Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications - Computer Science ...

Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications - Computer Science ...

Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications - Computer Science ...


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4.1 DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION 79be in the next-to-the-last transposition. We can continue this process withτ r−2 τ r−1 to obtain either a product of r − 2 transpositions or a new productof r transpositions where the last occurrence of a is in τ r−2 . If the identity isthe product of r−2 transpositions, then again we are done, by our inductionhypothesis; otherwise, we will repeat the procedure with τ r−3 τ r−2 .At some point either we will have two adjacent, identical transpositionscanceling each other out or a will be shuffled so that it will appear only inthe first transposition. However, the latter case cannot occur, because theidentity would not fix a in this instance. Therefore, the identity permutationmust be the product of r − 2 transpositions <strong>and</strong>, again by our inductionhypothesis, we are done.□Theorem 4.6 If a permutation σ can be expressed as the product of an evennumber of transpositions, then any other product of transpositions equalingσ must also contain an even number of transpositions. Similarly, if σ canbe expressed as the product of an odd number of transpositions, then anyother product of transpositions equaling σ must also contain an odd numberof transpositions.Proof. Suppose thatσ = σ 1 σ 2 · · · σ m = τ 1 τ 2 · · · τ n ,where m is even. We must show that n is also an even number. The inverseof σ −1 is σ m · · · σ 1 . Sinceid = σσ m · · · σ 1 = τ 1 · · · τ n σ m · · · σ 1 ,n must be even by Lemma 4.5. The proof for the case in which σ can beexpressed as an odd number of transpositions is left as an exercise. □In light of Theorem 4.6, we define a permutation to be even if it can beexpressed as an even number of transpositions <strong>and</strong> odd if it can be expressedas an odd number of transpositions.The Alternating GroupsOne of the most important subgroups of S n is the set of all even permutations,A n . The group A n is called the alternating group on n letters.Theorem 4.7 The set A n is a subgroup of S n .

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