Identifying Key Research Findings and Policy/Program Implications ...

Identifying Key Research Findings and Policy/Program Implications ...

Identifying Key Research Findings and Policy/Program Implications ...


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Workshop on Communicating Population <strong>and</strong> Health <strong>Research</strong> to <strong>Policy</strong>makersEast-West Center, 29 May – 19 June 2010<strong>Identifying</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Findings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Policy</strong>/<strong>Program</strong> <strong>Implications</strong>(Participant <strong>Research</strong> Exercise)Now that you have identified some key research findings <strong>and</strong> policy/programimplications from the Philippines case study, you are ready to identify key findings <strong>and</strong>implications from your own research data. The purpose of this exercise is threefold:1. To begin analyzing your data from a policy perspective <strong>and</strong> to practice pickingout what findings are likely to have practical implications for policy2. To introduce your research findings to our group of workshop participants <strong>and</strong>coordinators <strong>and</strong> to obtain constructive feedback3. To practice making a short presentationGuidelines for presenting key research findings <strong>and</strong> policy implications1. Prepare a short oral presentation that tells us: (1) what your study is about; (2) whatare your key findings; <strong>and</strong> (3) what are the important program/policy implications ofyour key findings. Maximum time is 5 minutes.2. Use fewer than 10 PowerPoint slides (a lot fewer than 10 would be best). The firstslide should give a policy-relevant title for your study, your name, <strong>and</strong> yourinstitution. The others should give short statements of findings <strong>and</strong> implicationsarranged to show the linkages.3. After introducing your study, give a little background information (verbally, not on aslide) so that your audience can underst<strong>and</strong> the context <strong>and</strong> why the research wasconducted—the importance of the problem.4. Focus the presentation on one issue area.5. State clearly three findings: (1) that are relevant for policy; (2) that fall clearly withinyour issue area; <strong>and</strong> (3) that you can support with appropriate data (no need to presentactual data yet).6. State clearly three policy/program implications that are clearly linked to your findings<strong>and</strong> are realistic <strong>and</strong> feasible in terms of financial <strong>and</strong> human resources. You maywish to depict the links graphically.7. Limit or eliminate technical terms (jargon) that a policy audience would havedifficultly underst<strong>and</strong>ing.8. Stay within 5 minutes time allowed.

Workshop on Communicating Population <strong>and</strong> Health <strong>Research</strong> to <strong>Policy</strong>makersEast-West Center, 29 May – 19 June 2010<strong>Identifying</strong> <strong>Key</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Findings</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Policy</strong>/<strong>Program</strong> <strong>Implications</strong>(Guidelines for Discussant)Name of presenter: ____________________Your name: _____________________Did the presentation (Yes? No? Comment?):1. Tell us what the study is about?______________________________________________________________________2. Provide a very short description of the study’s background <strong>and</strong> the importance of theproblem being addressed?______________________________________________________________________3. Focus on one issue area?______________________________________________________________________4. State clearly three key findings?______________________________________________________________________5. State clearly three program/policy implications that are linked to the findings <strong>and</strong> arepractical <strong>and</strong> feasible in terms of financial <strong>and</strong> human resources?______________________________________________________________________6. Show clearly the relationship between the findings <strong>and</strong> the implications?______________________________________________________________________7. Use a small number of attractive, readable overheads?______________________________________________________________________8. Avoid technical jargon?______________________________________________________________________9. Stay within the maximum time of 5 minutes?______________________________________________________________________

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