news bulletin - NFIFWI

news bulletin - NFIFWI

news bulletin - NFIFWI

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PERSPECTIVEDear Comrades,The organizational activities across thecountry is going on well. All our efforts are being putin to follow up on the representations initiated alongwith the Parliament march and Yogakshema march.As decided in our NEC at Mussoorie and informedearlier, we have taken up the matter of thecontroversial CLIA Scheme with our Chairman andsubmitted our Petition to IRDA. We have alsorepresented the matter before the Government.We are fighting the CLIA Scheme in a systematicmanner. As directed, take all necessary steps totake control of agents. Educate them on the fall outand ill effects of CLIA scheme. CLIA scheme isonly designed to help the management achieve thefigures on agency recruitment. Today the number ofagents in private sector is around 9,50,000 and inLIC it is 11,40,000. If the management had notdemotivated and discouraged the Developmentofficers with Graded system of credit and Penaltyfor termination of agents today LIC’s agency strengthwould have been atleast more than 25,00,000. ForCLIA Scheme the management has given arecruitment expense. This proves that themanagement is fully aware of the need to give thecosts and encouragement. The negative steps in ourcase is only a pointer to the fact that they want todemotivate, alienate and pull down Developmentofficers. The CLIA Scheme diversifies the CLIAagents to run behind recruitment of agents at thecost of the CLIA agent losing his business. The CLIAagent doing this for peanuts is losing a huge chunkof his individual business and thereby losing heavilyon Renewal commission. Tell the CLIA agents thatif the management is genuinely interested in theagents then the management should restore the“RESERVATION OF 50% OF DEVELOPMENTOFFICERS VACANCIES FOR OUR AGENTS”.The Development officer’s job gives the agents agrowth opportunity, job security and application ofskills of a successful agent. When the CLIA Schemeis introduced, simultaneously 4,500 Developmentofficers are being recruited but without anyconsideration for our agents.The competition for Branch officials wherethe focus is on making maximum persons a CLIAagent and the CLIA recruiting agents are a pointerto the fact that nobody is bothered about businessand that branch officials are totally concentratingon CLIA only for their benefit of going toMauritius and Singapore. There is no benefitfor CLIA agents. The management is ignoring thefact that the Market share of LIC is going downdrastically. The market share is only around 40%and in the metros the marketshare is still lower. Thealternate channels of Corporate agents,Bancassurance and Brokers in LIC has been afailure. The time tested successful channel ofDevelopment officer –Agent is being destroyed todestabilize LIC.We have to continue focus on qualityrecruitment of agents and conventional business. Ourexperience is that part time agents are better qualified,more professional and ethical. Regularly conductyour unit meeting of agents and ensure that all clubmember agents attend the meeting. Do not tolerateany kind of fraudulent practices by any agent. Takeimmediate action against any CLIA agents doingfraudulent practices. Do not shield or connive withany fraudulent persons as it is harmful to the interestsof LIC. To tackle CLIA follow the directions giventhrough the Divisional secretaries and Presidents.We have placed our various issues forsettlement by the management with favourablesolutions. We are awaiting the positive response fromthe management. These letters are already circulatedand also published in this News Bulletin. Continueour strategies, conduct regular organizationalactivities, keep up the courage and confidence. Toughtimes have to be countered and believe that “ToughTimes do not last and only Tough people will last” .Information sharing session is being held at Centraloffice on 17 th and 18 th of July’2008. Keep marchingahead strongly, Victory is ours.March on comrades to achieve our goals…. Restwe shall not, until our goals are achieved…National Federation Zindabad…..Development officers unity Zindabad……Yours faithfullyR. JayprakashSecretary General5

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