Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications - Computer Science ...

Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications - Computer Science ...

Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications - Computer Science ...


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7.2 LINEAR CODES 119Proof. Observe thatd min = min{d(x, y) : x ≠ y}= min{d(x, y) : x + y ≠ 0}= min{w(x + y) : x + y ≠ 0}= min{w(z) : z ≠ 0}.□Linear CodesFrom Example 8, it is now easy to check that the minimum nonzero weightis 3; hence, the code does indeed detect <strong>and</strong> correct all single errors. Wehave now reduced the problem of finding “good” codes to that of generatinggroup codes. One easy way to generate group codes is to employ a bit ofmatrix theory.Define the inner product of two binary n-tuples to bex · y = x 1 y 1 + · · · + x n y n ,where x = (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) t <strong>and</strong> y = (y 1 , y 2 , . . . , y n ) t are column vectors. 3For example, if x = (011001) t <strong>and</strong> y = (110101) t , then x · y = 0. We canalso look at an inner product as the product of a row matrix with a columnmatrix; that is,x · y = x t y⎛= ( )x 1 x 2 · · · x n ⎜⎝= x 1 y 1 + x 2 y 2 + · · · + x n y n .⎞y 1y 2⎟. ⎠y nExample 9. Suppose that the words to be encoded consist of all binary3-tuples <strong>and</strong> that our encoding scheme is even-parity. To encode an arbitrary3-tuple, we add a fourth bit to obtain an even number of 1’s. Notice thatan arbitrary n-tuple x = (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) t has an even number of 1’s exactly3 Since we will be working with matrices, we will write binary n-tuples as column vectorsfor the remainder of this chapter.

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