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3. HELPING LONDON TO BE A GLOBAL CENTRE FOR CYBER RISK MANAGEMENT••London is already a major centre for cyber insurance, with £160 million of cyber-specific premiums comingto London, largely in the form of US data protection coverage. London has a history of leading on large andcomplex risks that are challenging to underwrite locally. Cyber risk fits this description and should be a priorityfor London market participants as a common agenda. Outside of the US, cyber insurance has not been asignificant focus as an export opportunity, but data protection regulation in Europe and elsewhere is likelyto change this. Lloyd’s and UK Trade & Investment (UKT&I) have agreed to co-operate to promote the cybercapabilities of the London insurance market to key countries around the world.••Dealing with the cyber threat invokes a wider set of financial, advisory, and technical services that London iswell positioned to provide. The market will naturally evolve to find combinations of these that work well forbusinesses and can be exported. At the same time, the speed of development and scale of opportunitymake it worth looking at whether there are ways to accelerate that process of establishing connections.We recommend that a multi-disciplinary task force looks at ways that bring together London’s assets todeliver a more joined-up cyber offer. TheCityUK has agreed to take this on, defining the terms of referenceand composition of the task force, with input from the Cabinet Office.London has a history of leading on large and complex risksthat are challenging to underwrite locally. Cyber risk fits thisdescription and should be a priority for London marketparticipants as a common agenda.The Role of Insurance in Managing and Mitigating the Risk • 7

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