2010 Full-Line Drill Catalog - Desanto

2010 Full-Line Drill Catalog - Desanto

2010 Full-Line Drill Catalog - Desanto


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Coatings, surface finishesSurface finishesbrightDue to their basically good properties, high speed steeland carbide tools are supplied without being surface treated,i.e. in a bright finish.Surface refining processesFor special applications it is desirable to increase the durabilityand to reduce the sliding resistance and tendencyof cold welding by special surface refining processes. Thefollowing refining processes continue to be of less importance.Generally, much better results are achieved withhard or soft coated tools.Super A-coat or AlTiN-coat(Aluminium titanium nitride)Physical appearance: black-violet colorGuhring’s well-proven A-coat on TiAlN basis has undergonecontinuous development. Optimising the structural,chemical and mechanical properties of the Super A-coatinghave resulted in an extremely high temperature (red) hardness,very good oxidization resistance as well as excellentcoating adhesion. This coating is suitable for the machiningof difficult-to-machine materials such as titanium-alloys,Inconel and hardened steels as well as for hard machining(>52HRC) and HSC.steam nitridednitrided landsNitriding is a further means of increasing the durability oftools. This finish is recommended for the machining of greycast iron, aluminium with a high silicon content, plastics,steels with a high perlite content etc. Our tools are nitridedusing different application orientated processes.steam oxideSteam oxide tools also offer a reduction in sliding resistance.Thus cold welding which occurs for example duringthe machining of steels that have a low carbon content, canbe avoided most economically. Steam oxide tools are onlysuitable for ferrous materials.Guhring coatingsA-coat or TiAlN-coat (Titanium aluminium nitride)Physical appearance: black-violet colorA special coat for machining abrasive materials (cast iron,AlSi) and/or for working at high temperatures, i.e. in applicationswithout coolant or with limited coolant facilities,such as deep or small diameter holes. Of importance is thatthe A-coat only achieves performance increases at highermachining rates.C-coat or TiCN-coat (Titanium carbon nitride)Physical appearance: grey-violet colourBrings considerable advantages in steel machining operations,interrupted cutting in difficult-to-machine materialsor whenever demands as to hardness and toughness areabove average.F-coat or FIREX ® -coatPhysical appearance: black-violet colourMultilayer TiAlN-coat of gradational structure. All-roundcoating achieving at least twice the performance of TiN.Combines the advantages of TiN, TiAlN and TiCN. Excellent,near ”fire resistant“ heat resistance. High toughness.FIREX ® plus MolyGlide ® - the ideal combination for dryand high speed machining.P-coat (AlCrN-coat)Physical appearance: metallic greyThe coating is specially adapted to satisfy the demands offluteless tapping. Our P-coat based on aluminium chromiumnitride (AlCrN) possesses an extremely high oxidationresistance and temperature (red) hardness. The result is ahigh wear resistance and productivity, as P-coated flutelesstaps can be operated with increased cutting parametersand optimally utilize the potential of modern machines.S-coat or TiN-coat (Titanium nitride)Physical appearance: golden colorWell proven, cost efficient all-round coating. Generallyachieving performance increases. Surpassed in certaincases only by A-, C- and F-coatings.TechnicalM-coat or MolyGlide ® -coat based on MoS 2Physical appearance: grey colorPatented soft coating, glide coating, especially developedto improve chip transportation and eliminate built-up edgewhen machining Al-alloys. Combined with the hard coatingFIREX ® , dry machining or quasi dry machining (minimalquantity lubrication) can be achieved.335

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