain is that ei<strong>the</strong>r Clentrie or Little Raith, or both of <strong>the</strong>projects toge<strong>the</strong>r, will be seen in views from local settlements and from both major and minorroads. The greatest local impact is likely to be on views from <strong>the</strong> road network. They advisethat <strong>the</strong> turbines will be a dominant feature of views from <strong>the</strong> A92, A902, B925 and from <strong>the</strong>minor road just east of Loch Gelly. They will be seen as two distinct schemes and will beprominent and eye catching features. The difference in height will probably not be noticed as <strong>the</strong>schemes will be unlikely to be seen in <strong>the</strong> same cone of view from <strong>the</strong> same distance.3.4.13 The proposed 2 x 100m high turbines at Mossmorran (11/01807/FULL) and 4 x 125mhigh turbines at Hill of Beath (11/03990/EIA) lie within 5km and 8km respectively of <strong>the</strong>application site. SNH have advised that should <strong>the</strong>se schemes be consented, <strong>the</strong> proposedClentrie scheme would be <strong>the</strong> fourth distinctly separate windfarm within an area approximately10km x 2km. Local settlements such as Cowdenbeath, Lochgelly and Cardenden would bedominated by windfarm development and this in addition to <strong>the</strong> Mossmorran chemical workswhich is already a striking feature on <strong>the</strong> skyline from <strong>the</strong>se settlements. Members should notethat <strong>the</strong> 2 x 100m turbines at Mossmorran were approved in January 2012.3.4.14 With respect to cumulative impacts on <strong>the</strong> landscape character, SNH have advised thatwhilst <strong>the</strong> site is located within <strong>the</strong> Pronounced Volcanic Hills and Crags LCT, <strong>the</strong> site is only afew hundred metres from <strong>the</strong> boundary with <strong>the</strong> Lowland Hills and Valleys LCT (where LittleRaith is located), a relatively large scale landscape with existing vertical, industrial structures atMossmorran. They advise that <strong>the</strong> proposed Clentrie scheme is likely to be perceived as part of<strong>the</strong> Lowland Hills and Valleys LCT because <strong>the</strong> presence of turbines will become a keylandscape characteristic and a unifying feature between <strong>the</strong> two LCT's overriding any land use24

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