Africa - part of its corporate citizenship activities

Africa - part of its corporate citizenship activities

Africa - part of its corporate citizenship activities


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will serve as ambassadors for the project,providingName <strong>of</strong> thecandidateSABINA ANOKYEMENSAHName <strong>of</strong> theOrganization orNetworkGENDER ANDENERGYNETWORK,GHANATitle Address/Country Telephone/Fax/e-mail Website Language(s)SpokenDr.P. O. Box CE12136, TEMA,GHANA/GHANA233-244-www.gedaghana.379974/sabinamensah@hotmail.com 8k.com.Question #1guidance and support to the NCOsthroughout the review process.The NCOs will be supported by regionalnodes <strong>of</strong> the Global Question Network #2 Secretariat whowill coordinate and monitor the NCOs in theirrespective regions. Overall coordination ,Question #3 Question #4ENGLISHThe Gender and Energy Network, Ghana is- one <strong>of</strong> the international networks on genderExcellent and sustainable energy. There are similarFRENCH networks in thirteen <strong>Africa</strong>n countries and nine- Asian countries.Working Our work involves bringing pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in theKnowledgefield <strong>of</strong> Gender, Energy and SustainableAKAN -MotherTongueDevelopment in support <strong>of</strong> sustainablelivelihoods.The objective <strong>of</strong> the Ghana network are:To train and organise men, women, boys andgirls to become energy technicians as well asoperate and maintain equipment.Use developed technologies to createsustainable rural industries.outreach and policy advocacy, awarenesscreation, training and networking.Link women with international agencies toimprove themselves economically andtechnically.Inception <strong>of</strong> pilot demonstration un<strong>its</strong> todevelop marketable and appropriate energyefficient technologies to be gender sensitive.Build confidence in women entrepreneurs andimprove their marketing strategies throughcapacity building.Sabina Anokye Mensah (PhD) is the nationalfocal person <strong>of</strong> the Ghana network withmembership opened to committedpr<strong>of</strong>essionals <strong>of</strong> at least three years workingexperience in the fields <strong>of</strong> energy/gender/planning/development/projectmanagement and policy making from civilsociety, governments, NGOs, Academia etc.oversight and quality control <strong>of</strong> the VFLprocess is through the UK-based GNDRSecretariat supported by a twelve personregionally-based Steering Group andinformal panel <strong>of</strong> advisors. The commonsurvey methodology developed by theGNDR Secretariat will ensure high qualityand consistency within and across countries.The survey will allow for acertain degree <strong>of</strong> flexibility to suit localdemands and contextual differences.The network has been involved inmainstreaming gender concerns into energyprojects and institutions culminating in theorganisation <strong>of</strong> a gender audit <strong>of</strong> the GhanaEnergy Sector. Gender sensitisationworkshops have been organised forinstitutions and women's groups in both ruraland urban communities including husbands<strong>of</strong> beneficiary groups and district assemblies.Rural and urban women entrepreneurs havebeen sensitised to use improved stoves intheir work especially street food sellers.Information is disseminated through the use<strong>of</strong> email and biannual organisation <strong>of</strong>workshops and <strong>part</strong>icipation in internationalfora. Field vis<strong>its</strong> are used to enhancewomen's outlook as well as <strong>part</strong>icipate andcontibute more effectively in energy policyand planning processes.The network has opportunity to handle The network collaborated with theresources from multilateral agencies to UNREDD programme to provide skillsimplement projects in collaboration with rural training to the CRISAN and Budumbramcommunities. The improved stove project refugee camps inhabitants. This was ahas helped raise awareness <strong>of</strong> thepurely technical support programme.importance <strong>of</strong> energy in women's livesamong development practitioners. Somemembers <strong>of</strong> the network e.g the ChristianMothers Association have been involved intree planting programmes throughout thecountry. The afforestation programmes hasbrought to the fore the need to preserve theenvironment.Thomas KwakuManuRural FarmerInitiativeCoordinator P O Box 456Berekum, B/AGhanaTel +233 208235670E-mailtkwakumanu@ymail.comEnglishThe primary interest <strong>of</strong> this organization isaimed for addressing climatic problemsconfronting rural forest based. We engaged ineducating, training,growing trees and<strong>part</strong>icipate in community livelihooddevelopment.We also engaged in empoweringmembers in beekeeping as it related to nonforest product.to rely on to improve the peoples'livelihood. We are active in Ghana and locatedus in Berekum, in the Brong-Ahafo Region.The experience gathered indicated that ourrain forest day in day out is reducing in thenumber <strong>of</strong> natural tree gradually turning thenatural forest into grass land and fastdegrading. This due to over dependency <strong>of</strong>forest product for livelihood in thiscommunity. This as a result affected cropyield and rain patten. The perpetrators failedto fix it up, replant and clean or clear thedebris from the environment.There was areview from various stakeholders in agr<strong>of</strong>orestryand other sectors <strong>of</strong> the forestrycommission calling for attention in crusadeagainst these dangerous practices. Westandby to protect our environment by whichcan't be materialized without the women andrural farmers support and involvement.Women showed great concern in thecrusade since they are the highest victims tothe climate change. They farm for theirlivelihood and bad production yield is a muchblow to their economical situation. . .Rural Farmers' Initiative is an organization <strong>of</strong>rural farmers group that grow economic treeand engaged in afforestation and treeplanting in various farming communitieswithin and without Berekum Municipality.This laudable idea was initiated by a fewrural dweller who wanted to help incontributing their quota on war againstglobal warming which is threateningmankind world wide. The organization isnon-governmental, non-political and nondenominationaland non-racial. Memberscomprises both male and female. We aimedto conserve the forest through properforestry management, encourage individualsfarmers and groups not existing in thecrusade to express their interest and supportfighting against global climate challenge.We were affiliate to Vision 2050 localNGO that was providing advice on carboncreditwith mission to motivate farmers withcredit incentives. in engaging in fightingclimate change.

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