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FROM THEDRIVER’SSEATWelcome to a very wet Issue 8 of Urban RacR. I don’t mean wet in the sense ofpornography but rather that winter has finally arrived which means the rain is making <strong>it</strong>very difficult to keep our cars sparkling clean. Speaking of pornography, this leads meto our cover car... we feature Neil’s combination of pornographically booming ItalianFlair. Bass booming leads me to our next feature which is a prize-winning SQcompetingfavour<strong>it</strong>e amongst the people’s car lovers.’ SEATWinter is now at full storm, pardon the pun. May was a very unpredictable month asto the success of events. Regionals had a fair share of action in the wet w<strong>it</strong>h qu<strong>it</strong>e afew spills. The Wesbank Super Series Nationals was also down in the Cape - you canexpect <strong>it</strong> in issue 9. Speaking of events, we bring you the revival of drag racing inCape Town w<strong>it</strong>h the first successful MSA drag meeting and pics from a Street 2 Stripevents that didn’t <strong>get</strong> rained out. We also bring you the highlights of the Canal WalkExtreme Motor Show and Gymkhana as well as some of the fresh metal to bereleased by major car manufacturers, albe<strong>it</strong> some are only concepts. Come and godrifting w<strong>it</strong>h Takumi-san. You don’t know what that is? Well read what he has to say inhis monthly column, <strong>it</strong>s encompassing to say the least and I’m sure you’ll learn athing or two.I urge to check out our advertisers webs<strong>it</strong>e, email or call them - just please don’tharass them, hey. We are also on the lookout for some HOTT chicks to be Urbanmodels, so if you (speaking to the ladies here) or your girlfriend/s, think you have what<strong>it</strong> takes, drop us a mail.If you don’t already know, Urban RacR has a YouTube channel so check our s<strong>it</strong>e andwatch the clips. Don’t for<strong>get</strong> about the online gallery links in every event article andalso subscribe to the magazine. You may just end up winning prizes in time to come.From me, Waanie, I leave you to enjoy this Issue and hope to see you as at thenext event!Email:info@urbanracr.co.zaPostal:PO Box 62, Athlone, 7760, Cape Town, South AfricaMobile: +27 (0)82 890 7802Fax: +27 (0)86 544 0803Subscribenow!!!subscriptions@urbanracr.co.zaTo subscribe click on the advertto send us an emailP A G E 0 5| U R B A N R A C R | O N L I N E I S S U E 8

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