Africa - part of its corporate citizenship activities

Africa - part of its corporate citizenship activities

Africa - part of its corporate citizenship activities


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Name <strong>of</strong> thecandidateName <strong>of</strong> theOrganization orNetworkTitle Address/Country Telephone/Fax/e-mail Website Language(s)Spokenon methane, Waste Water and AgriculturalWaste.We represent <strong>Africa</strong> and we are active inNigeria.an active observer equivalent to UN status.Below is example <strong>of</strong> human induced<strong>activities</strong> that climate change promotingGreen House Gases (GHG) through use <strong>of</strong>discarded tyres to retrieve steel tyres threadfor use by rural women for meat hangersand other associated use. In most <strong>of</strong> theurban areas in Nigeria butchers daily usediscarded tyres to roast their animalsslaughtered.Question #1 Question #2 Question #3 Question #4TEDI has over 20 years project andconsulting experience in many diversesectors in extractive, Project Management,natural resources and advocacy inMultilateral Banks on Economic Justice andClimate Change financing. In addition tointernational project-specific experience,TEDI has extensive experience in naturalresources management, policydevelopment, training and capacity building.Extensive stakeholder and outreachexperience includes <strong>corporate</strong> engagementwith clients, local communities and civilsociety. Ogazi is recognized internationallyby <strong>Africa</strong>n and Nigerian Civil SocietyOrganizations for his expertise on EconomicJustice, he was the National Coordinator forJubilee 2000 Debt Campaign movementNigeria with Synergy we canceled theNigeria Debt overhang. With the provenability in train the trainer’s facilitation, CivilSociety Coalition management, Advocacy,Negotiation, and the Civil SocietyOrganizations elected me as an activeobserver <strong>Africa</strong> Strategic ClimateFund/Climate Investment Funds World BankWashington DC 2009-2011in <strong>Africa</strong>.As a leader for 20 years in Civil SocietyCoalition Management, supportive decisionmaking process, facilitating policy advocacy,TEDI is known among the community <strong>of</strong>civil society organizations or Non StateActors in Nigeria and <strong>Africa</strong> for helping CivilSociety Coalitions to analyze to workthrough difficult issues involving highlyvisibly and political dynamic especially in,extractive sectors, Economic Justice andClimate Change Financing by MultilateralBanks and Negotiation. My involvement asan active observer to CIF decision makingprocess on climate financial is a great assetto be accepted to provide to be allowed theTraining the Trainers as the wealth <strong>of</strong> myCIF will add value in packaging the module,as the trained trainers will benefit from mywealth <strong>of</strong> my experiences to the debateWorld Bank CIF governing bodies.In 2010, Our organization: sponsored ourself and <strong>part</strong>icipated in the GEF CouncilMeetings held in Washington DCPartnership Forum: The Partnership Forumprogram is structured in plenary sessions toengage the stakeholders in an open panel -discussions exploring means and ways totransform the CIF at Country level to haveimpact. The interactive sessions at thePartnership Forum provide for anopportunity for the Forum <strong>part</strong>icipants fromdifferent Pilot Countries to present theirperspectives, experiences, and reflectionson CIF strategic directions, results andimpacts and the way forward to mitigate theclimate change vulnerability. It is also alearning symposium on the latestdevelopments in climate science andtechnology, and a poster session <strong>of</strong>fered tothe CIF’s 45 pilot countries to learn and howthey can replicate what others are doing tocurtail the impact <strong>of</strong> the Climate Change.The SCF’s unique structure that targetedthree programs to demonstrate newapproaches and sectorstrategies to support developing countriesefforts to achieve climate-resilient, lowemissionsdevelopment.FOREST INVESTMENT PROGRAM (FIP)

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