Genentech Error Proofs Its Batch Records.pdf - Juran Institute

Genentech Error Proofs Its Batch Records.pdf - Juran Institute

Genentech Error Proofs Its Batch Records.pdf - Juran Institute


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DOCUMENTATIONDOCUMENTATIONtions mean they have to be controlled.A decision by <strong>Genentech</strong>’s senior managementto error proof such documentation resulted in theachievement of sustainable breakthrough improvementsthrough the focused deployment of SixSigma and lean project teams.LaunchThe error proofing project was chartered inSeptember 2003 by the good manufacturing practicescore team at <strong>Genentech</strong>. The objective of theproject was to reduce the inspection risk associatedwith document errors and lost tickets. This objectivewas expressed as the following dual goal:• Goal one—Reduce the rate of documenterrors recorded in the discrepancy managementsystem by 50% relative to the first andsecond quarter 2003 baseline by September2004. Maintain the document error rate withinthis new zone of control: less than five documenterrors per 100 tickets (main batch recorddocuments) for three months or more.• Goal two—Reduce the overall volume of masterticket errors by 50% relative to the first andsecond quarter 2003 baseline.Six error proofing teams were chartered in October2003 to investigate the drivers for this pattern of errorand variability. Consultants working with the teamsasked them to use one or more of the followingindustry standard methodologies:• DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve andcontrol), which is intended to analyze and diagnosethe root causes of the problem, developand implement remedies and hold the gains—as Joseph <strong>Juran</strong> would put it—to achieve breakthroughresults that are sustainable.FIGURE 1Document <strong>Error</strong> Rate20.0018.00Discrepancies per 100 ticketsJan. 2003 to Feb. 2005 with change in processUCL = 18.1116.00Number of discrepancies14.0012.0010.008.00Mean = 9.87Process change:reduced variationand mean6.00UCL = = 3.74LCL = 2.25LCL = 1.640.00Jan.Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.<strong>Error</strong>s/100 ticketsEvent codes e1.1, e1.2 and e1.3 per 100 tickets stamped complete in production operations management system per month, January 2003 through November 2004.UCL = upper control limit. LCL = lower control limit.26 IJULY 2005 Iwww.asq.org

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