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PACE TEN- - .- . . .~, . . . .-THE ORU QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, TIIOR&~AY, ~fi~i(u*jj~ i, jgifie -, ,(C'olltil~ucd froid page 9) :;.lYS another. "He was 2 high---tipe of political strategist," YO~-So interested was Mr. Ollis in 18nteers a political opponent, Athe development Of better stock 1:1an who believed in ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ k ~in the Country that he always kept and her possiBilitieshe wasluore sires in his barns and yards 1 onest jn every move liethall he needed for his 'own use'and service was free, or at 0913 man who knew hinl rathern0mina.l fees, for other farmers. ! ~ t ~ d.uring ~ ~ his t last ~ l twenty ~:iears speaks of his patience. ,,Al-Privileped dth little book edu- Ihough he was carrying on his .catioll Mr. OMS was zealous for :~houId~~~ th,e tasks that belongedguests at the James Iwanski home.schooling for his children and the to two men or a dozen heyoung people of his district. 1C. \V. 1Inlr.t.'~ hfnnthlg.As ,,ever llervous or flustrated. :x1 renlemhr it he was always a seemec1 lo work *on a schedulebutOf the school board and, 17ith the a&vance knowledge3s I thatalso remember, he did all the is would WO,.!< out justhiring of teachers and hauled the l:lanned.most of the coal and the water for Let llle Ellis E.the pupils' comfort. .Born alld ivolythe Lillcoln Star succinctreareda Presbyterian. he was aiyregular attendant at the, neighsays:~UEterl,li,lation alld, Mrs. Jlary Walohoskf of (3rd js not have you temptir~g the poor litstaying at the home of her son, tle tl~inxs inaltl~ with rh~psp!circun~stance that shows somethingof the fa mil^ r '''inle orevery farmer will be rightup against. the Proposition ofSUMMIT HILLurge YOLI to hare i,t doneNOW before. the, ncsh starts.Our new ~pring hats. Hesure to conie and see tr~111.hlr. 011;s was as an 0fficerexhibitor in the earlycounty fairs i valley county andas, a representative of the countygraduated into the Stateuoard of ~griculture, where heFas a valuable nlember for severalyears before he served aspresident in 1916 to 1918. Hewas president of the Improv- -Ied ~i~~ stock ~~~edeps Associa-[.ion.AS a member of the boddt;ountykoulltycomlllIssionersfor many yearsinhehis h0his business to see that the Cty's business and was without managed parbias. I R-cll remember the-.-tise days of benevolences,his larger fa8 ulilk colvs and heifers, all giving lliilk by day oE'~l;e.. 14 ealsee,.10 HEAD OF HORSESI=-Ihave room for 4 few more.I\.olvcd .additional -el credit. I do-.--.-.III1=I-.We also pay 4y2% on money deposited with us.choice first mortgages on Valley county farms at -Insurance of all kinds for your protection. -L .IIc'auphters.The writer has lately intervfewt11 perhaps a score of the most -..latimate friends or Mr. Ollis as tovrhat they considered his ,out-standing cr~~qlities a111 the secretc f his snccf.ss.Almost without exception theyUnder State Supervision , '. have credited him with bping Blighter. "He had a. fine dourage",uays one. "1 never knew a manHI) persistent and yet so patient," JI-..-III-.II

THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1928PAGE ELEVEN(Mrs. Chas. Beehrle)Are the Essence of Spring in, Their Cay Colors ,After the dark, drab days of Winter'comes Spring - with glowing colorsthat are reflected in these karty frocks.DAVIS CREEKRJ Mrs. John Williiln~sis there also.Shultz-RendellUGIII CCIIKEIL N ~ ~ Y SBy Mnrje Mac11Mr. and Mrs. James Turek andw OODM~NHALLRendell-linres,Druha home Friday.more wort11 living than abecoming hat-especiallywhen one can be had fora very small expenditure IBy MIS; .rinnle Bznhs ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~olf and been at the hospital several days31-HEADOF CA'YFLE-~~Bob and Will Burgess6-HEAD014' HORSES-6.au abces of the tLroat.'1ew car.'use for the Micd . JIid Garxcr is recov,ering fro:n\Ye write fire, tor~iudo,hail, and auto~iiobile in-Unnecessary WorryCUA~~~I~NS & BURDICK, Auctioneel-s111. dl11 y1>11?'.. .

PAGE TWELVETHE- P U I - P I I I I Y L I I r P_ -. ---OJU) QUIZ, om, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, F~~~~~~~ i; 1928,- - -VILUO ~ ~ M I k n - . . , - - C - U I * L - . W - - * I$acietg arb Qlub yemu 1- - ,-- I - -eDinner guests in the home ofCharles Bals, oui. t~~ll~n~lll129-HEADOF CATTLE-1290AJubrfiSS3- (]Oejo jYarFacaTe!ephor>e LinesReach Over 700 I'alt~ilies Ne,ar<strong>Ord</strong> and Burwell-15 head of fat IIereford calves; 11 head of fat HerefordDare@$I&esultsnest Hill was a glcst.70 Hcad of the offering this week have been on feed:10 head Duroc shoats; T head Chester White shoits.Flat rhte for all lines $4.00Farmers Mutual Telephone Co.looking for it, the picture and caption caughtTOWX' that dined \errSUI~T~'OI'SLY a day orTWO agethe lady ofTHE llouse ordered u ,LARGE porterl~ouqeSTEAK for dinner andBut on page 12 there are scores of ads of aand serfdon1 are now illegal under the constitution.DIFFEHENT kind - CLASSIFIED! EveryYet thcre are 111en and zco~i~en still held inbondagc by tcnrlt and potlerty, simply becauseday they are read searchingly by hundreds ofreadeys, looking for hundreds of things: Jobs,\YAS left there for they neglected to save in times of prosperity. uszd care, help, houses. A case of the readerlIlJI and did what.in dog nould do under hunti~ig the ad! Your two-line acl receives asMoney is plentiful today. Times are ~,rosl)erous, andT~!E sanie ei~cu~nsta~ices - much pronli~le~lce as this threec-olunln display11E irte the meat and the by depositing a small an~ount in this bank each week,k',illlLY dined on dried -and at a fraction of the expensc!BEEF-but before neyou can always keep then1 so, for your multiplied dol-FOILGET it, we want toJIE;YTIOY the fact that Xrs will be constantly working for YOU. What could ~f your name is in the 'phone book, our WantWE'VE just recelled a lotOF new Valentinesbe more fitting than starting an account on Lincoln'~!.4SD we'd consider It17 and ask for an ad-taker. The charge is 5cDISTISCT pleasure to birthday, February 12 th?per line for each insertion.IldVE you call and1SSPECT--Come andBR~SG )our friendsNebraska State BankOr& - - - . - -Nebr.

' .,1 %#'1'EIE OKn QUIZ, ORI), NEBRA'JKA, TEIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1928 I PAGE THIRTEEN--Rev. and Mrs. J. Nagnussen ball has a broken arm. The sametook Rev. and MIS. Winther to broken a yearDannebro* lest Wednesday. Rev. -Irs. G1ph Hunter and hersev- Winther gave an address in the sister* Mrs. PerryCity. Danish church in <strong>Ord</strong> the night Hastingd and areE. before and was to give a similar spending days with thetalk about his work in Japan, in former's sons, Lloyd and MorrisH~ is on the way to VanWie and families.Nels peterson DannebrOg.Colorado and California. From 4'. and Mrs. Tom ~illiamsself and you will see same. townfromwherethe latter state he and his wife~h~~ will sail for Japan. They havepar- three children, young people; whoare being left in the United Statesto finish their education.-Alfred Sorensen who hasgrows lots faster than mose damesmd she Hkes to come here anyways to read the old <strong>Ord</strong> Quiz.Then she comes Thursday for afacia' and always comes aboutclosing time, then I lots of timessee her over to the'libarry where igo read versus and whereshe goes to read Spatlish novels.One feller nanied Milton, he wasquite a'pde writer, mebbe somekin to Gus Milton oult in >lira Val-Izy there.Well sir Hank, I guess it wouldgive that gal quite soale kick topick up the old Old Quiz alld seesome poet versus wrote by me.Well sir Hank, yolu would saythis gal she has a odd senseof hL,lllor, iiorinstallts, when I t31dIcustomerMrs. Ruth Wolf, of <strong>Ord</strong>, who hasbeen the orunty chairman of theProject Time Inconstruction being taken now bythirteen clubs at !this end cf thewas 'oxlored at the lastmeeting of the Project leaders andqesented by Alisa Hocke with theIiln gi\.en her by Ubc: home econ-?micS scckion of Sebraska orgaaizedargriculturr.The pin is a small gold clasp pinwith the initials H. D. C, for HomeL)ec:onstration Club, and the ~wrd"Le3dership." engra\ed upor. it.YEltSONALS-F. C. Williams drove to AnsleySunday.-Word comes from M ~ C. ~ C, ,Shepard in Dr. Shepardis improving every day andit be long they will.gain be home.-bfrs. T~~ and twolittle sons left yesterday forbeen makin- his home with theAmelia JohnSon family will-Monday Miss Emma Noudry I Led Hunter, who has been quite lthis week for California.of <strong>Ord</strong> was able to leave the st. 'ill. Mrs. Ravenhill was former- --Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Kokes andFrancis hospital in Grand Island. ly Miss Thelma Yarnell and lived' daughter are in Omaha this week.She is recovering from an opera- in <strong>Ord</strong> with her mother and sis- They left for that place Friday.tion.ter and for several years attend- Mr. Kokes is attending a conven--Henry Marks went to North led Our publiction of hardware dealers.Loup Friday evening after his I -Business called John Klein -Billy Johnson, a son of Mr.Miss She Grand Island yesterday. and Mrs. Carl Johns011 of Kim---and and Mrs.to Burwell Sunday evening andh"d lanch with and Mrs, lkn-The Jolly Sisters are meetingnext T"esday with JeunesVanSkike.-The next meeting of the youngpeoples socidy of the Danishchurch will be held in the ~i~ Larsenhome. .-11~~ ~~~~l ~ ~ club are ~ ~ imeeting t,,day M ~ 0tto ~ ,johnson.needles, thimbles, sewing thread,pins, safety pins, etc., at StolbVariety Store.45-ltleaveAS county chairman of the plojectclubs of this cout~ty, Mrs. wolf Sprague~ofwhMrs.livesC. lW.inll'eekcsColaherthe one about the11" helped with the local details of rado arrived indd Monday fromIfishluendbuteach meeting, doing for the ladies Onawaj iota^ where she had beenI toJeher about the time Ernie Hill he a part of the wqlk that lfr. uale, visiting another sister, Mrs.COU~I~Yset fire to Fred Bell.s cNliloid col- agent, dws for groups of Muriel Fra~dsen.-Mrs. Illarion' islar there in the shop at home, Inlen when he calls then1 togethera patient at Hillcrest recoveringthought she %auld probl-' die fer~i~~ ~~~k~ cotnesfrom an operation for rericoselaffing.but Once a montll andlast three times I have saw it has fallen upon Mrs. Wolf to --Father Lawler went to Grandher over to the libart-y I have es- keel, ~e work going between vis-Island Tuesday and while therekorted her home. You have to kin-went to the St. Francis hospitalder do things for your clints Hanktwenty of the coutltyto See Frank Penas. The latter iswhich same it is a little out of yourchairmen were present at theimproving after a major operalineat times, exp.ecially where she meetings of Organized Agriculture"It has provenis a assivtance perfesser on a dark, and were preseded with their pinsused overshot a-Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kokeswdhay' in less timnfg~. That there is of the there. Director W. a. Brokaw ofseckrets of my succe& id a big the Agricultural Extension service Of Scotb s~ent-sunda~ with theirlW!'ents~ Mr. and Mrs. Vincentway in a big town out u,est Hank, presented the pins there and gaveKokes.o have to be of service to your a fine Of appreciation.-Ed Hansen sold his sorrelat limes* expecially Tailoned finishes for mckets, team Saturday at the sale barn.when is and dainty and cuffs, necks, hems and other fin- He_ now has a fine matched teamdone in the That there is ishes of home-made garmenks are of young buckskin horses. Helatest improved types.the seckrets Of my success a being studied 'and practiced on, purchased them the first of theWYATT MFG. CO.big way and it is probly the differ- this month by the ladies who be- week from Albert McMindes.ents between me and Ernie. * use-Phillip Magnussen writes hismy bead for something besides' tolopg to the clubs taking the pro-Gf~e USpeople from Blair where he isthe name of preferred dealer.keep a celloid ooll fromject, "Time Savers in Clothingattending college. He is much-ICrnle he wOul' neverConsrtruotbn." Leaders of all thethink clubs from this part of the county interested in the basket ballzne:it ietie t h ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ y O f W ~ " ,team. new They gymnasium have lust for dedicated college , \met 26 at with <strong>Ord</strong> Miss for Helen the monthly Rocke lesson. Jan.is afraid in the dark andyoung and timid like.They are now giving the same les- students.-son to their local clubs.Wash cloths, turkish towels,Watfh for the poem qSno,,The tailored flnishes will not toweling, etc., at the ~atlety =IBounded** by Everett Gates* only make the garments look at- Store. 45-lt I Ineat wwk9s issue.tractive, but they will also save -Arnold, Jerry and Miss Minniemuch time of the homemakers who Urban of Friend are 'visitins -Amand Ruth Bakerare making their own clbhes. Miss their uncles, Joe, Charles andstayed all withRocke included In the day's les- John Urban and their families.at Scotia Thursday,son a demonstration of how to al- -K. C. Lewis took his wife andter patterns and some suggestions son Kirk to Loup City Friday.and directions for making dress- [They returned Sunday withPafnl ~ureac~otesmaker's binding. Lewis and Miss Eunice Chase.E'armers of Valley county whoMr. and Mrs. Tom Newman left wish to secure government treesyesterday for Ivanhoe, Calfornia for planting this spring shouldwhere they have a fruit farm -come to the county agent's oxceThey expect to spend several mand fill out an app!ication blankmonths there. They have lived = 'These trees are being handledby the state extension service thir,,#~ll11111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll=1-P-uI . -IIpl .I-..--rr-==-LI Us&.---IU-I-.I-uI/ -LL-L-J --n-YnL-. L-I- LI---Iu-u-Zipper .ILFarmers -.L-IiThe next lesson -111 be anothertime saver, the use of sewing machinebinders and hemmers. Manya lady will soon know how to emcientlyuse all the little attachmentsthat come in a nice box withher sewing machine.aI\\ /m7 Im-=iMr., \ = -.It-.I mY_-, -n-- . -m IIU'IgnrnII-I21d 1 1 J i 1 J I J 1 1 J I ~ ~ I ~ I l ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- -m=Z=-Uzs -- YEI-u =zs-- = E2= 0.I Y- e- = A good 220 ,weight Eastern Denim, full cut, and just a s - poppin' good one at only-== 0iU--_s rn---=$1.25 =- ==z.ii9I= == Call for 1928 Prosperity In==. . -.=---.#==rIWORK SHIRTS===-A-- Es=E Big Yank Chambra work shirts are the best work shirts.-- --AS business peoplq and, organizations of <strong>Ord</strong> we are -4here for several years. Mr. New- - =man has been Union Pacific en-P= -II-Esz -IIWI-= i-I-C-r--Imoney can buy. Ask the man who wears them. i= =5=I =zs$1.00 Each -=- --5,I0 \,-- -0Ln*-. C' sorry to see a long established business man like Mr.9Rogers quit, but if quit he must we feel fortunate in9Extra sizes. Slims and stouts? -- . having a progressive man like yourself take over his L-$1.15== \-Iwe wish to extend to you a hearty weleo~~le -- Ei2- . hoth her Work Shirt, full cut and a dandy at- =====z- ==at 65cn =5--U I --s=- LEE OVERALLSssz --- are co~isidered to be the best Overall on the market, =.==,IlliI.IYLLLdrnI-=, I0LLthat we shall hope'to see you prosper. . .IL4 = -0i\ iI 0LE, -. -COfEfMUNI P'Y SER VICE CL UBROTARY CLUB-====--.barring none. Try a pair of No. 91 to satisfy yourself-i_- Protective Savings & Loan ASS';. Hill & Hilli---- High Back-$1.95L-I. --=Nebraska State Bank ~ d F, . Beranek ~.lFull Backs-$2.95IJames Milford ' 0rd City Bakery =IMcLain & Sorensen Grain & Supply Co. s3 LOW Back-$1.95 Weekes Seed CO.Orville H. Sow1 I h= R. 0. Hunter ~ l a & ~ Tunnicliff g Motor C& , \ \ - /d III -- irI- -- z 4 d-iII-. -.II=r: -IThe Home of Quality Merchandise.-L-I L

- ;1*PAGEFOUHTEEN THE ORD QUIZ. ORD. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, WB~UARY 2,1928I -AChrfsthn Selenee Soclety.Clean Frames1.I- .John Round, well known Senforat <strong>Ord</strong> High, received a letter fromCongressman ~Simmons saying 'that]le was appointed to represent this,ifstrict in the Naval Academy atpaper, special that positively clir~rlyt bc beat. -paper, put up in a butidle for o111y $1,.50.-' The Remington gold pin will beawarded making a to record Lorraine of Vodehnal 56 words for aminute wi'tb oply ,three err0rs. -- - I.--I Try a Bean Shooter!19-HEAD OF CATTLE19 -17-HEAP OF HOGS-17at an optical clinic convention. Mrs. 0. B. Mutter and daughter - v-Gwendolyn Hughes was illfor several days and out ' of ' 3 bred sows, Durocs; 1 fat barrow; 13 head of shoats.school most of last week.--Miss Ella May Ressegufe of -Ivladison arrived in

I-LOST AND FOUND' \PAGE SIXTEEN - . THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1928- -thusiasm. There were fourtee:] WANTE-orses to pasture in \\'AxTED-('hIldren to care for &Lout and the-. are planning biz oornstalks. Call l'i23. 45-2t. any mk Rates very magon-ablc. Campfire Girls. EstherZnlkosl+, phone 268. 4l-2t.WANTED--One or two good menwas held Tuesday. at once. Wve etock experienaepreferable, qut not, necessary.Must be honest, industrions, mlan ideal locality for the boys tohave their hikes and camping tripeand the boys are taking to ft likea duck to water,months and 26 days. will be held, with addwses by the Luberan Church Serlims 1Next Sunday at 2:30 there will 1be butheran church serviceshe Congregational church, Rev. at , ICIHCKENS-we want to buybenke of Valley mnntr conduct-, 44tfing colorfhl production of Joseph Conrad's tale of Jennie E. Lamb; April 1, 1901 at nectiou with the movement roosters, the Martin strain, )tterrors. Charlie Chase comedy, "Never The Dames Lincoln, fiebr. To this union was 'through alumni fellowships. - each. Mrs. L. L. Hunter. 45-2tMeet." Adm: 10 and 25c.Frontier. Fair NelrsThe heads of the various de- SATURDAY, FEB. 4 FOR SAI&-S. C. Rhode Islandpartments for 192.8 have been se- Sale Barn in <strong>Ord</strong>lected and are getting busy. A. C. 1ter, novelty dancing and songs. Change of vodvil witeach picture.10 horses. etc.MONDAY, FEBH. 6HATCHING-Let the RiversideHatchery Anconas, hatch S. your C. eggs. W.Leg- Wes, S. C. Red Barred andWhite Rocks, White Wyandot-of hay land, etc. LOST-An Ingersoll wrlst watehin ladies' rest rooni at courtEDNESDAY, FEBR. 8 house Monday. Finder pleasepay their respects to the new return to. Edward Christensen.* 46-ltOlean School Notesm Rfew loads of oakstraw. Alva Barnhart. 43-3thogs, horses, etc.Sale Barn in OrclQUEEN IXCUBATOH-275 - E::g,size, for sale; also sonie 11. I.White cocks. Mrs. Carl \$'elf.44-2t.-soon run its course.S- gasolinegiue and a 4-roll McCormickshredder. S. M. Sorensen. 44-3.milch cows.XISCELLANEOUSThe boy scouts had anothe;flce in the association.He is aHIDES-JVepay the highest mar-Rudolph Psota, <strong>Ord</strong>ah the sale barn in <strong>Ord</strong>.FRIIIAY, FEBR. 17BUY YOUR MLkK aad Cmm at314.Sale Barn in 0~d.LIVE STOCK44-2t-PRORIPTLY AT 1.30150-HEAD OF CATTLE-150 Serte YOU?every bone, tissue and joint. Re-TO THINIC ABOUTREAL ESTATEWe will have a good run of cattle at this sale. All classeswill be represented. Stockers, feeders, cows, heifers. All sell>'OR SALE--My residence propertyin <strong>Ord</strong>. A. M. Daniels.by the pound, at auction. No guessing, you only pay for wha;t 45-Ztthey weigh. A square deal for buyer and seller.2. The Child Who Studies Good Rfusic is Too FOR SALE-4 acres well improved,in BhrwelI. City water andBusy to Invent hiaster Crimes.50-HEAD OF HOGS-50 ,/' lights. Frank J. Loeffler. 45-11FARM40 head of thrifty stock pigs. 6 $-on SA-lBo acres, 7head of bred Duroc gilts, 1 miles west of <strong>Ord</strong>. Mrs. H. A.vaccinated and extra good. 4. Fill your Child's Mint? with Good Music 44-ti.-end There's Little Roo111 for Evil Thoughts.5. Rlusic in the lIoriie Puts Sunshine in theMILCH COWSWe will have 8 or 10 head of extra good milch cows.6. Good Music ,a nl\lornl Builder for You and Hagcr & Co., <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebr. 442t.Your Children.pasture in Eureka township. AllThere will be 8 or 10 head of good big work horses sdld. eucept twenty acres fenced.E'XAIIIINATION OF TONSILS Good well and cisterli. SeeSeveral niatched spans, all good ages. You get a real guarantee 8. Forget the Cost of Good Rlusic, the Moral John Neverkla. 44tton horses sold at this auction. They lnust be as,represent~d , %esults are Priceless.or no sale. FOli SAIJC, rent or tr?~le-6~G9. Teach your Cllildreri Riusic, it IIeIps The111 acres, 16 miles northwest ofin Their School Work. Burwell. Sections 12-23-17,Loup coiinty. W. L. Keller,10. Crinlinals do not Come from Homes4111 and Pine Sts. owner, Kearney Nebr. 45-ltNearly new rack and wagon; Jghn Deere gang plow; John where there is Good Music. Grand Island, Nebraska -'Deere sulky plow, nedrly new waqon and box, cultivators, harrow,harnesses, saddle, chickens, furniture, seed, ete.Think it 0ve; and Then See' 9:00 to 10:OO O'clockwell, on hiqhwav. Mrs. Ida Liv-E. C. Weller, Auctioneer ingston, Burwell, Nebr. 45-3t.i0 *- -- - -- -- -- - -- - - -- -- - - .- - - - - -- . -- .

t: .dr 9-. 1Sixteen PagesFirst Seeti011This Week ' - - Pages 1 to 8IThe News of Vatley County-The Quiz Wants It-The Quiz Prints It- -ESTABLISHED APRIL 1882. 'THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, TIIURSDAY, FEBHUARY 2,1928 VOL. 46 SO. 457--- --VISITS MEXICO, Two <strong>Ord</strong> Women, One A Pioneer, LEGION~ LADES1opens ~eetillgs MRS. MAYE COOK TRIES SUICIDE: BYIn <strong>Ord</strong> ChurchSAYS IS GLAD Other One A Newcomer, Pass Awaf TO EN~ERTAN -- . EATING POISONED DOUGHNUTSdOF LA Elizabeth hlat%l.ey . Mrs. C.E. Kohl DISTRICT MEE1'Will Give $5 For Oficers Find Her on The Iela~iclBorn on October 6, 1858 at After an illne6s of several . .#-,111 Ti~iieErrlest S. Coats Leaves Soil Of Ramsgate, Kent, Engl,and, Eliza- weeks* Mrs. Clifford E. Kohl* well Auxiliary eparing ProgralllU. S. To See Tia Juana;Jang Mattley passed away matron, passed away at her home For ~iith bist. Conventionat her home here last Thursday at here last Sunday at 6 a. m. AboutReturn of Nip,known and justly popular <strong>Ord</strong> Sto~i~achQuiz PetConling fIollle Soon. the age of 69 years. 3 months and three weeks ago she underwent an fiere Pebr. 10th. Two nceks ago Sip, fox ter-to Save IIer Life;Yu~lip Used.1I--- 20 days. TWO strokas or paralysis operation for appendicitis at a lo- rier, a pet of the 1~ U. Leggett'Has Left Towna week before caused her death. cal hospi,tal. 'She seemed to be fanlily and of the Quiz force,January 25, 1928 recovering nicely and had been Ladies QP th'e <strong>Ord</strong> unit of the dlsrppenred. lie htis not beenTo The <strong>Ord</strong> Quiz: She the mcOild daughter Of taken back to her own home when American Leqlon Auxiliary are seen since. Now Mr. Leg&We are back at my brother's at Mr. and Jvilliam Erridge and she contracted influenza. and in busy these days laying plans for offeres a rclrard of @ to an)-. Leaves fIospital OII Su~ida~AndHawthorne again. After leaving came 'this 'Ountrv a few years .her weakened condition was un- the sixth annual collvention of one gl~iag irlforn~ntlo~l 1c;tdhgLong Beach we went to San Diego. later. On August 201 1875* at able to withstal1,d the disease. , the sixth Nebraska district of to his rti'orery and will ask noDeparts <strong>Ord</strong> Next Day;Jus,t after mailing my last letter SShuyler* MO.l she bccalne the Wi.th her at the time of her their organization, which is to questio~ls of the person bring- Suspected I~lea~~e.Hu&lph Sorensen called at our Luke Mattley. this death were her parents, Mr. and be held here February 10. The ing (11e i~~forn~ntfoi~.hotel and tdok us to his home wereporn five Mrs. E. D. Resseguie of Madison, <strong>Ord</strong> unit will; entertain offlicers Sip, or iYlpper, rs he 1s ci~llwherewe met his wife and fam- Of are deceased. Thev are who were oalled night before Of the state a$d national organi- ed, about a Year He Is With a sick of doughnits andily. Rudolph and wife have a flne Orville* died in infancy, and and arrifed only a few hours be- eatioll and hare completed plane arather large for a fox terrier, 1s . bttle of a solutioll offamily of six ohildren and they are Mrs. Sklla ' McLainl former wffe fore her death. They had been in for a splendid program.Itrinll~ built, is pure whiteI creosote in, her hands,nearly grown. He hasMrs. Msyeit nice home Of McLatn. who died 191 <strong>Ord</strong> and returned to their home on Among the high'officers who the exception of his head nnd a Cook, 22, was On Andersonand a good position with the city 1924. remaining are Eu- Sunday, Janua~v 22, leavim Mrs. will be ihere liext Week are Mri.'pot the Island at 5 p. in. last Saturday bythat pays him a good salary and he of Burwell; NOTa Kohl apparently recovering. Maude E.' Peters, Stanton, presi-of his tail, which has beenis naturally well pleased. in Cali- 'yi1liarns,Sheriff George Round and I),.. p.Of Ansley and Mrs. ; Edith E. Resmufe was born dent; Mrs. J. e, Reynolds, Omaha,iornia. But he tells me he often Uith Moserl of <strong>Ord</strong>- i May 9, 1895 at Stanton, Nebr. AS vice president; Mre. Irene Flemthinksof the good old days in Val- Lhed liere ~lnce 1877: a small child she moved with her ing, Lincoln, sedretary; . MissI parents to Madison where she Mabel Myers, York, treasurer;E- ri ISees Fred Bell.was very good as had 140 headof cows an41 a dema!ld for all heDr. Ifowes c8nllcd Len Covert.city inarehall, and the two mcn.assisted by Dr. 11. N. Sor~is,Move to Town,Handle Seeds searched the builfli:~g. They(con;lnuedGage three)Of the 1J;'utnreHOT'L TALmD JOHNSEN SELLING-/ Wed In Cannda.Wss Violet Jones, daughtef-otWill Dlspose of Personal PropetlyMr. and'Mrs. Albert Jones of Faw-And Go to Denmark for Visit.cat, Albcrta, (Xlnada, became theConui~r~nity Club Meets, &id --bride of Frank Kngan, son of Mr.Chooses officersg,edFor Chris Johnsen, one of the goodand Mrs. Henry Kagan, of Fa'wcett,f~~rmers of valley eounty, was inon Jan. 19, my:<strong>Ord</strong> friends of the IIotel Discussed. the Quiz office Monday to ordergroom. Rev. Allen, of Westlock,~IIIS and advertising for his clean- arb, Once All Editor 111 <strong>Ord</strong>, Altdperformed the ceremony. The - up sale to be held E'ebruary 10 on history in recent years. Several)bung couple entertained th?ir OW Called "A Doer of First Things" years ago she was married tofriends on January 21 wi,th 3. bigdance at Fawcdt Hall. ManypreUy gifts were received by thebride.--Mrs. Ralph Hunter and her sis-rsturned for a in 1915*Speeches on conununity back the United States in-.Rlndo Surrev of <strong>Ord</strong>);-lay shows there is a perfAuto Strikes Ditch*cry have often visited here.- --trip.- - .. ... . , Petska store.

l'hur: day, Febrl~ciry 2, 1925+5.& *2 +*$ + ++>.:t .>.:+*$*.$ .:.:. +.:< .:*:.:*.:. .$.&>- -%' goes out and sinks below the horizon. The Herald lttttfftttt~ftittflttttttttttttttttftt8tl~' ----TkIIc Or*D QUIZeditor recon~mends that people begin planting goodTHE QUIZ FORUMOwn Columnand inspirills nlotives in the breast of every childOR8 VfILLEY COUNTY, NEBRASKA as he is able to walk, tttttttttttttt~tttttt~ttttttitgtttttttttttttt J BY ,H.D. LesgettH. D. LECCETT - - . . Publisher Lack of motive, or lack of inspiration, or lack he Q& jnlfi.8 .o .t.n. 1 ~of a desire for some particular kind of work, does to this daar(J11ent Letters ofE' LEccalr . . - 'lrnaging Editorca,se Ghat the world calls failure. There are confx01ers1ilI inkrest on current Eugene tells me he has a nice- twits are alwals nelcome. The letter this week from. Ernest S.Entered at the Postomce at <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebraska, as people, of course, who are bryrdained to success. &itor must kaolv ae aame of mats which he I6 printing, butsass Mail Matter under act March 3, The sol1 of a doctor usually becomes a doctor, and the writer, not necessarfi, for that when Ernest gets home I had1879.the son of an editor usually goes into one of the publication, but for hls ewl better take a few days vacation . ,Subscription Price $2.50trades that are allied with printing. Of course theand go up to Cullen or same place,(Cofrerpondents and re~brtera are urged to t~tp(Bcae leasand- as Ernest is "mad on me.'' He Says from the payer each ncek and paste them in a U C ~ ~ Pbbbk fok'sou of a ditch digger sometimes becomes a doctor*The regular charge of 10c adine will be madeOr an e ditO~Nrs. XcGre~v Aes~ers. Ooaits has found out somehw that future studr onwl reference. .it the end of the rrar thetc ~ 111hedor all reading notices for churches, schools orbut often he becomes a ditch dig-the the Q ~ ~ ~ :I 'advised hiswife to keep herthus nunembled a co~n~letetext book on nenn nrltlnghiad-lodges where the entertainment is a money mak- ger. Some people will say that lack of educational weather eye On him while Out west. red auBJects.)bg proposition.I want to thank the One whb Of course I am sorry she went arldadvantages made him a ditch digger but in reality signed herself "Wondering" in last told E~~~~~but I tho,,eht it a.- =(Ne\\.ya@era are rcquealed not to use all, or any part ofit was lack of motive. week's Quiz for wed s"gges- more than fair to put her wise, icafrnre, as tke Service b full, yroleeted by ~ o y ~ ~ I ~ h t - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,A little 'Urge for OurI lad seen Hrnest out 40 oonven-Every youth slwuld decide early in life whatplants, mts, ----- 1etc'*betims and ~knlcseveral times and~ejvglf(p~~s~II(ETO IIL.AiItYILo3f P(jI(IEL( IleSIDE JTS OYlillc of elldea~or he intends to folIow. should right and if there are u ehinl cahIogueQa prettyhitch his wagon to a star, as the old saying has it. who do not care' for or need thelad, It seems ,lowOI& 110Jf12 TC)\YN"Rlain street" the old home town has a powerful appeal, espec- ,Just rlrifti~g will get llinl nowhere; working from nlOUey perhaps can start a that she clamped down on him*:,I& if you hake tllat thorotare any considcrablabo>hml toward roine certain goal will surely make H~~ would it be to start a shoelellpU, of time. There are literally thousallds of pelsollr who at somefund lor 'IUe Other goodharder thal' I lhoughtwOu'afor success.fund? v70uldn't be a bad idea toIhe is 'lavixg a prettytins in Itheir busy lives sit dawll ill the eve~iilgallll visualize the old-- - I'1unk Gut wrest' I o'less he ho111e bw11 a~rdits pcsuliaritie:;, conjure up pictures of the old boy-turn the money over to the Amer-get a chance to wear----- icall Imgion or hlissionary societieslierefordsuit tlht he borrowedhood aid girlhuo~lfrientlv they used to know aud dhernise float swagen--.-- 7- "Ur>s Cart A'"~Y IIe'en's xigllt Club," says a of the to&~~.They would know Crawto!.cl before :n thought clcufr* for 3 blief halt hour or so. Who sau say that these1headline in a New York newspaper, and i11 the old how to use it where the greatest he left. told he was goill:: 1:Lo:;leiltS ill drcaxldud do not h.tre their bei~eficial inl1uellce 011 ourdays they couldn't have done it without licking ,needit exists.to slip it in antl.use it at a pariyIlves.Iiector or Achilles or some other champion. I have those twenty-one slips I he expecteda to atten,, at PIolIy- How inally of ns remember certain boys an~igirls with whom we.'mentioned two weeks ago all pot- lvood It now devcro,,q t ~ t went to scllool, or with whom we r.trarned th hills, skated, visited the- ted (in cans) and it seems they to his Missus T6it ~2sirinlnlillg hble, misted domil hill on the bright mmn-lit nights, orIWill Owen Joneshave caught the spirit of the cam- relatives while lie lMktG the:' COlWany, did Inally of the things vhich delighted the boysgaigll for'a more beautiful <strong>Ord</strong> or holvever to 2nd girls of a half Celltury ago and will conltinue to delight theirThe death, of Will Owen Jones, f&r more thanit "as just the right Of hearts for to 'Onle?have a cousin in every towu in CaI--- the mmu to stalt them' I know ifornia and aIwgys Bad a m dex- 'DO YOU kmw where those OM friemls tare? Wou1dnrt yaa nh totwellty pears editor Of the xebraska state JOurllnlv sornebody wilt laugh at that moon cuse to go along every hear from them; to know Whether life haw beell &jnd tn them, or &er-Much Ado About Nothing is a sad blow to editors of Nebraska. Mr. Jones died stuff but they are certainly doing made arrangenlents to takr trip /wise? Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if every boy .J girl og yburlast Sunday ~norning while attending services of finel scarcely a wilted leaf on one I -11-hood uould write. the old hoikle paper a11d in a tew ~,rdstelI arkreOut in Us Angeles last week learned lawyers of them. thy are, what they are dolug, and you wou.Id do the a m .acj jurists ' spent days arallgling about nothinghis church in Lillmln'during lhis life he hadI Went ant in the yard Saturday I wish there "qs a DregsWhy houldn't it tje well north fitle foa every co~ntr~rnewspaperWe refer to the tinle spent is inlpanelillg a to bee11 a true friend of Sebraska editors. had attended and tried to make it look a tittle meeting every week end. hare cwo to run a feature1coli~rnil.each upek wllereln would apmr a e Lit-their conventions and bake11 a great interest in their better to folks across the street such meetings the past tle humail interest stories of all the dd. time friends g.0~ =& t.~bm?determine whether or not Edward Hickman is and passers-by. Had a bon-fire, weeks now had a 'Pefi!~aps your editor u-~uld.fil11'~~~ipa column:pu asked hlrn toinsane and should be sent to an insti-affairs. "like metrowlitall journalists~ he fine time on both occasions.burnt up some of our own trashfax \vhy not try it?lution, or \"hebher he w‘3s sane when henever "looked down" on country editors.and if lPmnot mistaken, mme that Friday I went to Scotia and, Dale * a * *As reporter, _city editor and finally editor-in- other people had given to the wind. Krebs and the business menthecommitted his fiendish crime and must pay for itOVEHLOOKXI), BY TR,E: REFORTE&his life. In ourthe whole discLlssioll isc,hief of the \State Journal, Will Ores had a busyThis lovely weather is a gmd"much ado about nothing."A man of our acquaintance summed the wholematter up last week thusly:"They know he did it, he admits he did it,they've got him-whatare they waiting for?':That'sthe way most people feel about it, we're sure.Here is a young man who admits having com-mitted a revolting crime. To us it doesn't seem that 'it matters qne iota whether he is-criminally insaneor not. Even if he is insane, his being allowed tolire wnl no*dy bu\ hinlself. Whyjuries and spend thousands of dollars to save aworthless life that will be spent in prison?~ ~ t ' ~cut the foolishness out of our methods ofhandling criminal cases and be guided a little bitby common sense. Hickman admits he, killed littlevarion; what are California authorijies waiting for?~t's easy enough l o bear other people's bur-dens. They are so nlucll ligllter than ours,In Praise of SentimentIn the York Republicall lastappeared alittle editorial written by Joe Alden in his usualexcellent manner praisillg sentimentalists. Colunl-bus, Livcolu and Lindbergh were all sentimental-\ ists, he says, adding that the nanle is not abut a tribute to the ability of someone to live abovehis environineut and find the sun behind the clouds.ltidden behind such a smoke screeil of praise Sent-#mer~talism seenls all very well but strippedits.&dornments it is a very different thing.aTOus a sentimentalist is a persol1 who shedsbitter crocodile tears over things that ares~concerll. We have heard and blub-bering brothrs all but weep over the poor ignorantnatives of the south Sea isles having to run aroundwith only a breech clouthide their nudity.us a sentimentalist a Pol1yanna ofwho goesseeing good in everything andshedding sunshineuntil we hard-*iledpersons ache to bat him over the head with a type-writer.A sentimegtalist is a personweepsinals out of having to pay the penalty for theirmisdeeds' Sentimelltalists may bewrtyrs, as Editor Alden pictures them but if sothey are heroes to themselves andto theirown sentiment.Columbus, Lincoln and Lindberghsurely are not among them."Blessed are tbe meek," says an exchange, "be-cause they will inherit what's left of the earth aftereverybody else gets through."-. -.Fortunate in Judges~t is well known that the integrity of the courtsand public collfidellce in their ability to deal wiselyand equitably with matters that come before the111is largely dependent up011 the calibre of the judgesthat occupy the bench in those courts. The Elev-enlh district, of \rhieh Valley coul~ty is a part, isfortunate. .DLlrillg the years that Judge E. P. Clelllellt~ andJudge Bayhrd 11. Pai~le hate occupied the bench inentertained theeditors inlife. Some of the highest h~nors a journalist canreceive came to him. As a member of the mrnegiePeace Foundation party he toured Europe last year,one of for'y ~~~~~i~~~~to receive this high honor.His own colunln in the State Journal, "More Or LessPersonal," always reflected his abundant interestin t4e affairs of men and was one of the brightspotd of a great newspaper.*"ly 'vill 6we11 be missed by 'liscollleagues on the Journal, by Journal subscribersand by all of the editors of Nebraska who' calledhinl friend and brother.J011 the openil% day of Collgpess 5,400 bill wereiniroduced. and that will give them son~ethiug totalka--<strong>Ord</strong> Merchants, Attention!~heleis now be~o~etile.~ost office conllnittceof the house of representatites a bill that is of vitalinlportance to every small town business man inthe ~~1~ by ~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ,ofPennsylvania, the bill provides new postage rateson various classes of mail but the part of interestto <strong>Ord</strong> ~~lercha~~t~is ill collllectju>ll with third classn,ail.Tllin portioll of the bill docs nothillF lessseek to subsidize the mdil order ho~~sesand thebig city merchants ill their efforts to secure then,erchandising business of ale snlall towns, by giv-ing to these mail order housesmerchall~s acheaper rate on their advertising carried throoghthe mail tlhan would be accorded to the smallermercha~lt. ~t favors direct discrimillation againstthe merollants of the smaller towns in €a\-or Ofthethis district, there has been a growing public con-fidence in them.Sot only to the public, but tolawyers who practice before them, both ,appear tcpossess that judicial ten~peran~ent.U~at poise andgooq judgnlent that are demanded by the positionthey occupy.Both were excellent lawyers beforethey became judges; both are now excellent jurists.Justice has been given fairly, quickly and im-partially in this,district since Cleinents and Paillehave been its judges.Very few of their decisionshave been reversed by higherUoth arecompetent judges a d good citizens, socially andmorally.The district is fortunate that both havefiled for r+election.At piesent it looks like neitherwill have opposition but the man who gets verymuch of a vote for district judge against Paine andClements will have to be a mighty high type oflawpr and man.Both should be returned to omce by an over-.\nheln~ing pluradity of votes.--Lack of MotiveLack of motive is the cause of many failures,says the Wayne Herald. A young man stars throughschool and wins the plaudits of teachers and par-' ents and then, like an exhausted sky rocket, heThe ease with *lchrWJnW (beginners) MI down on assign-time to rake, burn and clean-up fine shape. A biv dinner was served , ments is interestingly told. by the Kansas City St;?.r, one of the greahe*ence. Canada's interests are in the 1% and dragged hi111 along the-these American continents, their trail. Iiousch pulled his knife*independence and their future. the bcar's by holdingon to a tree, and cutting its jugu-lar vein, killed the bear.El Imparcial and other news- It bear fight.Papers in 1spail1 are displea\edwithpresident aolidgeVs warmOld Lahire's fight is made mem-reception in Cuba, natural because, orable by this first prayer btLa-ord lawns and ir it is done now'there won't be so mvrh to do in thespring. And, besides, the town willlook better during the next fewmonthsWonder if other peoplearethe same thing, Sincerely, -MRS. C. E. McGREW,this country took Cuba from Spainand gave the beautiful island to theCuban people-.El Imparcial saysthis eountr~ has reserved rights inCuba It has reserved Onelthe right "to intervenefor thepreservatiol~ of Cuban* independ-ence." We not only made Guba in-but guaranteesheshall remain SO.The original Wright brothers'airplane that evercarried a lhuman beingtheair under humn control, is boxedup for shipment to England.It&ght to B ~ Yhere in the Smith-sonian Institution.-T h e Smithsonran Intitutiqnshould have ~ i ~ d b ~ ~ ~ h + ~trans-at-lantic plane also, and the Govern-merit should pav ~ i ~ d b ~ ~ ~ henoughfor it to make him independent forlife.11 ~ , i ~ d b ~ ~ ~ hgot $~,M)O,OOOworkersing plumbing,are likeheatingbuildersand install-otherconveniences in a big building;later famSHes move inand livecomfortably-~ttera few years, or centuries ofindudrial, scientific development,thfs ~ tionwill move inb the fin-ished structure and find for amuse-,t s,et~ng better ,than --leg askey crhewaves, prizeflgats and sbuggling to get moremoney than it needs.Imerchants and mail order houses of the hrger .fine movemenst.IBincerdy,A ',joker clal,se~ in the bill provides that if theMRS. CALIST*PUSOX-total weight of bhe total number of circulars of one Another Enu1usfiL5twkind to be mailed shall be twenty pounds Or more TO the ~ d i t ~ ~of fie Quiz:the postage rate shall be one cent for each pieceI am another woman who is withweighing two oullces or less; if the total weight if3You in Your campaign to bcautii~<strong>Ord</strong>. I have seeds, roots and bulbsless than twenty pounds the rate On each piece that I will be delighted to divIdeweighing less than two dunces $hall be 1 1-2 Cents. with athem.Every nlerchant can see how this would w?rk When I laid the hospital Somew!ll be glad to send in your new orrfr~clnal subscriptions to that orany other newspapcr or n,agazinc.It wsts you no more, in fact it sc-tl.~all~saves you a littlr in POSLZ:~and paper and time and makes 'Isa smd11 conin~fssiun. Let us serveyouthis way.tinue in busjness during the nextteu years. Sending a few cards orathe ldks whbanyway isn't enough'Xothing but a w d newspaperreaches enough families to Consti-tute a red advertising medium,We areto stand On theprophecy tithe postal c~rdad-8vertiser an the merchants who de-pends upon sending a few circularssnlall f~artionless t$an 1 1-2 cents to 1;alldle eachpiece of third class ~ndtter weighing less tl1~31I twoounces vl~erethere \\ere 110 trir~l.l)orlatlon charge\:\men there were transportation charges the costwas approxin~ately 1.79509, the trallsportationcharges alone an~ou~lti~~gto .34941, or nearly fourmills. During the last year the mail order housespaid 1 1-2 cents, the tax-payers nearly 3-10 of Onecent, on every circular weighing less than 2 ouncesthat the mail order houses handled. Now they seekto have the charges reduced tocent and , if handl-ing and transportation costs remain the same, thetax-payers will be asked to pay nearly one half ofthe mailing erpellse of (he mail order houses andcity merchants.Any congresslnan u$lo will vote for this billhire had ever uttered. ''Lord, Ido not ask youLahire, Ionly ask you not tO help this bear,wThe prayer was tUv8?j1ped and La:Bire won.Works Smoother at NightThe bureau of standards saysthat a gasoline motor does nothave more power and mlleage atn!ght than in dsytlme, though somemobture In the air may decreasethe tendency to knock, so that thgengipe runs moreLittle to RememberThe thought that where there Isa railroad track a traln may be np.proaching is so simple that It ouglltto be in the mind of every orle a710drives an automobile. - Alb,\i~p'Tn11rna1in the basement of the new M. E?hurch and after the eats a s~ak-lng prOgranls in'pr*mptu wasOn with a nlen'ber OfOf Commercemaster' *Iter the gro-gram thewas 'Pent in afine mectinq at the Opera hOust.An 'lrtstandingfeature Of lthellet;~il Store Chil~lge~.(Geneva Signal.)- t o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e t r { ~ ~ ~ ~ l " , i ~ ~ ~the big Chicagoorder houseshad an agent nlaking a survey ofthe largerOf Nebraska Out-side Lincoln and Onlaha. Rumorsthisactivities ha\;ebeen two:That a sample store for the tak-ing of orders ~vtould be establishedin every couqty seat, that it wasplanlLec to establish something likea chain of ratail stores in some ofthe larger mullty seats of thestate. The latter rumor se'&ms themore likelv to be well foundedwe seem to bein fornewspapers in the world! Tfie Star says:: "La* Thurs. eve.," wrote IleIv reporkr, a fmmthe village academy, "the lamps in tihe handsome residence of ourprogressive townsman, the Hon, Jgy. A, Bleat, who has been earnestlysolicited by his many friends to becomeeanddate for congress, brief-ly shown o'er fair women. anrl brave men, assemb.I& to witness the:marriage of Kciterynne Elodia, the love& daughter of the Hon. andhis aharming help-meet..' "It Was 311 evening of unalloyed, dkligu to air, and as the melodyway he writes. And say, if I everhear of George taking a trip, likeErnest Coats is taking I wantplenty of time to warn all themembers of his family to watchhim for he would sure be a stepperobt hhere.I am glad to know thaitG~~~~ is well and happy thathe Is trying to do good in theivorld.He says he is writing thell+,ws from fortheir local paper and that is sure agood thing to do. I wish he wouldshouldnot be permitted to represent his con-stituents longer.Every merchant should write to~ongressmanlob Sim~nonsat once and tell him thathe must nd support this bill.Tell him the Griessbill is inimical to the interests of the people he rep-resents and advise him that his constitiuents are de-pending upon him to use his illfluellce to kill it,-Many a man's idea of cliarity is to gibe untuothefs the 5dvice he can't use himself.rose from the orchestra, composed of pi~aqo, played by Miss Yvonlle' KOOts, and violin and guitar manipulated: BY Mesrs. Raykes and6Iasber of the Palace Tonsorial Parlor, all marveled at the delightfulharmony waven by the ace.lnp1ished trio. T,he I-fppling of ripeningfields of grain, the laughter of happy children, tke song of the night-iwaIe, the glow of the morning skies, a11 tihese were revealed in thesoun~s.mstone m m which held the auditors captive bj) its witchery of sweet"Very good, all things considkred, Mr. Piddle," commented the edi-tor, as he looked the story over. and' turned to tbe reporter, "but who,inother ~doster.was anTO the Editor of the Quiz:byEZlller' a busiuessthe On the subject OfMORE BATTLESIIIPS.21 ANEHICAN NdT1oNS.'TIIE FIRST AEKO~LANE.'A GKUT BEAH FIGIITE&.The Governmentproposes tnspend $129,000,000 every Year for'twenty years on battleships of dif-ferentneces-6mY cruisers. This means a totalout.A mail order house sends out hundreds ofchanges in retail business. Pwb- the "Iks within a radius Of 'Ourably some of the very small retail Or five miles are going to be out Of-~ $ : ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ C e ~ r $ o $ ~ , t i ~ . ~ ~ ~ r ~lUck'crowded out. We have never been&ongevity of Robin8able to see how any merchant canhe bio~ogfcd survey says thatsuccesseully under pres- as far as 1s known robins live aboutent ''qditions Unless he has a bus- ten or twelve years. Such birdslarge enoughadvertise have not been studied closely ex-cOns!stentlyif localandadventisingpersistently.amangthcept those in captivity, but withdoubte banding of birds that 1s now bethe save the bacon Ing done. it Is hoped that much I I : ~of these merchants who try to con- ual,le d,lt:l ,,ill he st,.ui.edI am verymuch 'leasedyour idea for a more beautiful <strong>Ord</strong>.We have been told to see Americafirst-why not Nebraska first orLt willOurlittle <strong>Ord</strong>be an easy matter to make <strong>Ord</strong>more beautiflll if we all put Ourshoulders to the wheel.Lake a notion to write a l&ter tothe Quid and all his good friendsahdformer neighbors here, forpuk,lication.~t would please mem 'a11 greatly I know.-0---jime ago.and Imked atbeauti-advertising and slrc gave 11s allsomethiug to think abut.<strong>Ord</strong> n,erthan,tscouldheard her talk.future ads in the I,Scotfa paper wrthhera lot more interest (than formeflly.-0-Let us get busy and plant flow-ers'ur.front Jaras# back yardsand LIIUL.CII pards.I have readthat .to aultivate a garden is to~ ~ k t h : i ~ ~ l ~ ~ d ~ b ,~ , ~ ' ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\vhen I look into the heartsofflowers it seems to me I come alittle nqarer to seeiug GO^ than atother time, alld I feel his prcs-ellce,I like M ~ ~ .M ~ G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~idea forlnore flowers to make a move beau-tiful <strong>Ord</strong>, and believe that wbm?llinvestment Of two billion, five ha- -.dred and eighty million dollars ifiWzeudun, Basque imported fronlaeW ships.the Pyrenees for prize fighting, asThe country cgn afford it. and. they to' import fairhairedIsuch a pmgramme will imnresa Northernera for gladiator fights in.ather countries. - I Rome, "walks all over Ed Keeley,send out only a few hundred bills or folders; he willhave to pay 1 1-2 cents for each.But this is ot the bbrst of it. The small town\merchant sends circulars ollly to people in his OJ*~community.Often they never go out of the post-office in which they 'are mailed.At most, they goto towns within a few miles or out on the ruralroutes.The mail order house, on the other hand,sends circulars for huntlreds, often thousands ofmiles, and'theY must be handledsorted by sev-thousands of pieces in each n~ailing; the weight, ofcourse, would be more thall twenty pounds andeditle the mail order pmple to the I centrate. The small merchant,the other hw,d, willDan Webster didn't come to themeru! bank of110Ner~ sent byfriends I felt as tbugbI nevercould do enough Ito pay it back.,Jlr flowers are always free to any-one who wourd Like to come andgat a bouquet for a "shut-in" or@f Boaton, batters him into submis-We could also afford flying ma- sfon t- taro minutes and fifty sec-chines t~ protect those fighting onds." Kafiher a comedown forships, which, in modern war, with- I Uzsudun, playinq hired thug. His'out flying machine ~rotoctian, ancestors used to harwon whalespress meeting at scotia last ~'bi-day.1 presume he was afraid ofEd*COI. ~ellersays ile has so manySale dates that he is going to haveto starttheWfOuld be as helplessas sheepmong wolves, without shepheraor sheep dogs. --Oile hundred and fiour delegatesrepresentillg twelity-dnc nationsKortih and south America ificIud-t, take to the hospital. I give orGot a check the 0 t h ~ ~day fronbDrof Burwcll (0 keep the 'send as many as I can but therecolnillg another year.~)a'carewh@ wOdld enjoy a bOu- haid when he hrft subscribed thatqu't I Co not kno\5 and he was taking the paper becailsewhOnl I lyouId gladly send he was mipg to Cullen and Isadif fritnd Ille Of ,bwn invited tci write some storiesbhem.home for publication and he want-lVhenIue worked andto ed to see just how big a lie a fish-make Our yard I erman dared tell. He fdiled to fill11go across trhe road alld lpok at itlaogecl"There&mething;now,",exclaimedIthe young man, "1 thought I had over-get' Eis name!nI .**.*Not suspense and mystery, but a quick revelation of the factsmakes a e best news story.best and safest the world call pro-duce should take its place.Human beings as a whole, likeindividuals, do only ONE thingreally well.The work of the hu-man race today is scientific and in-dustrial, making new discoveriesin science, applying them to man'smaterial werhre.Today scieutific,,,ho keels 91allis thl ollXh thr ,vlll will be a . grezt s11~~ess. k yi: 'ter I, window brillgs joy 'noylty if for no other Ieason. Ifhappilless to mally who pass.~t I was going to hold a pure bredis one nay of smiling at strangers. this winter I 1iu tkc mugh Atlantic, off the westcmst of fiance, two thousa~tdyears ago.Anthony Housch Mills is dead,age ~e~enfy-~evell,at Sundance,W*yoming, and is probably in heav-en "OWtalking with Lnhire, thatto see it as others do. 'Nhat--ourneeds fresh paint?Xw-lHome grown flowers nieall soinuch to our sick friends men Lheyklmwour hands have caredLor Wlen~ and niade them a labor oflove.I am with Mrs. M~~~~~ inthrrnkillg the quiz for startingillg the 1rnited states, are bathered iamous lf'rench bear fighter of cen-invana.a greatThoseconferencehuenty-onehall oationr(in Ifa-JturiesThirtyeightago. years ago ~llls,are the greatest power for in sharp in thethe rvorld, stick together.Black Hills, came face to face wit4Canada, without relinqdishm~llt a dltcr tipped grizzly that knock-of loyalty to the British ~m~ire,his his gull out of his hand, bit offshould be a leader in that confernose, seized him by the calf ofin my writings thatwould come within gunshot ofrcaohlng his im?gination, hovever--0-I was looki~ig ovrr the accoiintiwherc such iterls are liert theother day and found that we hadsent in just a do-on Stdne Journal"ubscriptions durillg January andI -.vant #to rsmind you all that weera1 different post offices, plus heavy trallsportatio~lbarn* onpure bredThis is no joke. It'is being done intowns further east and with greatsuccess. With g ~ dlights, night'Or pure bred are goingand ''Ie "lo triedguess I see as OthersI didn't notice thait, at all.for tbat macbine he would get lessthan one nor cent pi wbat thisCountry owes him.The spirit ofst. Louis, despite all Lindbergh'sgood care, must be getting old andworn and a brand new machine,'tat llrwllt' --o-Got a letter the other day from:&;,"i~$~ds~bpi"g,r ~ d m ~ ~ ~ ~ ;good natured George that he al-ways was.I know this from thecharge. Yet under the Griess bill the city fir111 willpay only 1 celit for each piece; the snrall town firm1 1-2 cents.X0w here's where the subsidy COnleS in' In 1927Agures show that it cost the goverlllllellt avery-FMWER MVHR(1 pa3 warned not to sisn the-ladyssdictated this s.odon.i you dare tell M ~ ~ .veleha ile-caus-well,you know'get if I do------------? .

Y't"t.. ,.1Y?!6' Ci[Lt$Eiill! , .I.'c+.'c t'c .'c .>insurance companies. corn sheller; several dozen White Leghorn hem; hog feeder, ho' 1s 150 bushels of corn; cattle feeder, holds 250 busllele of corlt;?stearn cooker; wire stretchers and tools of all Vnds; 3 post 11 cliggers; epsdes, ehovels, crolv bars; several feet of 1-illchLike Grandmapipe; tarpaulin,. 16x26 feet; extenion wheels for Farm-all trac' ,r, for cu~tivati~~~ listed corn; lots of gate panels; hog house orbrooder, 7x16, built 011 skids which is a hylnmer-has njver be .n used; 11ulllber of bee hives; dozell oil barrele; 6 crealn cans,oil cans, futlne15 and measuring cans such as you might need around the tractor; 2 oil pumps, barrel type, whkh will pulnpoil and gasoline; 1 line shaft and pulleys; couple of pump jack ; sollle cribbing.Used to Bake -HAY, GRAIN, ETC.I$ - - < .! i :2?$&I6&~@lIOB, the deliciqae, crisp 15 bushelsyellow seed corn, year old; 60 tolls of prairie hay, 40 tolls of aljalfa hay, ,.fresl~ness of ~rea~; Krust quality excellent; 150 bushels good oats; quantity of cane hay; good big of/bread. "I couldn't dofodder; 75 or 100 bales of shredded fodder; s 3me baled hay; pile pf cobs.bettermyself," exclaims LUMBERGrn~ldlna. in entllu~inatic Such as roligll fencing, 14 and 16 foot lelt gths; heavy luillber which is 2-inch5 heavy feed bunks which will do to go into a feed yard.4 or3 deligllt. Our new baker is.fY,111 artigt. IIale you triedproperty-~tvtters maya o i s a ,,read Secure tioil Service tiiis LOSS- t~~rough revert- us<strong>Ord</strong> City BakeryI represent Amerf;.s*s O I ~ C . ~ Fireand Jri~rirle Irrsura~!ce Cu.W. L. RlcNUT'P'OliD, . - - . NLIii'.FREE LUNCH AT 11:30 - SALE WILL FOLLOW IB~MEDIATEL~TERMS: A11 sunls ullder $10 cash; 10 mo~ths time on approved ballkable paper. ~h~~~wishing credit make arrangements wit11 the clerk on day of sale*ORD, NEBRASKA:( ~+.~..'c.'c.:.I.~.'cM Weller, McMindes and Grunkenleyer, Act's. . NEBRASIcA STATE BANI(, Clerka

$1 JHE ORD OUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, TIIUHSDAY, FEBRUAHY 2, 1928 PAGE FIVE7-$,Me; ' Iioe!linc, El~ncr IIorniclrlc;K\'els Bossen, Dall Cook all,*. Home-Building is a. for your savings. Come in and talkober the plan whereby we can finance 'your home project.PROTECTIVE SAVINGS & LOAN----Lone Star News''1s he in permanent business here? Does he help to paythetaxes that support this community?" We are andspending a few days with the to be placed in a home. , .VJerber boys.Attelltioil Justi~lg a few days In the Dave Guggen~noshome.isn't given proper care. Letus repair or re-charge yourcoxliproll~ises with consciellce, no unfair dealings. . ~ustYou can't go wrong by buying a Goodyear tire. There'sno better tire made at any price and few tires can matchGoodyear's low prices. Large production makes for. lowand there are more cars traveling on ~ ~ ~ d ~ & rtires today than on any other kind.

THE OKD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA. TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2,19281 IPAGE SEVEN( 41 :J1;! L *I:*.I . By Nra. Sam Gnggenmos1IP-flowers Mrs. Tappan bought.Robert No11 has been loading acar of baby rice pop corn at North,Wallace Farms In Custer County, ~ ek.On tlle above date, snow or shine, in the SUN THEATRE, at Sartothebidder, regardless of price, the following described land:Hgent, Xebraska, will sell for bInRY E, \vLmAQCEor at the honie of Mrs. Charlee< .1rolling pasture, all hard land, no sand.IMPROVDMELWS-GOO~ 8-room story and a half house with largepantry, built-in cupboards, water piped to house and barn. EYne barn32x34 wilth 14 foot posts bor 10 horses and 6 cows, haymow for 12 tonsequipped wiUh fork, small gwnary bin. Granary 10x24 for 1200 bushds,ohlcken buse 10x16, garage 12x20, 'cob house 10x12. Two goodwells and windmills with cisterns. A splendid grain and stock farm.FARM NO. 3-W% and N%SWW, Sec. 27 Twp. 20, Range 19, inCuster County, containing 240 acres, adjoining Farm No. 2 on theeast. 100 acres under cultiva~tion of which 30 acres is in alfalfa, lieslevel to gently rolling, the balance Is rolling pasture and wild hay, hay'meadow cuts about 50 tons per season, all the very best of rich blackloam soil. Nb buildings.-Mr. and Mrs. Glenn TERMS OF SALG-15 percent of the purdhase price cash on dayof sale, remainder of purchase price cash on March 1, 1928 when possessionwill be given. These farms will all carry Loan CompanyMans up to $20 to $25 per acre. Good title guaranteed to purchasers.These places are all splendid grain and stock farms, well balanced.Look then1 over before the hour of sale, for they posi-!IFor Further Information addressNebr: Realty Auction Co., Agts.A. W. THOMPSON, Auctioneer M. A. LARSON, ManagerCENTRAL CITY, NEBRASKA--Henry Guggenmos, wiho Residence Phone 28 -I'hone 84VeterinariansX-RAY DIAGNOSISIGas Given For ExtractionsI rMrs. Maisy Millner, a nursefrom Grand Island has been doingPhyeician and Surgeonepecial work in Hiillcrest.-Vincent Kokes returned Fri-Ow, NEBRASKATglephqne 65, <strong>Ord</strong>' day from Grand Islaqd where hehad b ~ for e a ~ couple of days.-Mrs. Henry Enger was an in- coulltlon se11sc-coming passenger Friday from*&--HEAD OF HOItSES--5. Uncoln. She had bees with herCHARLES MIZAR,DR. H. N. NORRIS60-HEAD 011' CAWLE-60 Palmer Graduate Chiropractor Residence PBene 117 -1OFFICE PlIOA'E 68---~3fiss Hazel Mason, who teaches! near Qlen, Nebr. was quite 111 for YECENKA & onD. x~nnas~.r and SURQBONSPERLINSKI.Weller11%-HEAD OF HOGS-119& McMindes-Qlosnea FittedFUNERAL DIRECTOR(successor-to A. M. Danlelr) -11~s~;\ e; 5-gallons of ,,,hire-rator, new; heating stove; foldillg bed; center table,linolemn; 10 gallon wean1 call; Mally other* *,250 Rooms-200 Batha.Surgery, Consuttation2 sets fly ieets;' Eyes Examined and Glasses -Fitted ScIentlflcally-Phone 41OHU NEDRISICIDlatlnetlr e It'uneral ser, iceOne-Eiglltll Interest ill Eureka Thresllillg OutfitIAn Ofilclal Amerlcan Auto.mobile Asswhtfon Hotel(.Sucremor te W. T. EIcLalm)ICW, LIW EQUlPlxiBWTPbonr 448 ,w, NGB- -Iin Aubb BuildiPp,I%

- -0 1.,THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRhllKiI, TIIUHSDAY, FEBHUAIZY 9, 1928- - - pp. -IBACK TOPRAISEMORE HOGS ANDVisit For Farnl.PAGE TIIX1.CBy Mrs. R. J. ClarkHokes-xorgan.46-2L--.-grade has a slant of abut 62 perfeet down and sometimesmany up. There are lots of dient kinds of trees, some very 1ones, all green and some blosing.Fine Place in Winter.every17heday.meadowTherelarksbave beea few light freezes and oranmuuity.-Lincola Star. 311.-People's Standard. tttttlttttttttttttlttttttttttttttt!tttt~tttttttttttttttttttftttttttttt~ttttttttttttttt~?ttt~~Here's Peace and Quiet,Relief From Sickness and Care-Ibhy sllo~~ltl we try to con--- I!'ITllere's peace and quiet, relief fro111eichneas and care at illis eanitarir~l~~. Weale ecluipp~.d to tre.tt all acule anclcl~ini~ic. di,t.ncca. 'I'he late.-t electricalecl~ril~iiic.~it fur t!:t: tlt'.~tn:ent of rhcuillr)ti-I~I. i l r 1 ~ ~ f -;CIII i 111115es ant1 c!ocic~.FVC: tli,~t !~,11 CIIC ~ ~ ca~cil 1 1 for at-.$ LA LC:aEST .? SANITARIUM%Pure, p!easan!ly flavor t.4nothing quite surpasses C11,ls. \V. \\'eehcir, T\-1. I).r- --- --II-ton-.1Some of the shrewdest "low cost per mile" buyers in = -Fl~tulcrlcy, \iril:cl Colic this section are.coming to us for Goodyear Tires. Theyhave proved, by experience, and careful figuring, that =1I. Good years are cheapest in the end. Of cdurse we could do it the other way. We could sell-cheaper tires at a lowe~ price. We could fatten up re--LI -. --i3depending on how good they are atthe work.Ifale Seen It All.Well, we have seen the ocean andlived by it for a week and took a60 mile ride on it. We have climbedthe mountains and have seen acity of a million people. We haveseen lion farms, ostrich farms, alligatorfarm, a fox farm and a poultryranch with 3,000 hens. We sawWe can make you a farm loan at 576 with a nom-U. B. battleships and destroyers,inal commission which we can close without delay. ,have seen a whale spouting in theNo-wel" stick to Goodyears. Iocean and have seen the skeleton of a whale 61 feet long and an Choice first mortgages on Valley county farms at e!ephant's remains to match it. We hnvc ridden in Fords and other makes oi cars, in cornmoll and in all times for investors. 3-very expensive buses and taxis, on\street cars and steam car3 andmotor cars. We have seen shows Insurance of all kinds for your protection.that cost from 25c up to $2 25 per ticket. JVe hale been to Mexico IIand are going to EIollywood aiid ILIthen we're going to call it enougll and come home and get ready to xaise some more hogs and yellow--.IIcorn.Yours truly, CIERNEST S. COATS -% <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebraska. -- -There will be Christisn Science Under State Supervision Nebraska sz III,- --- -

PAGE FOURTHE 0kD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, TIIUHSDAY, ~mfief~riif 9, i928 . , - . - .. - . -- r. _---1 .THE ORD QUIZ c~utside omce of totd & Thomas in killed by a bomb from one of our ~anager Nieuwland. A picture01W, VALLEY COLTSTY, BEUK. ((:hiqago, npw even more frigll~t- .iirplaues. program precedes and follo* s the3. D. LEUGETT . . . - YubllsherE. C. LECUETT - JIi111agIng EditorSu~~scription Price $3.50. .mttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt: :2p":c"ts' THE QUIZ FOItUM time tottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt:i. Proluise bupport.To sleep on naturally'Of Febr. 13 to 13.Gabriel to summon us?tell everything about weather. Wer~bly of which we know nothing.and flowers and I hope the--to iBiurwell and heenjwell to a scoreless tie at the eudsay" "See <strong>Ord</strong> First."of the half, and a two to two tieSincerely,MOLLY OW~,s at the end of the third quarter. Inthe final period "Speck" AndersonP. S. Did I hear sonieone sayOne Ofthat aeir ~~eighbors' chickecs arethose scoringsprees for which he is nated, andscmtching off the mulching they assisted by a Aeld goal by Thoniasbought and placed over some of a verytheir choice yard beautifiers? l\'lla!K~mball, Berwyll guard, did allis the golden rule?-\ - Anotlier Entl~osifist.Eusiness. women, especial-here not oilly because theat the Weller Sale Barn in- <strong>Ord</strong>At noontime, particularly,and still have plenty of timefor shopping and other m~t-(Herd Boar for Reference Only)flowers this summer. One thing ters. Good food-quickly Farrowed April 4. Number in litter 8. Bred by Ted Butlerwe thought would be pretty is to,Owned by R. E. Psota, North Loup, Nebraskaplace boxes on the dulnps of thosesession Monday evening at thetrees, fill them with good rich soil Liberator 92965and set ge~anium and foliage Y rince of Wales Alamlh 132650 . . . . . .plants. Then we plan to go to 139451------- Buster'ss Best 22402;Bur~ell and get some ivy, for itBuster's Big Giantess j Wonder' Bvster Againlooks so nice winding dowu overthe boxes. By the way, one <strong>Ord</strong> 338213 .......... 118640 'lady said she thought I copld getBuster's Giantesssome ivy here. If anybody has (Herd Boar for Reference Only)some to spare I will gladly give The Knight 141140~omething in exchange.Farrowed March 22, 1926. Number in litter 9. Bred by H. A Alaskan princessSincerely,IVeeldreyer, Emery, South DakotaI 11R3. OHAS. MIZAR Owncd by R. E. Psot-, North Loup, NebraskaU. S. Giant 94719----- - Janice 331211 ,. .. . . .Cerro Gordo 6311 .Jonfe Buster 288590Faith 1277488 .. . . .run out. We have a good supply.Smooth Lady 1224218.Bob's Maiden 1301066Miss Smooth Orange1111784Cerro'sHailll~o\v was 2nd at the South Dakota state fairScreened and put 100 pounds to a\vEI,LER 8i RlcRZINDES, AuctioneersNORVAL CLARK, Farmer & Stockman, FieldmallF'UWI' NATIONAL BANK, Clerk. ,

- THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1928 PAGE FIVE- -- -- - ---SUMTEE NEWSing with their grandmiother thisOLD YALE ITEMSThursday evening at the Walter , Try the Quiz first lor all kinds Quiz want ad Lt you haveisocial dance' in <strong>Ord</strong> last Wednesdayfrom here were Mr. and Mrs.Anton Radil and son George, Mr.week.Gezenski home.(Mrs. Chas. Beehrle)' Mrs. Della 1nl)ody was called TOnlmy DeanGrandMr. and Mrs. Philip OsentoskiSumter and vicinity was visited early Tuesday morning to care for Island on business Thursday. and Mrs. John Nevrkla and son and Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Jakeby a nice rain all day Monday. I ~ r ~lller. rand "ldred Christen-Several of the Sumter men folks Mr. and Mrs. W n Stolwell of sen acconlpaniedRichard and James, Otto and Alice Owntoski and Gertrude drove tothe Cremeen Turek. There was a very large Elba and Grand Island Sunday, reattendedthe Art Me~ersale Man- <strong>Ord</strong> Rere ~undaj visitors at C. C. girls home from Arcadia Saturday crowd and for that rehson, t& turning home Monday noon.day. Hasght's. evening' Sunday Mrs. dance was qot as enjoyable as it A wedding shower was given inCharley Burdick of <strong>Ord</strong> called at C. C. Haught and family attend- Fred Christensen were dinner have been otherwise, honor of Martha Swanek SundayTheron Beehrle's E*riday morning ed \Vill Gabriel's sale Thursday. gue"sOf Henry Cremeen's andEd Golkar purchased a second as she will become the bride ofand purchased quite a number of #Mrs. Haught and Ruth went over and returned hand Dodge touring car in <strong>Ord</strong> Jake Walohoski this week. 1hogs and cattle. He trucked them Wednesday evening. Will Gabriel with them- Eaturdav. . J. B. Zulkoski hauled two loadsto <strong>Ord</strong> the same afternoon. Is visiting at Haught's thisOeaeen entertained Ed Golka ' will farm the place of corn to Elyria Monday.URoy Beehrle has been on the week.Prof. Fuller and Supt. Thompsou. (rcupled by Ruzovsk,. Frank Danczak was hauling algrippelist for a few days and wasteachers OfMr. and Mrs. Mott Hathbun andr\rcndia Mah scbool Anton Radil and his niece. Miss falfa feed which he bought fromabsent from school for n few days. lplayd spent sunday at b-red (-larvaan(1 =Jndsey and IMrs. Davisl Emma waab, who teaches at the Mark Fairchild.Rolland and Evelyn IIaught are in ard at home-'lvinWoodman high school called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karty andnow driving Irom their home and Mrs. Hi.gins an familyis assisting 'lay-Josegh Maresh Sunday evening family and Mr. and Mrs. Beransumrer to their work 8 ton Ward with his work this week.in of rnshing. Nebr.1 have m vld jn- and Mrs. A. P.Mr. Ward is changingParhos of <strong>Ord</strong>, Mr. and Mrs. Jabloa-<strong>Ord</strong>. his llog Tuesday eveniM with Mr. and Mrs. pnd Ed. Zulkoski swnt sun- 'to a box car in Sumter. They ex- ho~lse tr, new ground. He raises Theron and Charley Beehrle pect to work on b section. Tho pure bred Duroc Jersey hogs and Prank Maresh. 'day afternocli in the Walter Gezdroveby wagon, Sunday, to the sumtcr school has three new we hear he has a few litters now. Emil and Vencil Sedlaoak spent inski home.from Saturday until Sunday evenbyMelvin Green, after some Itla- Junior Rathbun of ,Xorth bup Sunday in the J. a. Gruikshank ingto the DISTRICT 58chinery which Theron Beehrle had viaite3 from Friday night uutil home. Mr. and Mrs. John Parkos visited By Inez Eberl~artpurchased. Sunday with Floqd Rathbun. &Ir- Mrs. Homer Of friends and relathes in St. Paul. Rev. Moorman of <strong>Ord</strong> and Dr.Eorl and 'On DelbPrt Rose Hughes and fanlib OfLee Brip and children of Sar- Hunter were callers atMrthecho01 on~ U are Qedvisiting their ?on gent were sunday dinnprart Beehrle's Sunday. 'lean Sunday and Mr, and Mrs. Spmcer Horner and Thursday Dr. HunterHarold Lee from Sh.elton, has Tuesday evening at Theroll Bee- family. B.riday at lee bfaresrs. MI. ~~i~ isevening me forlner brother of Mrs. Maresh.gave a very interesting talk. Hhbeen visiting his grand parents, Mr hrle's. subject was, '%uccess." The chiilandMrs. J. H. Whiting for the hirs. Char. Eeehrle and dhildren visited In the Of and Alice Penas who attends school dren and their teacher enjoyedfarm south of North Loup, vacated pupils. Dwain Russell of Arcadia spentCharming! Fresh! Washpast week. ]lad dinner Sunday with Mrs. T. J' Clruikshank and Saturday at York returned home with her it cry much. Dr. Hunter invitedTuesday morning Mrs. Theo Beehrle.were entertained at the Jud brother Edward Friday. He had everyone to attend the meetingsMiller was taken suddenly ill. Dr hir. and hIrs. Cbas. Partridge and Ward home. been in Grand Island to his being held at the MethodistHemphill of ,North Loup was called Jim Misko of <strong>Ord</strong> called on Mr. Miss Thelma Cruikshank stayed father who is in the 'Sit. Francis church.and found Mre. Miller quite sick. and R.Irs. Miller Saturday. all night at the Ericson home on hospital. Alice returned to her Mr. and Mrs. Rqbert Collins andHer daughter Mrs. Kora Drake and Mrs. Della Inbody and Mrs. Mouday, due to bad roads and the school duties Monday. children vlsfed at the, Cash RathsonThed of near Arcadia and Carry Parks of Mrth Ilot~p spent rain. Ernest Novotny took the but? bun home Monday evening.George of Grand Is!aqd sere.ml1- Thursday evening with Mrs. Stine Mr. and Mrs. &ratio Masters to Grand Island Saturday intend- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hanson anded. Mrs. Miller is somewhat im- wh~leprovgd at this wliting. part at Frazier's at North Locup. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Williams of dan, which has been in repair ed a birthday party at the Dave I "Gladio" Percale Our Owl) Creton~~eMrs. Theron Beehrle and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Inbody entertained Srcadia, Saturday. there, but as it was not ready he Haught home in <strong>Ord</strong> Wednesdayeehrle and Dollie called a uumber of their friends at a card Farmer's Union met at the home returned on the bus the same day. evening. Bright, new patterns at a'I'uesd Chas. LB y on Mrs. Miller and Mrs. party Sunday eveiiirg. Those pres- of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trefren On Louis Ruzovski trucked a load Mr. and Mrs. John Connor and small cost. Yardthe men attended the stag visited ,with the latter's parent& inc to drive back their Dodge se- family and Inez Eberhart attend-New Patterns! IWhiting.ent were, Otto Hill and wife, R. P. Wednesday and held an all day of calves for Thomas Kapustka Mary Kuehl were visitors at theMiss Nary Ellen Miller of Grand McCune and wife, Steve Parks and meeting.Wednesday which he purchased at Ed Timmerman home WednesdayIslgnd and Mona Pierce,are stay- wife, Bill Shine and wife, Ira Man- Mnry Nielsen and \Vestley Au- the Lee ,Wegrezyn saie. afternoon.of high class job printing.. .New! "Avenue"Frock PrintsUnusual designs for washfrocks. 36 inch,somet ing to sell.32 Inch Gi~lgharuBaby checks, plain colorsand fancy patterns,"Malabar" -Novelties, staple patterns 9-4 Gnbleached sheetingthat can be depended upon,Pleasant Valley Housework Is Pleasant in a .-7This SelXimn~: TemptsFven for tlie ~norning hours-a housewife ttlust have newginghalii froclcs for spring!Plaids and fancy patterns inpleasing variety are includediri this assortment.I have taken over the agency for ~elcd products and will 111ove to O.rd on hlarch 1, SO1 will hold a CLEAN-UP SALE of nly personal property on the farm 12 111iles north- - - ----IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL.100--HEAD 014' CATTLE--100 -s70 head on feed, 50 per cent of which are steers. 40 head of this lot are real Iquality white face calves and the balance are )-earling Shorthorns. 15 head of real i1 ~liilcll cowe, 2 to 8 years old. 5 heifers with calves at foot. 10 calves. One pure - --ebred Hereford bull, coming 3 years old. This is an exceptionaIly fine lot sf cattle. TheFVOODMAN HALL . fattening cattle are extra good and the n~ilcl~ cows are far better than the conllilon or John Pesek and son Adolph left ordinary, COWS foul111 outside of dairy her rle.for Texas last Wednesday for a I1nlonth's stay.iJoe Lebruska took advantae of 11111the good roads alld weather last12-HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES-212 *eel< and hauled wrain and ma- 2 chiner- to tlie Arnold Kerbel place Span Bay Clyde Mares, 9 years old, weight 2800; span Brown Mare&, 8 arid 10 \\hicll he will farm this year. -years old, \r.eigllt 2600; Gray Mare, 5 years old, weight 3250; Bay mare, 4 years old, Fianlc Iiri~ of <strong>Ord</strong> was over- =weight 1200; Slack mare, 7lyears old, weight 1250; 4 co~uing 2-year-old Rlule3;'conl- e~illv the shelling of the corn on -aI Was to0 busy last week, getting ready for my sale, I =tiis far111 last Thursday. i11g )earling Mule; 2 Shetland Popies, kid broke; Jack, 5 years old; Jack, 4 years old; to make the announcement that I intended to make.-ZI desire now, to say that I shall try to carry this businessMACHINERY along very much like Mr. Rogers did, seeking, always, .-.vice to all customers as'he did and-f possible. I shall carry very much the same-L Iline of goods that he carried. Mr. Nelsop will remainwith me and you know that "Dick" knows the business. MISCELLANEOUS We will both try to serve you the very best we can. We want to see all, the old cuptomers coming back when- =111)creairi separator with power attachment, y need anything in our line and we hope to-i~lcli harness. -anbil, vise, grind ~tonc, No. 15 DeLa~al-4power attaclluient for Ford car, brooder stove co~nplete wit11 hover, 2 crean~ cans, hogoiler with 5 gallons of oil, lieating stove, 2 5 bushels Early Ohio potatoes, 3 110: many new ones, I have done business in this=xtroughs, \Vincliester pump gun, folding bed, sanitary cot with ~nattress, Edison, 1918nd I want to see all my friends. IfDodge touring car in good shape, about 8 tolls of Prairie hay. 1- -.-..-- you don't know me, come in and get acquainted. EIJREMA NEWS EZ - , FREE LUNClI AT NOON - USUAL SALE TERMSNe:gllbors and ,friends hld a qu~priso party on Rlr. and Mrs. a , .--.-1111% -- -I,ew Wegrzyn Saturday evening. ='=r I The Weglzyn's will move to town , 3G--..I---4--hIr, apd Mrs. Philip Osentoski-Mr. a ~ Mrs. d Ja~ies Lil>inski, Mr. Z=!211d B11.s. J. n. Zulkoslci, Mr. and L L'1 Frnilk Feral1 and Stele anrl1 \:-c.~ti.'i, ai111 Ed. Zulhoski spentWEI,LEK R- RICMINDES,' Auctioneers ,--I

PAGE EIGHT'THE ORD QUlZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, TLIUHSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1928Mrs. Reimer Soumaestlay evening at Antonmen attended a sale.summoned quickly.When he fln-Issues larrlage Licensetender and juicy, ourceremony will be performed Feb-roaets are tantalizing, ourruary 15, it is understiod.roasts are ten~pting whenFine Rain Fnlls cooked. For all kinds ofJerry Hlavacek, Prop.----By Bernice King. He receives $1.09 aIe sold some' 50 headweek and recei~ed $7.Your <strong>Ord</strong>er, Please9 *'l'lie one secret is in the kind of soapolle uees. Only a true co~~~plexion soapn~acle entirely of vegetable'oils like Col-,eiiiployed on the skin.iilay be too harsll.Othe) soapsmain Wt. Their lesson was on 1alterations of pattern, tailored :pockets, buttonholes and variousother tailored eliwts in sewing al-Eat well and be well!Clean, fresh, pure foodstuffsare the surest wayo f maintainind g o o d"Make This Test in Your Home"health. And its in "goodthings to eat" that weReuiove all other soaps, 'and usespecialize. Here you get Coleo for two weeks and notice how 'none but the best in freshvegetables, fruits, meats,soft an? conifortable your skin feela.groceries and sundry table3 Cakes for 25c - 95c per dozen.IAll at the lowest prices.McLAIN & SORENSEN l"DRUGS"I35-CATTLE-35hretta Kusek entertain4 a iewof her friends at cards on Sunday40--HOGS--40old heifeq; 2 Jersey hdfeMACHINERYMost of this machinery is nearly new.ESSEX SUPER-SIXand You Cart Prove It-- Altogether or Part by PartThe New Essex Super-six is a delight toMISCELLANEOUS Sedan (4-door) - - ~ 9 5 the eye-in lines, fine exterior appoint- ,nient and careful finish. Inside, you re-stores are closed, you can get11eec1 to say: "Do~it give the things you need here.FUIWITUREnie a tol~gh steak," or "I We're always open for ydurdon't wmt all fat and convenfence and we have onegrietle" when y-ou tradehere. We give one hurldredcents ~rortll of fine,terlder meats for everydollar you spend here. , housewives ,buy tqble needs;anybody can get nepily duythingthey need at ai~ytime atPECENKA &OIID. NEI3;1ASI

.7-L. J. Auble went to Omalha onKSO\Y,Y Om PEOPLE.<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebraska,ient in a sanitariunlYou Can Do ItThe road to riches is not an easy one. It is not atall certain that the attainrllent of great wealth is wort11the price one has to pa'y for it.But financial independence, is soulethil~g ENTIRELYYea, we repair auto different. It requires no heart-breaking sacrifices, notops. Side curtains, too.co~uprolliises with pon@cience, no unfair dealings. JustWe're glad to do yourwork of this kind but we decide the anlourlt you sllould have at 50, or 55, or 60epecialize in ahrness work. years. Tbe!~ live within your income, establisll a savillgeyour harness oiled and re-mike the grade. Try it.Y I--I .I. 19-HEAD OF CATTLE-19-----.I-.I17-IIEADOF HOGS-17lea\e for Montana.LC. J. Mason recently submit- 3 bred sows, Durocs; 1 fat barrow; 13 head of shoats. -ted to an operation in the veter- -.an's hospital in Kansas City. The i.piece of shell was removed from nlrt omnlic Ihis limb and he is on the road torecovery.far as Grand Island where she wasmet by members of her daughtersfamlly, w%o tmk her to their homein Hastings.-Judge and Mrs. H. Gudmundk11returned home Friday evening,from Lincoln, where the former'had been in Bailey's sanitariumfor a few weeks' treatment. Mrs.Mrs. Wilford Williams and fam-We have them in -ily. She also stopped in North at0 ck to operateto the pleasure I get ' -.Ifrom their fine flavor,they hu~e newer c ~ . tmy wind to any no.ticeabledegree.FinnGble ort the ice.". FHEE LUNCII AT NOON - SALE TO FOLLOW IMIIEDIATELYUSUAL SALE TERhfS WILL BE GIVEN.I.I_CL- ILi

+-'&AGE TEN THE ORD QUIZ, om, NEBRASKA, TIIURSDAY; FEBHUARY 9,1928.,.-.=I+-,- m,1 -8Whipbet PriczsCOACII- $535ROADSTER-5485 . COUPE-$535em' TOURING CAH-$155 SEl)~iN-$585CHASSIS-$355 CABRIOLET-$545 USEF. 0. B. Toledo 1925 4-Door Ford Sedan.. I-Movfd by!Burrows and seconded of Nord 0. Williams and Clarence ten Per Cent ~ eannum r from Jan- fourth interest in the West one- and demands; that said decedent.?I by Moses that the bill8 be allowed 'M. Davis praying to have the same uarY Ninth. 1928, which sum and half of the North-east quarter dled intestate; that no application(.md warrants d ~ w on n the serer- admitted to probate and for the inltpre* was decreed to be a first (W 1-2 of NE 1-4) aod the EsstIfor administration has been madea1 funds for the same. Motion grant of Letters Testamentary lien upon all of ht Four, in Block one-half of the North-west quar- and the estate of said decedentearried.bhereon to Nora 0. Wlliams and @'Yay of the original town of <strong>Ord</strong>, ter (E 1-2 of NW 1-4) of Sedion ha# not been administered in theI The fire department cbmmittee Clare~ce M. Davis.kensington'clubNebraska, together with $21.05 tour (4) in <strong>Township</strong> Twenty (20) State of Nebraska, and that theFith an rewrted that they had investkathlleStar News theIt Is <strong>Ord</strong>ered that the 24th day costs; and I was directed to adver- Range E'ifteen, (15) West of the heirs at law of said decedent ou~day o-n February ed different samples of flre hoseBy Mrs. Dale Gnggenmos. Mrs. Batts and MTs. D. J. of February, 1928, at 10 o'clock in the and sell said remises for the Sirtii principal meridian in Valley herein set forth shall be decreedA large number from this corn- are on the menu committee.and recommended that the ~ouncil the forenoon, the County Court DaYment of said judgment and do- County, Nebraska, subject to the to have sweeded to the ownermunityattended (he "' Brech- The buy 400 feet of blue Diamond Mul- ~oom, in the city of <strong>Ord</strong>, said Cree, intere~t and costs.Of the Unit*estate for life 9f Elizabeth J. Mat- ship in fee simple of the aboveDave GuggenmOs pur- Brethrentheir tiple Interwoven fire hose Of the ~udy, be appointed as (he time Now. th2refore, notice is hereb; (ley xhlch has cased and b n dmcrjbed real estate.chased five head of caMle. CYlvan prayer meeting at the Archie Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Co., of and place of prodng e;lld will and.~i~en that I Will, on Tuesday, the deternJned hpon the dem'ise off &id matter has been set forand GuggenmOa waterman T@ursdayK~~~~~ city, M~.+'On-.hearing said petition, and Sixth day of March, 1928, at the said Elizabeth J. Mattley, leaving hearing before me on the 12th dayMoved and seconded by Norris ~t *fiber ordered thi no~ice hour of Two O'C~OC~drove them home Thursday. fng.in the after- as her sole and only hein at law of March, A. D. 1928, at (he hourIOur teacher, Miss Vernon Cass, that the city clerk be instructed thereof be given all persons inter-Of aid day the West front the following namd persons, to- of ten o'clock A. M., of said day,was an over night guest Wednes- fo purchase 400 feet of Blue Dia- ested by of a copy of door ~f the Court house in the City dt: in the county court room at <strong>Ord</strong>,day In the Guggenmos home. <strong>Ord</strong> Has Thief mend Multiple Fire Hose from the Ofthis <strong>Ord</strong>er three weeks successive-<strong>Ord</strong>, V*le~ Colunty* Kebraska*William T. MoLain, her husband Nebraska.A dairy meeting was held in the Eureka Fire Hose Co.9 Kansas ly previous to *e date of hearing said estate at public auc- and the following sons, Stanley A. Dated at <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebraska, this 7thMidvale school Wednesday eve- With Likiilg City, Mo., at $1.15 Per lineal foot in a e <strong>Ord</strong> Quiz, a legal weekly to the highevt bidder cash, McLain, Luther McLain, Everet G, day of February, A. D. 1928.nibg. A very large crowd gather- ?. 0. b. <strong>Ord</strong>, N+@br. The Y a and ne,vspaper of genera11 circul&tion to "tisfy said judgmeM and decree McLain and tT1oyd L. Mobin all (SEAL)ed to hear reports on how farm-For Silk Hose nay vote was called resulting a9 in said county.in the due andfollows., Those voting yea, Moses,of said heirs at law being moreers may get more for their creamcosts herein and accruing costs.J. H. HOLLINqSTlEAD,.md o(ber dairy topios in general, <strong>Ord</strong> evidelitly has a sneak thief Nords, Burrows, Rohla, Sorehaen 30~i~~y"so~~a,"~~",,~~\fea1 this Dated at <strong>Ord</strong>, Nebraska, this 31st lhan twenty-one years Of age'County Judge ofThat said petitioner is interest-A mall from the University of Ne- with a liking for silk hosielry. Last and Coe. None wtfng nay the mo- day of January, 1928. .Valley County, Nebraska.braska was the speaker of the eve- week Mrs. Emma Benda hung six tion was declared duly carried. J. H. HOLLINGSHEAU, GM)~GE S. ROUND, ed in said estate being the hus- Feb. 9-16-23.pairs of silk hose worth several The matter of , opening 10th (SEAL) Coun'ty Judge. I Sheriff of valley County, Xebraska band of the herein decedent at thening.Mr and hIrs. Guggpmos dollars, on the clothes line to 5treet north of I street was re- 1st Pub. Feb. 2;-4 times. 1st Pub. Feb.2.--5 times. time of her demise.Itook'their little daughter to B ~ dry. ~ - Some thief pilferea the whole terred to the street and aliey com-And praying for determinationThey .are trying lot but dropped one stocking in mittee to investigate and report. EOTIcE TO COXTllACTOnSB~~ x, lII.rdkhrool,of the time of the death of saidto find a baby food which will his hurry to get away. Mrs. IBenda Moved by Norris and secohded Notice Is hereby given that bids decedent determination of theagree with her. says that if the thief will call at ',y Sorensen that the light and will be received at the omce of the lYoTICE OF 'llE~iRLSC DE- heirs of 'said deceased, the degreeMr. York was a dler a bhe her home he might as well have nater commissioner be instructed County Olerk of Valley County, TERulS~iT1OS OP H131BSlIIP of kinship and the right of descentDave Guggenlnos home the odd stocking, as it will do her '0 notify the Skinner Engine Go. Nebraska, up to 12:00 o'clock noon In fhe County Court of Vnllep of the real property belonging to Iand not at home he no good. Other people have com- o make final steam consum~tion of March 5, 1928, and opened at the Count~, Nebraska. said deceased 'Stella Maud McLainto the M~~ ~~~t~ home. plained of missing silk hosiery test of engine as per cop/ract. next meeting of the Valley County SOTICE OF HEARISG sometimes known as Stella Mc-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Guggenmos and underthings and <strong>Ord</strong> house- The yea and nay vote was alled Board, tor such bridges as may be In the matter of the estate of Lain for a decree ba~ring claimsand family spent Sunday at the wives are warned to watch their resulting as follows: Those vot- required by Valley County, Nebras- Stella Maud McLain, Deceased.home of Mr. and J. S. werber, clothes while they are drying. 'ng yea, Moses +'orris, Burrows, host, during the ensuing year. All 1 The Stat of Nebraska:Earl Hovel1 has been spending Sorensen, Rohla, and Coe. None bids must be accompanied by a Perspns inkrested in said estate,a part of this week at the Charley Quiz Want ads get voting nav the motion was declar- certified check in the amount of ' CredltorS and 'heirs take notice,]Hopkins home. - ed duly carried. $2,000.00, paytable to the County that William T. McLain has filedThe Mat Keefe family spent Sun-Moved &by Norris and seconded Clerk of Valley Coun~ty, Nebraska. >is petition in said court allegingCity Coindl Prcoeedfngs. .-k: *,-day at Ootesfield visiting old by me that the council adjourn. The County reserves the right to khat Stella Maud MoLain some- / SootFebruary 3, 1928 Motion carried. reject any or all bids.friends and neighbors.limes known as Stella McblnCouncil met In regular session ,ittest:Marie was a ill the Council Chamber in the ~GN. ~IMA, JR, died intestate in Valley coun,ty,ihr in the John Hopkins home.Nelle Welters, Wm, A: ~ ~ ~ t l ~ t t ,city hall ~Sth the following pres-Nebraska on or about November WasteIrene Keefe spent .the week end City Clerk County Clerk6 nt Mayor Bartlett, City &torney Mayor. 19, 1925, being a resident and inwithher parents.1st Pub. Feb. 2.-4 times. habitant of Valley county, Nebras-('. M. Davis, City Clerk Nelle 1~01- ---WorkMr. and Mrs. Charley Hopkins ters and Councillllell Moses, N ~ ~ - Norm & Nonuno, Attornels? ~ l ~ :talf:it$;, ~ &:espent S'Jllda~ in the~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ and ~li~, Burions Rollla, Sorellsen andhome. - Coe. Notice is hereby give11 that byMr. and Mrs F1Ojd 'lave The minutes of the last Tegular I)"l(" v~~elt:l~lz, AttorllelkI, Block $'our (4) in Hillside ~ddvirtueof a:1 order of sale issuedOver lo Arlloldl they lnectil% were read. It was liloved , OIWER F011 ASI) SOTICE OFition to brd, valley County, Sebhavea for the t1y U~rro\~s and seconded byby the Clerk of Thp District Court ,-asks, also an undivided oneingyear.IIE.\ILIJU I';{oI),~T~; 0, \~ILI,, of Valley county, Nebraska and toJfoses that the ~ninutes stand allt,,cCou,ntp of VnlIrq me directed. upon a judgment andbroke Sunday and liad be redccreorendered in $aid Court oilrel,olt of the Seblasl,apaired.Co~rnit~, Scbracka. the Niiitli day of Jaallnry, 1935, in$kite U311:: sl1o-,,illg t1.e hzLlance of ST.YrE: 01.' NEUlt.\SIIA,)Llo~d IVciber acconll>ailied Dale an actio.1 ptndillg t~rereill, 'ivllereln,,iy tltaJ,tier Jatl. 31, 19LS ) SS.~ug1:tnl:ios and lCslvdl1 l'!lilb~.;~lcF~aiik S. ICull is Plaintiff en~l(,f $5,~22,07, tl,e E'llztto tllc .irt Ileyer's sale.Sat.l. ba!lk S'alley County. ) Clinrles It. III,.~~, Jl>hii A. I'ro~r,~,: ho~iii~x $J,O::.bj ,~nd tl~e Slate Il~ht'rcas, t!lcre has becn filed in Oeo~ge IV. Sc\\.btcl\er and FrLan!r\vdLtr S(:u,rre Dei~l Je~~elcr(-.;I: ~'"nrc'r "Iycdl auk ~lloi; in. $l,OO9.00 \\ere read.butchtr a hog FTor~tlay.11 iny olilcc 611 iosLl uisr:it purport- A- Uarla a, e UcIendmls. \vl~creio1.31' i!.olit!i cf JdnrCcl.y was j lrlent of E'iilabetll J. Alattley, dc- merit and decrce of foreclos~~re infiIkhIk)EN VALLEY 1 ~ ~ ' " it bas inoicd by CooI cease~l, ancl a yLtilicn undcr 03th the sun1 of $259.25, \lit11 interest at: ctol~dcd ky lt~:l!~% that the re-~jy XI.~. S:l!ti C~lg;eilulos >lolt----PI 2ccL ( o,l ill,,. ,lIotioll - -IIiim:l S110~1~1alier returlied horlle !-t a1 1 ied. -------.- ---- - .-------+frola liallill IlatLeld's Tuesday I The folloaing bills IVP~C preandWtdne~da\~ ncllt to hell, Mrs. .elfied alld read.Irvin AicCune who is ill.General FundPete Jorgenscn shelled COrll for ,toy Pardue, salary llight ORD BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIREGTORPGerhart Bielhe, Sam Gilro~. How- Police ..................$25.@0erton Bros. and .Jake Shoemaker 1~ Lindsay, s.~lary cily hall- - ---.--last week. \ jallitor ............:.... 23.00Worryare reasons forJohn Urbanosky's %ell was roved as leatl. fi:otion carried,using tileBetter GradesI*Smoke- -- - - - - - 'ii1e 1el)olt of t!?e city treasuler ling to be thc lcst will ailJ testa- the said Plaint~fl ~eco\elCci a jutig-CLEAN-EVEN-HI.SArT1Iowcrton ~ro3. sold corll to \kijor Udltlett, saliry 3d Clldrlee \V. &':ekes, &I. D.Earn Uoettger and S-~oelnaker's qua~ter .................McGINNIS &37.50 Resldcnqe Phone 28sold corn to 'CV. E. IVaterman. : ity Treas, balary 3cl quar.. 31.25FERGUSONWe will nppt-ecinte your pair oltngc.Clarence Stegger and family Of 1'it.y Clerk, salary. 3d quai-.. 31 Rotia visited at the ?errell Mad- Pity Attorney C. A. ~)avis-Phone 94dox home last week.Veteritinrianssalary part 3d quarter.. .. 33.33Baturdav beine Jess Ho\~crton'~ ( ity Atto~ney C. M, Davis,birthday, S. I. Willard and family, salaly partLoup Valley Clinic ORD, NEI~RASKAdd qualter. ... 16.67Ben Maly and fanli171 Mr. and Mrs. ]pile Chief, salary 3d qualter 25.09 Phone 34 -gam, ~uggenmos, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fled Coe, salary 3 meetings 9.00 J. A. Philli~sen, M. D.fIardlng and Dolsie Waternlan 'W. 11. Moses, salary 3 meet. 9.00 W. J. Hemphill. M. D. GEO. R. GARDhelped him celebrate Saturday ev'- Dr. h'orris, salary 3 lneetings 9.00 Gee. R. Qard, D. D. $.1). R. Kantor, M. D.ening. t'arl Sorensen, salary 3 C. G. Amlck, M. D.Earl Dubrey moved from the meetings ............... 9.~0 C. C. Shepard, M. D. X-RAY DIAGNOSJSSam Gilroy place to near Arcadia .'oe Rohla, salary 3 lueitings 9.00 E. J Smlth hl. D.Tuesday.(~UY Burrows, salary 3 meet. 9.00 F. 'A'. Barta, M. D. Gas Given For Ex$ractionsR. W. Hllle, M. D.MI-S. S. I. Willard shipped five 'rhomas V. hIcGowan, office C. J. Frandsen, M. D.. Rhode Island Red co~kereds to supplies ................C. C. Shepard, M. D. Fs L* BLWSINGMrs. Carl Johnson at HemmingfordThursday.Mr. and Mrs. Herman Negleyand sons attended a card party atPhyeician and SurgeonArchie Geweke's Friday evening-Mrs. Ray Hardin& MTS. Smn ORD, NEBRASKA Telephone 65, <strong>Ord</strong>Guggenmos and Ilda Hopredon Modern Methods and;Eq#7-HEAD OF HOItSES-7called at W. w. Watermans Fri- Omce PHONES Res. 16 Nebraska State Bank, Buiday afternoon. Ilda was havfn&some sewfng done.Mr. *nd Mrs. Sam GuggenmosCHARLES MIZAR, DR. P. 'G. Hoaesand Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bbtts were Residence Phrne 366Sunday dinner guests at theYDR. H. N. NORRIS-G~ggenmos home. 29-HEAD 011' CATTLE-29II LPalmer Graduate Chiropractor Residence Phone 111Edna Kohl s ~ nSaturday t nightwith Gladys Pocock. Office 195 OFFICE PIIORE 58mlsie Waterman went to theOSTEOPATHICmas Christofferson home Sunday Miska, Charging OHD, NEBlllSICAand SURGEONSto do the house work and care truck battery ............$I. the new baby daughter. / -Terrcll Maddox and family Went 30-HEAD OF HOGS-SOSaturday night with relatives atScotia.Reul Estate and Lile StockMr. and Mrs. A. M. L. Petersonalassea Fittedof north of <strong>Ord</strong> were at theAuctioneers OfRce over Beranek's DHarding home Tuesday where theypurchased a gander. T~~ us Omce hours: 18 to la A. M.1:30 to 4 P.Sam Guggcnmos bought (iarlock Packing Co., packing 9.M. HAY, GRAIN, HARNESS, ETC.from E. C. Weller Saturday. -"ToMrs. Sam Guggennlos and DolsieServe Huniaqlfy Better"materman attended the Brechbi1'ORVILLE H. SOWL QRD HOSPr ale Wednesday. Brechbills livedFUNERAL DIRECTORin Maiden Valley before to ~ut~e'rjr Cyuf~,mentOne block south ofHashell Creek. t'rofenrlonal Yervlccs -/ LMr. and Mrs. Archie wakrmanand Opal Willard attended the 50thc, J, bIILL&'' W-eddin~ anniversary of and Jis Mortensen, salary.Mrs. pat Daily. Thefe were eighty lluy Burrows, oil ....;/:::two friends and neighbors pres- The Garlock Packing Co.,OWNERent. Mrs. Archie Waterman made packing ............... 7.0 Surgery, Consultationthe cake with fifty candles On it Joe Rowbal, pipe fittings.. 5.2represent the years. I?. U. I

- -- --'l'BE 0RD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 19281PACE TLEVEN-ZP - eIstandards of puristy that youThe New series Pontiac Six introducesa multitude of important in~~r~vernentsever was a low-priced six that actuallychallenges comparison, this is it.See the many other features of this marvelous newMaytag. Try dne.Without Pain2-Door Sedan, $745; Coupe, $745; Roadster,$745jCabriolet, $795; +Door Sedan,$825; Sport Landau Sedan, $875. 'DR. H. C. ~ICHOLS, SPECIALIST, <strong>Ord</strong>, NebraskaVALLEY MOTO,R COMPANYTune in on Dr. H. C. Nichols' programOver KGBZ Every Tuesday Night From9:00 to 10:OO O'clock : BMA BROS, Props. , 'Orcl, NebraskaI

-tPAGE TWELVE TIJE ORD QUU, ORD, NEDRhtrKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1928ENTERTAINMENTS OF QUALITY1Lawrence ~eiiljkin returned on Joi~nson. Mrs. John Palser, and Mrs.!--and 25c.KIMBALL SHIPSDuvall in different acts.CIOMIXG--''Now We'R In The Air," "The Love Mart," "Man,Woman and Sin." "The Mvine Woman," "The Noose."THE WHITE-WING.Received in 1927.., or 0. W. Leep,ing with '!hais sister,Sugar Beets -- -------- 283 carBeans ---------------- 2 carsrest Johnson an(, co45-tfthe Kimball Obsercer Febr---TUESDAY, IJEIIH. 14chinery, etc.and Margar& Rood at a *lumkparty Saturdlay night.James, Bazant, <strong>Ord</strong>R. E. Paota, <strong>Ord</strong>SUG-Used Fordson battorth governor and pulley, in firstclass condition. Flagg & TunnfcliffMotor Co. 46-2t.FOR SALE-Two-hole power loomsh)Iler. Phone 3602, <strong>Ord</strong>;Cornsto& 731. Joe Cernlk.45-2tAH1SCLLLANEOUSIWeller and McMindes Sale Barns in 0paints and enamels in alll colom.PROMPTLY AT 1.3030-HEAD OF CATTLE-30at all tfmeu. 6ee Albert Ma-Consisting of cowe, calves, heifers, steers. We will 74.have a n-ber of real good milch cows. Cattle sold worthmoney at ouf auction last week, do not fail to be on handfor this auction. Remember they sell cheaper here than they moo. -4 1121. R F. D. 4.have been in the country. Buy by weight and know what43-ti.are doing.Joe Il'ekuda, Bl~rwellof coming 1-year-old colts. Ray-mond Chrlataaen. Phone 6128.30-HEAD OF HOGS-30 43U25 head of stock hogs; 5 head of bred gilts; 8 head of bred RXALESTATEwwe and 12 head of shoats. FKIDAY, FEBK. 2410-m~~ OF HORSES-10time this season and it looks as if they would be even hia little later on. Buy now, before they get higher.-C.E. Kohl returned to <strong>Ord</strong> onRemember This Place Positively sells' To The High-John Neverkla.44tfWEIILF& AUCTION CQMPANY. Qrd,"The Auctioneers"Phone 602 oc 55 WELLEK & Rlc>lINDES, AuctioneersE. C. Weller, Auctioneer

C. Twelve PagesThis Weeki mi-- A, \!' ,Jhe News of Valley ~ ount~-~he Quiz Wants It-The Quiz Prints h'.I1 \ .(4 -- -.- - -----sESTABLISIIED APRIL 1882. TIIE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBR,AgI

.---------- .-I TIIE OPa QUIZ, ORD, NERRASICA, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1948 a I%\> *a 6 ..*.a--.L.P--- - --- - .- - -. a --.*-. --- Chrlsthn Church. I Roy '~amilton's, a Mrs. Iiarrison,IIP~YL......d-L_II*--U- .The minister has recovered suf-wh,~ said she had been a StewartAciently from his re'cent sicknessgirl at <strong>Ord</strong>, presu~nably May Stewtobe able t~ carry on as usual.art (Doubleday). Then there wasPreached. two fine sermons!nst Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Penney, Mrs. Harry Harris, who lived east'of 11s ~41'en I-~e lived in <strong>Ord</strong>, nowWritten for The Quiz by John L. Ward >The workers conference of the who have been transacting busin- the Mrs. Tedro home.Sundav school met at the churcheSs in Fullerton and visiting his We also saw John Carson, Mrs.Tuesday night to formulate plansslster, Mrs. Nelson Barber, departforthe work of the year. ThereBnrlrell Defeats ~aylorIed gaturday lor their home Chiofhand performer, a basket ball$ti?, MDfgeEa:$trEa. ap;::was a fair attendance apd livelycage.-Fullerton News.Last Friday night the Burwell game, the fats versus the leans, interest. penney wasdaughter Cleve BTtzgerald, Anna, Pete the Jones, Charlton's. Guybasket ball boys handed a defeat boxing and wrestling matches,to the Taylor team. making nine fortune telling and all kinds ofnumber of the members went man.McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Gipe,towig8 out of eleven starts. The freak shows. The police depart- l,k over the new Calvary Lban-Rev. M. ELzman departed Harry Gene Madlson Abernethy, Mr. Mr. Luse, and some Mrs. ofTaylor boys came eyer fully pre- merit will keep the crowd moving gellcal there with a view 'hfonday for Boston, where he will the Mllligan;, The Martz., thepar& to take the local boys into and look out for highwaymed andcamp, and were ahead during the traffic violators. Coffee, sandtoremodeling the chutch here at be joined by his brother, E. M. Turner girls, daughters WesThe pastor, Rev. C. Carman and leave On a business Turner. Not all of these live infirst two quarters of play. About siches. ice cream and cake wlll~ ~ l ' u ~ u ~ ~ ~ ; gobligingly hthis time Anderson and A. Gaukeltrip to Canada.-Bllllerton News. Beach, sonle ofbe served in the tea room, in the -showedopenell up a whirlwind attackthe party over th-e them live at Los Angeles. Losdomestic science department' Callin' attention to the good,fea- A Loren Angeles is only a short drive fromwhich put the home team in the Jlost of tho booths will be locatedwas borh to (Mr. and Mrs. Merle here.You know it is all one townlead at the finish with 21 to their in the main hall, and the athletic tUres and showing where Denning (Eltie Mae Travis) on here, you bn9t know ,,,here oneopponents 13. ~t was a hard game events will be staged in the gym- meras pould be made. The Peo- February 5.-Elm Creek Bcason.for the Taylor team to lose. as theple Of the besides - begins and the other ends. Wenasium. Admission at the door isa lms of it means that they will not hpe, but wou(luld be well to comea new church at the cost Louis Soelts, the small son are hkllly concerned over, thehave the chance to go to the tourofover ten thousand dollars in M,, and M,,. ~~d~~~ spelts, who Hickman case. We take a mornpreparedfor eventualities.nament. During the first quarter -1926, bought a splendid parsonage was seri,ously ill with blood ing and evening daily and therethey played the fastest basket ballproperty last fall at a 'cost ofSOing his arm, is convalescent.-much in the papers here aboutIn 1Iospitnl At <strong>Ord</strong>.seen on the home floor this season Louise Iiilpert was taken to <strong>Ord</strong>$3500.00. Fullerton News. it. We also met Mrs. P. E. ~loyd,-- -- Who Was Charlie Siler's daughter,but wore themselves out before the Thursday of last week suffering ~~~f~~~ serl*ices February 26,game was half over.iron1 an acute attack of appendici- The churches E. C. James of <strong>Ord</strong>, was in the Laura*As a preliminary to the mainof Burwell are city Thursday looking after There were lots more there butShe isnicely from planning largely on a union serevent,two girls' teams played a(ller operation as this is written,business matters. ,Mr. .James is can't remelnber a11 of them. Wevice wh!ch will be held at therather exciting game in which the Her mother, Mrs. \V. F. Grunbe- ~ ~ ~ church ~ on Sunday ~ collnfcted~ ~ with~ the buildingt i and stayed~ all~ the afternoon~ l and vishi^jseiel:ing, ~ ~ 26th. b .to be loan association at <strong>Ord</strong>.-Cozad ited with old Or4 friends. TheyDangerous Six defeated the Red meler, remgined with her untilwere a jolly bunch, and all seemedHots by a score 01-29 to 20. Fri- Sunday. Iler classmates iq the il? tho nature of a patriotic sere Ibcal. - in love with California, especiallyday night a double header will be sixth grade sent her a shower of v:ce. ~h~~~ will be some fine the climate. Wad faith too, or theyplayed at the gym, Bartlett con- valentines. music by the combined choir 0.f A. Chase and his wouldn't have staged a picnic ontending with thp local high school -the three churches, under the di- Miss Eunice Chase Of <strong>Ord</strong> and Mrs. February 5. A]] in all it was ateam in the principal event. Bart- Light Foundntions Lnld. rection of Miss Fitton. The ad- Lucienlle Maxwell Crawford pleasapt afternoon.lett won the first game from Bur- ~h~ concrete foundations for the dress of the evening will be deliv- Were Passengers for Chicago Sun-MRS. A. hf. COONRODwe11 on their own floor.ered by Prof. J. I

-THE ORL) QUU, ORD, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEB~UARYPAGE FOUHi6, 1928- ----- ---- --0, VALLEY COUXTY, NEBK.----1\Entered at the Postoffice at <strong>Ord</strong>,h'ebraska, as Second Class MailMatter pnder act of March 3, 1879.(Continued Page one) read and approved.-K. B. Printing Cb,, office--(Continued on page nine)I---(SALE WlLL BE HELD ON TIE PHERIISES)----loan of 60% of the selling price call be ar-lielllelllbcr This Place Positively Sells To TIle IIigIl.YELLER & R~c~IINDES, Auctioneere*or tl by appealing to peThe liou>e cleaning sea-they have no lavith the poor blind niey---Will Rogers, who has asaying things that smart ththrough thick hides and soaktnost I~eautiful line of saitlpiesI hale eter hdd. Ithe IIeflill brand: "If we a~ttttttttsttttntttnttttttttttttttttttttttttt:: ?~;~:t,"; ;: am;r;: ;;;lt;:;ip automobile valueMrs. Li~kitl Writes. his next summer." He said I'd For years, Cheqrolet has into the low-price fieldTo the Editor of the Quiz: have to get out arid hustle if I wasthe features of advanced design found on the world's finestYour idea of a more beautiful going to beat him. Th~t is just anQrd certainly appeals to me. Some inkling of what is go.ing on in peo-automobiles.tillle ago I passed through a little ple's minds. The Quiz certdinlycity where I felt that I would like staqted a fine thing when it began I Lincoln's Leadi~ig Hotel And never has this progressive pclicy been better exempu.io live and I believe the reason the talking about a "more beautifulfied than in the Bigger and Better Chevrolet-with itsplace abpealed to me so'was on ac- <strong>Ord</strong>."count of the beauties on every I did a big washing today but Imarvelous new Fisher bodies, its numerous notable meside. IVell kept lawns, beautiful didn't need to make the wish that 250 Hooms-800 Baths chanical advancements, and its thrilling new performance.,flowers, cleanliness-I really be- Au11t Het made because I didn'tlieve it would increase the popula- get tired. All the time I was at itonly a close dersonal inspection can Fonvey any adequateti011 of our town if we all tried to I had such visions of flowers, vines,make it more inviting. pl,ants, pretty porch boxes' 'n every im~ression of the quality and value provided in this sensa-I think a certain man in <strong>Ord</strong> has thing beautiful that ? didn't get Fi~ed price meals and a la cartetional new car. In beauty, in romfort and in performance,caught the spirit of the ciean-up tired at all. One lady who raisedservice in Pompeian Dining roomit climaxes every previous achievement in the developmentcampaign for last sunday morn- &owers galore last year and, by theand in Unaoln Lunch room.ing he went out and loaded his way, carried off several prizes atof luxurious transportation at 1 ~w cost!Circulating ice water in all guestFord with junk that had collected the county fair, has aaught therooms. Auto club headquarters.in the back ya~d and alley and spirit. She ,says she's going to Come in today and go for a demonstration. It will take yonthen, while everyone else (as he have lots more f19u7ers than usualAn Ofticia1 A~nerican Auto.thought) was in church, he drove next year. I'm sure mally others less than half an hour to learn why the Bigger and Bettermobile Assoclntion lIotelShey include the lopeltout to the garbage pile to unload, are enthused but just hesitate to handling and financ~ng Chevrolet, with its many new features, is everywhere hailedEvidently another man, a near take up their yens to write YOUcharges available w the world's outstanding motor car valudneighbor, had the same idea for about it.he drove up to the garbage pile Oh, you didn't read about thewhile his neighbor was there and wish Aunt Het made? Well, sheboth had a good 11ugli at theil. wished Pa had kissed her handtrick. Perh7p-, both should have $\hen they were young so she couldbe-I 'n church, but cleanliness is sit and remember it when she wasnext to Godliness, yoa know, so worn out after a day's washing.they were doing the nest bes: Sincerely,ih.12;. MPS. C. E XCGREIV Q U A L I T Y A T L O W C O S TI -.

I- .\PAGE SIX 0THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, THUhSaAY', E%%KUAiIii 16, 1028-- --.-- - -y b . p . ----ir,.U--Whippet Pricesconc1r--$535ROADSTER-$485 COUPE,$535TOUHING CAR-$455 SEDAN-$585CIIASSIS--$355 CABRIOLET-$545 ALL USED CARS-Two 1'927 ~lievrolet Coaches andF. 0. B. Toledo a Ford Sedan, .--- --AltCADIA NEWS'family of <strong>Ord</strong> visited at the Chas. porch and fell, injurillg her headHollinghead home SundayILqlon Notes.for each county were elected C. J.Miss ""le Mr.'pent theand M. . Luther $I& son and face badly.' The ~ounds Were Carefully armn.4 plans madeton, IVaah., not far from Olympia.Mortensen being elected for thisweek end as the guest of MissSargent spent Sunday with hr. and immediately dressed by the doctor 'at the last meeting of Fidelity place in Valley_ county.-9c PE1tSoNAL'commencing Wednesma.Ailshle.Miller Ed has is secured doing nursing employment, and YrS. Mrs.Irene Downing.Mr. and Mrs. John Minnie of Linandshe is getting along nicely. / Post went ~Iiqbtly awry Monday would like to give you more in day next week. stt~lt. VarietyS. L. carver cambtidge, ~ ~ b colu ~ . arrlved , Satulda) night for a Ute 'Saturday night D- Wed- morning when the *eather manGibson says mat she is reelingdetail of this splendid meeting butlrrived a visit withvisit with relatives.del received a message stating that unloaded his rain and snow upon space forbids. A great many 10- --Mrs. Charles Haley went &It to. quite that countr:, well and very that much, they a11 likoMiss Carolyn K1n.e~ 1s confinedrelatives.the condition of his smlal son, us. A number of Legionaires a.Ingionairea attended the banquet Burwell last evening to visit for aher home with a mi'd case bfScarletine.tendered the visiting officials and few days.-Mrs. i:who is- receiving treatment at theD. ~ ~ ~~d ~ s ~ ~ ~I delegates together with Command-Lloyd E~lts came imnlc. Sunday daughter Li~s Ella May left Tues~I&xls. J hn ~~d~~~~~ or ord Imanuel hospfetl in Omaha was er Bowers and Pmt Adjutant Ollis the delegates to the district con- -)'rank Penas was able to leavehkllt flom Lillcorfi where ue has ~hursdag St.day for their home in ~ ~ d i ~ ~ ~ ,with her rnrther, Yrr not so favorable. He left immed- ' had planned on going to Kearney 1 vention of the auxiliary hela athospital. Grand Island,been atitending the state university. Jacob VanWieren.this week after a major operation.They had spnl aiately by auto for that place, accoupleor weeksfor the district canvention of the the city hall last Fridav. AfterLloyd expects to remain home forcompanied by P. E. Doe. -in <strong>Ord</strong> witll their son and brothel.g o ~ ~ m ~ d H -L. Umstead left yesterdayseveral weeks and will then go to:f:e ~ ~ ~ :; d ' M ~ ~ ~ ~district-to which we belong. How- , the eats enjoved the splendid talksC. E, Kohl. The latter is goinhul, City visitols id^,..Little DonaId McMichael has ever minds 'were suddenly chang- and program which finished out for .Milwwkce, Ws., to look afterScottsbluff where lie has a position Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sorensen andto dispose of hi, furniture, give u%been quite sick for several days ed when the roads beemed to bebusiness for the weekes Seed cornduringthe summer months.one his horne propert" and rent roodrpaw.Mr. and Mrs. R. F. ~0G.e wereMr F and ~ visited Mrs . relatives~~~ef:i,","d~J. ~ P ~ ~ ~ but is ~ nluch improved now. I . the best meetings of itsso impassable. Commander mw- kind ever held in the state.down town. Mr. Kohl had planat~~~l~~~ sunda The Ladies' Aid society of the gs went by bus an(d tradn so ourC. s. Watson, P. 0." -A "On Was born resterday toLoup City visitors Thursday. Otto Rettenma~er, Glalis Bellin- Methodist church wilI meet Thurs- I past was represented. GreeIejncd on taking his mother and slsiMr. and Mrs. Fr'renk Meese. HisThe Ladies Aid Society of th6 ser and Bulger wele Old vis-ter home by auto and spend a fewday at the basement for a special I post was also there, thcse two be-weight was Pounds. Mrs.Methodist church met at the homehours with his small sons but aflt~r~~~~:'Trur,bliss &finnip T~~~ nlrctins. They will sew for Mrs. ing the only posts represented ID1L RIC1c RECEIVk:S A GY.bTEofMrs. Louise Iiall Thursday af- &nd Mr. and Mrs. lllerwy~~ SwalnieSowers is caring for baby ter the gtornl raads were not in ,ItOtertson whose home was des- from this section of the district. FCTL LETTER FHOM WELLternoon,with Mrs. Arthur Au- nlotolea to Loup City Sunday.1 good shape.frecht hostess. The afterliooli was Dale Loae of Wolbach arlitedfire I There were seventy-five dele- IiSO\VS OR11 I'EPPLE. --saturday for a visit at the home of The Ivan Robertson family are gates and visitors in attendance,spelit making Valentines of which his sister MIS \v. J. ltamsey.<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebraska.Called to Omaha.occupying rooms in the Knapp res- I State Colnnlander Jean Cain. Ad-~ar. His wife is visiting a sisterone hundred mere sent to the 311s. Call Russel1. Jean and JoeRex Reed, high school coach, wasOfoIthopedic hospital at ~ i and ~ -4tl~leS ~ spent ~ Sunday l at the ~ home idence until their home can be, jutant Conklin National Commit-Feb. 6, 1928. ' at Kearney.called to Omaha Tuesday by theof Mrs Bernice IIahn. They were(teeman Sanl Reynolds, Dr. IIines, Dr. Rich.Bill Tllll1licliff and Mart Eerall news that his father h d passcclsixty to the Mother Jewel1 home at accom1,anied home by Mr. and MIS. Gene Cox, who has been work-, state committeeman, L. E. Chat- Grand Island, Nebr.are in Omaha this week o:~ busYork. At the close of the business A. c. Dur>ea who will I'emaln foraway in a hospital where he hading at Ravema returned home on terton of the Relief committee, Dear Doctor Rich: 1 They werd &cCcIll~afli~d, to been for several days.~ession lovely refreshmellts wereAn infec-6erreJ by the hostess."e~le,'~ala~$Y~I~!si~+i. J. Ilalnscy and ~uesday.Rev. Askine, chaplain and com- Now that we have returned home that city by hIr. a!vl Mrs. 11 ili1a:n tion of the chest following an at-Billy visited relatives at <strong>Ord</strong> SUII- \Valter Shutler of Litchfield was mander Holmes of the local post froni your Sanitarium, we wish to : AlciZI~llen of Burweli.Miss Lillian Jeary spent the day afternoon.hrs rc- tack of pneumoliia was the cause'veek end at her home at iSeward' Mrs. John Marion of Clear Cleelcah Arcadia visitor Tuesday. gave a short talk of more than thank you foir what you have done ' --Mrs. W. L. Ramufydea,th, nuria, will be at fitock-Miles Lee was a business visitor,perit IVedllesday at the Flo>d Bly---- passing interest to lfgionaires. for us. We cannot praise your -ceived a letter from h ~ sistcr, r ,\frs. ville.~oIlle.OHD IIOSl'ITziL XOTES The seventeen objectives of the pl'rece too highlv Your trcatnlent 3farj.o~~Gibson, who left (3rd ~ev- - - -. - - - ---iIsulmitted to ap extensive abdom- ment of our communities.s 0011.TWIUR9DAY9 IFEBW. %a .The sale will be held at tlic Jos. Nekuda far~u 4 nlilessouth~vest of Burwell ant1 will start at 1 p. ~n.Firemen's Bnnoal Ball.I've got niyself into a jam. I pro~liised theDelco-Light l~on~e office tlist l'd run a11 ad i11this space every other meek. And now I don'tknow what to say. If I tell the truth about ~OIYgood Delco-Light if, nobocly will belicvt: 19e.will collie in and ask atuut Delco- Light. A dthat's tlie big idea back of these ads. So if any-body has any good advertising ideas, p1ea.e LIasher teas a prize t~v+nn~r: He was first prize juuiorsend them along. No pay, but lots of thanks, pig at Nebraska and junior chan~pion at Kansas and firstprize junior at the National in 1923, first prize junior111 the nlean~vhilc-"st~11d by for further anyearli~lgat Nebraska State and winner at the National in1924, then again 2nd. prize and aged boar at the NebraskaState fair in 1926 iu 3-year old form. And in every casetlle classes were exceptionally strong but never in then~inds of either the judges or the ringside crowds, was hisplacing in doubt or questioned. And ~:iost of the sows inthis sale are bred to Dasher.The Shorthorn offering is a splendid one and the bestblood lines of the breed are represented, as you will seeif you send for a catalogue. Address us at Bur~+;ell forcatalogue or car1 at the Quiz ofice rn <strong>Ord</strong> and get one.WELLER, GHUNKEfilEYEK & ALUEH, AuctioneersNOHVAL CLARK, Fieldnia~~Undoubtedly the Season's Greatest Line ofof ally investment is aQueen Isabelle pledgedher dianionds to financethe voyage of Colu11:buswhen he discovered Airier-Women and Children'sWith the "SPIKIZ' OF YOUTII"Sizes 3 to 20 - 36 to 52 ,Pure SilkGuaranteed Hose, per y air-ion, too.Anyhow we can, New House Dresses .Kenfield visited Swtu~clay at the .I. THE BUSY JEWELERhome of MIS. Kenfield's slster in *3Ccrwyn.;*?r- -I q4 e, Chester Barnes an,? (.499.:**9~$*'E*

#'-9c Sale commendn~. Wednes- -Miss Anna Olsson, who teachesTrindle Is improv- day with home people. They wareThe days of shop-to-shopand store-to-store marketingyou had to see what you xereMrs. Horwe TramisWe carry only standardized,operations forArthur Roxwe deliver twice daily.THE MODELMrs. Joy Pecenka.-F. J. Dworak, Prop.- Friday, D. D. 0 with Mrs. Chas.Itebekah Lodge Xeets.PUBLIC SALEI will sell the following personal at the farmknown as the E. Sanders place five miles ~traight southand a half rnile west of Bunvell onham Lincoln. Mrs. A. Mutter, whoMrs. Ben Janssen and committee-In )Wednesday afternoon toFOI%Yafter some business matters With your coal bin fill-served refreshments. Attend Cont entron.hay, grain and seed.head of cattle. ~hirteen headthe Misses Ellamae Sershen. ElsiePecenka, Carlota Davis and Mernalunch at 11:30. Bring your own tin cup. The usual ealeterms will be given. The offering is an exceptio~lallp goodone. There are tell good milk cows aulong the cattle andsome of the cattle have been on feed, for thirty days.Dinner guests at the home of Mr.and Mrs. August Petersen Fridayevening were C. E. Kohl of <strong>Ord</strong>,Mrs. D. D. Resseguie and daughter,Miss Ella May Resseguie, ofMadison.The Fortnightly Whist club wasententsined 'I'hursday evenlng inthe home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nel-SOR.--<strong>Ord</strong> as she formeThe Most Advanced Vb ay[TYRWBLDEW METHOD]Mrs. Tom Williams.ador 0111s 111.time friends.Mrard Parks were guests. The hosteesserved a two course luncheonshop, of best materials, byassisted by Madams Harvey Parksgwod bakers. It Is baked forand Ardhie Bradt.YOU. ,Same way with ourAt the meeting of the Fbyal cakes and pastry of all kinds.Neighbors Friday evening ofacerswill be initiated and birthday cele-You'll like the products ofbrations for February will be held.our bakery and when youMrs. Frank Stara and committeewill serve.buy. them you'll know you areon what is known as the Mrs. Ar~nstrong place, one halfmile south and three fourths mile east of Burwell, on theForrest Johnson, Prop.All you need to do is drive in and give us a chance to ihspect your tires. Whenconvellience and lost tire service.'Tyrlvelder is putting new life and new service into local motorist's tires everyday. It is a wonderful new eystem which welds new sections into old tires so well thatEleven head of horses. Nine head of cat-ure, assuring greatest economy.I tie, sik being good milk COWS. Full line of Tires that have blown out, or have been cut and bruised should not be thrownII as an old Irisb neighbor usedaway. Bring them to us-Balloops, Cords and Heavy Duty Pneumatics-and our Tyr.1 to Ear, along toward spring machinery, h6usehold.goods and miscell-welder System will bring them back. to life ready to give you many uliles of extra seraneous.One Farmall tractor, lister, 4-rowviceand at a low cost.F&EE LUNCH AT NOON - USUAL SALE TERMSordinary meat diet. Wereceive fresh shipmentsfor Friday every week andkeep them in perfect conditionin our great refrig-be a treat for the who1Get the habit of coming to our service etation. It will be a habit-avingfor your mileage from old tires or moneyon the purchase of new ones, for we havea complete line of new tires and tuba to give you utmoet satisfaction at lowest coat.PECENKA & 'ttnnntttttttttttttttttttttttttm


ifTHE oRD QUIZ, oRD, NEBRASKA, 'r1iuHsuA 1, L aunuiln l lo, ly~o



Twelve PagesThis Week-\TO B UIX COHI~~.SI~O.YUE.Y~'S.ICea In mind the dnle of If. J.~etcnff's rlrlt, February 25. \V,huyr thnt all cur~csgondents wlUmake plnus to hear him.I The News 4 Volley ~ auni~-~he Quiz Wanis Zt-TheQuiz Prints Zt

IThrough the courteswovId he practicable tccrts every ~ii~nth.The.concert was thojoyed by both studentsAt the fan11 3 nliles north of<strong>Ord</strong>, Nebraskaformation next week.'Forreqt ~dlnisoa, Prop.mttttttttttttt:tttttttttttttttt:tt:ttttttttt\We have just con;pleted arrangemen& with theGoodrich Tire Co. to handle the famous Goodrich Silvefi, town cord tires and tubes, which enables us to offer.local motorists the lowest cost tire mileage ever ob-With a fresh new stock of Goodrich tires at a speciallow price, you can now make your tire investment. here and be assured of utmost economy in Tire Mileage.As we also are equipped with the new TYRWELDER.- - - --- -- - \- ------ - ----L- - - - - -- ___ _ - - .- - - 1I- - ---- - ---- -

4 t~ *ITHE ORD QUIZ, OeD, NEBWSKA, TIIUKSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1928 PAGE ,-.-'CUA r,.B+,,. 1 -

PACE-FOURP-P----- - -, - THE OKD QUU, ORD, NEBRhKA, TIIUKSBAY, PESRUARY 23, 1928--'l'HE QUIZ FORUTo the Readers of the Quiz: .--Mrs. Wesley Smith is slowlyimproving from a sick spell.--Emil Graul was a Monday'sPassenger for Omaha.-A dawh!cr wr.3 bp::! ThursdayFeb. l6 to "I1.. hzr3. =r;---,RKing.--It. S. 1Cerchal and daughter Non-PolitfcalMrs. J. b'. Hybl went to Grand 1s-Band Monday.John Haas families.IGN. KLIMA, JR.,-Hubert Vodehiial went to St.Paul XIonday where he is a studentin the St. Paul college.-Mr. and &Irs. Ivall Bottbeeu ,ivillg i <strong>Ord</strong> during tter \,e first 0they will move to the farm.S01vl.-Mr. and Nrs. Mike Kosmata returnedhome Moeday evening fromItheir weddillg trip to Omaha, Lin-D. 1928, at the hourA. M., of said day,court room at <strong>Ord</strong>;J. H. HOLLIXQSHEAD.County Judge ofThc more you see of the New Series P6ntiac Six---the more-rn.VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY' BIaBa Bros, Props.'?F. J. Worak, Prop.uncle James and family. He---Miss Jeallnetteturned home kidsYou'll appfda'te the kindof repair scrvlcc! we give.We're not rubbers-we don'tWe believe, vee can satisfygoit with rgpair service andif you try us you'll believe itis. Have a Carnel. .packages to the express of-The last chapter for3 out of 4 merchantsThe Sationat associationof credit nlen cites the caseof four merchants whoseplaces of business were damagedby fire within 48 hours.One man had been appraisedat $19,500, carried $9,600 insu'rance,Na 2, appraisal,,$11,400, insurance carried,$2,500. No. 3, appraisal, $17,-200, insurance carried $7,-000. No. 4, appraisal $14,-800, insurance carried $13,-000. nhree of the merchantsare out of business. No.4 rented a vacant store with-iness again within ten days.Are you fully prote'cted?Camels lead by billious and keepright on growing. -II

)TEE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1928 1 4PAGE FIVE"m___q-- - -- --- -( I Mr. and Mrs. Sherbeck we~eXe~tis of the IVeek --il ICows and Chickens Helped M. C. 09Connor 1, -h---A*IR-M.~B.B~FCP- --- 'C ----I! ua:seneers to Omaha Smday. I~iggo Nelson of Palmer &sitedat the EE~ Anderson home srtul- Become Very ~ucces&tdI "And tlie dairy cows helped all ( llley next bi~ilt a granary 2111.1ReABIA e pa r a$ day.(Mr. Holden went to Grand IS- along the \bay,' said M. C. O'Con- ,oru and changed the oldland Sunday and brought back nor, one of Valley county's suconeof the new model Stars which cessful farmers, as he told this re- Iboddy to a cow barn' He then- - - ---- is on display at the Baird garage. lYorter about his sixteen years 1 built his modern hde with sevenspent on a Valley county farm His rooms and bath, which is now'Arth;r Aufrecht was a Loup City \\ here they had accorbpaniod stoit I Mi",: $:yy$giLp2si2 at 2: first house was a two-room soddy equipp~d with many modein coiivisitor\Thursday.shipments last week. Mr. Tholllp Chashome in thehtrs. Morris Fowler returned son ourchased acountry -his preaent home has se~enFord roadster ! I veniences. Later Mr. O'clonnorr...i...uuuuay.rooms, bath and all modern con- built a neiv barn, coops, hog shedhome Thursday morning after while there, driving it hame. Orvllle Woods drove to Ansley ~en~iences. IIis Valley county farm and other outbuildin~s, making allspending sevcral days with her ITha Wayre Benson and Asa Saturdav after Mrs. ,Woods who has treated hini well, Mr. O'Conner buildings on the place nearly xew.daughter, Mrs. John Welty, at Hodson families were Called to has been visiting the past week thinks, and farming isn't such a ~bolit this time things began toComstock. Mrs. Welty and baby Lincoln Saturday by the death ofaccom~aniecl her home and s~ent Julius Yrae.with her sister, BIrs. Baker. bad occupation after all.run along nicely, when in the fallMrs. Floyd Bryan of Aurora ar- In 1908the day, returning on the evening ! MissMr. O'Conner was mar- of 1916 a heavy hail storm came,

edk[of gluttins bow ,XIS i NOHTlf LOUP NEWS They Were initiated itno the Koi:~WHEN f~ COME%--Say Hank if Fehre (that & a~gyou see Alfie Hill you tell him that they would skweel if they knowed ~~~h&!$ ~",~~i;~",~","~erorder of Oddfellows.that ash tray he sel~t me two years they would miss al Meal. Expec- Nothin' to drink but bootleg Ilkicer 1 Mrs. Erfow T. Babcock was M. D. Earnest, Bud ~ n a Jerry ~ ~ :ago Christmas, the paint it wore ialy George Round, r'eruember how And that %*ere agin the law. hostess to the Lollypop girls Sun- Puncochar, Fred ,Swanson and Eloffit.By Everett RI. Goateeold Geo. he was hole: to his bs. *wv.Maybe I have wait and I day Glen evening. Babcock from Ansley came no Hurley drove to Kearney onv11.flniSh this after I get them Other "by auto Monday mornine and ex- business'wednesday,\Yhen in colnes H~~~~ an* same] It-e stdde all nlght in' all the nextqiss Eva *dams has been ab'sent&OW Hank, I want that you like Mattie she would have did. Marksdaylessons Hank'& the snow kep pilin higherI don't seem to be'pe~ts to spend a few days at the fronl her wdrk as clerk Johnbh0uldgive me a nice little writeback the showWell sir 'Hank, that there hapableget her stopped. JW he Robert VanHorn borne,Sun borrled a chaw an' then re- son's store for the past meek. Shelo whele there werent no mIght have been rig& about thep\rP in the same issue of your Pened just a few minutes ago and marksMiss Bvelyn, daughter Mr. has been having a gevere cesef WJ?kly that you publish my pome I been a whole week writin this Thdt it looks a little like snow.Or p&je to keep up a fire. be the lessons. But and Mrs. Ralph Sperllng, isanyways it is kinder hard to lceep grippe, but is improviag now.yeraess la. might firinstance letter@ and wrote thespending the week with her 1 George E Johnson and V WRemember how Henry and Same1 &'OW 1.11 just stick in a little hu- my mind on versus when that little grandparents, M~. and Mrs. Dave$ut a h*dline something like this versus yet. So here goes for the in Wmd River, was allus together Hank? I mind mOr for YOU,iebr:Hank, YOUBCiemindhowORD UA8BER poetry and I just want you to flapper Went out in the rain with- ~~~~~h~~ Tuesday on business.one tin,, when Henry he comes in- bald Bill hfoses is. Well dotice out her umbreller and me a manPdlNTS PRESSER MAKIXG noMce the rithem. The name ot ~g~ Hfll went to / Mr. and Mark Mall and'GOOD IN A BIG WAY IN A BIG the pome is "Snow Bounded" and to the shop there in <strong>Ord</strong> and he this one.43* Old enough to be her OrSaturday by frafn foi a visit. She Pearl drol-e to Brewster, Nebr., on,ys has any of you fellers xv.at least I let her do itM~VN OUT 1JYFW.'' You aau lurt it is a story in verse of real p.0-saw, Samelf.s he says. Well Alberl Thele noHank.,hereIreturned Monday morning on the Wednesday to visit Miss Mae Mcletthem know thnt I ax1 hitting it ple in a real own and of a real M~~~~~~~ he was sdtln there on werent no slegOff and I ain't vone ashamed that storm and I don't have to drawmotor. Mfss Margaret, Johnson Call.waitin. for shave and .', ' XX. acted as teacher uIV 1 Mrs. Ross Klldow and small sonfig., there, 1 used to be a barber there work- on no in~iganition for namer or Well we stuck It out for three hole I ti1 Miss Hill returned. 4he says ..Y,So we burnt UP Peggle's wooden leg days Bobby came last Thursday fro111b g for Ernie in <strong>Ord</strong> and I'll bet places or anything. I have pre- no Iienry,.. be say8 but An, then Moses,sif )nou just whinner Samel he will \Ye had burnt up the sheriff's floor. A group Of young people I Lincoln to spend the week withErnie he aint ashamed of it neith- pared myself for this career be-Then ue seen a glint of br~te vun North LOUP and from ~uss~ville the W. J. ~ildow family.1 w. fore starting out on it.come" He says. Well sir ~ a n I kHank I just wobder how ~~d ra,Scan still hear the way the boys all shirley he will feel abut me ed- .ind we knocked doxvli the rherlii's enjoyed a very ' ~~ceessfur sur- / he Wolbach high school basketI Joe he says that I will probly laughed. door. ')lire pard for Eln0 Davis Man- ball team met defeat at the hand.: be elected the poet. lariet of the Snow Bounded* dicdion myself after supper out ,lay night. The evening was spent of North bup boys Tuesday nighti knew from coast to coast as m- ,\.,Wild foul some day and still be (uy E~crett 31. Goten) west acter him allus telling me I 1'11 get her stopped in the next 'n playing gcunes and delicious re- I with a smre of 49 to 10. NorthI.il~e,ettlll loulld therag xwuldent never amount to nothing. verse and run Dver with that little fr*:hmenfq ofsherln.s UU~, was sandwiches. cskp. I ~ I I - town team also defeated theAII?. .erett XI. Gotes the riming rummie. office. gal's unibreller, you notice I didn't fruit salad anvf Punch were sew- . ord town team.1 was lollin' rqyself XVJ.But I didn't pay no attention toa fagan' 13111 Moses an: Rock F1xin' lor\Ve bu~nt up the desks andhave no trouble getting this thing cd.1theMr. and Mrs. Ed BartleCt of Bart-1 him 2iank I just considered that .\"I 01' UIII \\.ea~e an And;, COJ~up to a climax, Hank. and Mrs..\I,' soll~e n~o~e of the gang an Doc.George nfayqon/ lett, spent the week end at thethe sorce it was from a democratand a man of my standing he hasgot to have some dignity. Hor-# ever, Joe he seen that he hadE Went far enough so he simmered4 Irlomn.I Then ri~l~t under that you mightI .put Into not such big tipe but3$e& and black "SKIN& OF rinle too.k PROMinent VALLEY COUNTYSTARTLES LITEFLA1tY) WORLD BY ,BECOMING PAMOUSj P02T WHITER OUT WEST. You- just write it up your own wayi-Hank and you might tell themhow you and me was kids inw~ol together till the echoolhouseIt 'burned down when we1 in a e foulth grade and thenwhen they built the uew ~~11001house you went back and had allthe advantages but I went to training.work and learned the barber trade111,3 and then went right ahead andundaunted like, I educated my-$ .self after supper out west.5 I guess somebody there in <strong>Ord</strong>E will think she is purty smart1 about marring a certain tramp-printer when she reads about me: --ing good out best. Or doesi she tab the paper Hank?9 guess some of the old gang IIIL'Pthat used to rpa,ke fun of rqe andtttntu~nttnttttttutt~ttttttutttttttttttttttttttattttttt:attttt:tt~ttt t t t ~ t t t t t ~ t t t t t t t t t t ~ t t t t t ~ t t t ~ t t ~ ~ t t t t ~ t t t ~ t & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, .call me prof, that time when 1/r wore the creme colored spats tof singing school they m-ould feelhinder silly if 1 should just hap-! pen to become a prof by marri-! age. Of course that aiet even in; tho cards at all Hank she wood-*ent have me on a bet and whyaould a old duffer like rile, be-i ing 47 or is it S? You was borni .eU tho day your dad he voted for< Ben gutler and I was born justthree months later. But anyways,; why should a old duffer of aSpadsh war like Ito marry into the college fakilety1 and with a kid like that? NO~ ~ that ~ aint k in the , cards butsoo11if 1 werent a dreamer I wouldent so JIutter, he uttered a slgh.-. be a poet. But anyway, there .would be quite a, comedown fori sume of them smarties.well sir Hank, this gal $asI ds~ussing ings in general over! (0 the liba#y the other night and: I told her that I had desires to bea nobler thing than what 1 a*..And then she got to saying thatf. very few if any folks got to be:just exactly that what they aim-;(

THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1928 IPAGE SEVEPSBy Mrs: aoldle BeehrleMr. and Mrs. Joe Kosmata hadbeen married thirty -six years lastSaturday. Thew children planneda big party in honor of the day.Thore were fifty guests besides theC4ildren. They* met at the homeof Mrs. E'm~ua Benda and went tothe Kosmata ;lome in a body. Thedinner was fin3 and an abundanceare better at this writing..were invited to his home to assistNew Feature .The 0. G. E. club were gMiss Louise Kokes FridayThe irregular eilhouette!Eyebrow effects! Widerbrirne! Brime that turn up! Brim creased, folded!Cunning little noee veile! Colors that epeak ofSpring-Lucerne Blue, Rosebisque, Silverwing, CafeCrez~e and Peach Biege.'ALYCE JOHNSON'S STYLE SHOPPE ,er service, in the U. B.--Miss Jeannette Blehostess last evening todub. She entertainedwith a waffle supper.leranK Zulkoskl was a guest. .Mrs." George Parkinsed the Loyal KensingtThursday afternoon.A bridge benefit waevening by the Pythiatheir hal!.Madams Wm. CarltIN domestic affdrs-Brown entertained F WE'VE got all we can 40in the Brown home.the J. U.G, club andcame up with W. T.and Mrs. John Edwards.THURSDAY9 MAARCH 1'&HEAD OF HORSES-6 .46-HEADOF CATT.LE-46FURNISHINGSCut Silk Ties ......... 1.00Lisle Hose ..........., .509-Head of Extra Nice Hogs-9 Silk Hose .... 1 ....... .754 open SOWS. 5 fa11 pigs. Rayon underwear ... 2.75SOME GRAIN AND FEED. Wide Leather Belts . . 1.00RIen's Garters . .25c-35c-50cTop Cdats . . $20, $22.50, $252~Pjece Athletic UnderwearTrack Pants ......... $1.00Track Shirts $5.........Weller & Mclfindes, Aucte.State Bank, Clerk


Square Deal , JewelerDR. H. N. NOKRISResidence Phone 117 ,. OFWICE YllONE 58all the school, won the onlly cle.arcut victory over the local boys, bya score of fourteen to twelve. Inthe flrst game the Burwell Reservesmet their flrst defeat ofthe season at tha handsi of theEricson team. The boys were bad-maximum traction. We have your size--'ly outweighed, but were in the fresh A& stock-at the most attractive p&- ,' ,lead at the end of the half. A-change in the Ericson lineup spdl-ed di-saster for the'local boys, who es .we have ever offered. .Lhadto be contept with the shortend of a seven to thirteen score. . ., .The score of the first gasme was11 to 7.IPractirallv everv member of theschool will have some kind of astunt to nut bn. and some of then1 'have more. ThereI will be all , ~ l l l l l l l ~ l l ~ ~ l ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, .I

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