Pitteuchar East Primary School 2013-14 Information ... - Home Page

Pitteuchar East Primary School 2013-14 Information ... - Home Page

Pitteuchar East Primary School 2013-14 Information ... - Home Page


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<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15Excellence for AllThe Education and Learning Directorate plays a key role in taking forward the wider aims ofthe council by:Raising attainment and achievementEnsuring inclusionMaking a positive difference in our communitiesOur approach is founded on the values of:CompassionIntegrityEquality & FairnessWe develop the capacity of young people and adults to become:Successful learnersResponsible citizensConfident individualsEffective contributorsand seek to secure positive outcomes and destinations for learners.EDUCATION AND LEARNING DIRECTORATEwww.fifedirect.org.uk/schools2

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-154

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15SCHOOL ETHOSAt <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong>, we work to create a climate of mutual respect andopenness. We want everyone to work together, to ensure our learners, staff and parentsbenefit from a culture which promotes self-esteem, and recognises rights andresponsibilities . Promoting a positive ethos is not simply a way to get children to workhard and behave well in school. It should also encourage children to be successfullearners, responsible citizens, effective contributors and confident individuals, not just inschool, but out of school and throughout the rest of their lives. This should encouragechildren:To treat others with respect, kindness, fairness, courtesy and consideration.To treat their environment with respect.To be aware of the impact their actions have on other people, and on themselvesTo take responsibility for their own actions.To celebrate diversityWe celebrate children's achievements, in and out of school, at our weekly assembliesand Together Times.<strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> values its strong links with St Margaret's Church.Good behaviour is celebrated at <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong>. Our Relationships and BehaviourPolicy (which includes our anti-bullying and anti-racism stance) is available to viewon-line. This policy was created by staff, pupils and parents. All staff have had 'Respectme' training and practice Restorative Approaches.We value our role in the community, and work with local agencies, our communitycentre, local library and shops to support and extend our pupils' learning. We invite allour stakeholders to contribute to the work of our school, through parent volunteers, ourParent Council and regularly invite parents/ families into the school to share their child'slearning, or to consult them on the work of the school.5

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15BUILDINGPupils and adults who have mobility difficulties can access the ground floor of the <strong>School</strong>.This booklet is available in large print, in Braille and on tape on request.6

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15CONTACT DETAILSHeadteacher: Mrs Jennifer KnussenAddress: <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Glamis Avenue, Glenrothes, Fife KY7 4NU,Telephone No: 01592 583452Email: pitteuchareastps.enquiries@fife.gov.uk<strong>School</strong> Roll (P1-7): 283Nursery Roll: 85Other <strong>Information</strong>If you have any concern or question, regarding your child, please contact the schooloffice to arrange an appointment with your child's Depute Headteacher, or with theHeadteacher. There is also a "drop-in" time every Monday from 4.30pm - 5.30pm, whenMrs Knussen will be available to discuss any issues you may wish to raise. There is noneed to arrange an appointment for these sessions.If you are offered a place, or are seeking a place for your child, you are more thanwelcome to visit our school in advance of your child enrolling. For nursery children, thiswill be included in our arrangements, towards the end of your child's last year in nursery.For any other parent enrolling a child, please contact our school office to arrange a timefor a visit.7

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15SCHOOL HOURS<strong>School</strong> DayMorning:Lunch:9.00am-12.40pm12.40pm-1.25pmAfternoon: 1.25pm-3.05pmInterval:Nursery Hours:Morning Session:10.40am-11.00am9.00am-3.15pm9.00am-11.30amAfternoon Session: 12.30pm-3.00pmSCHOOL UNIFORMNavy sweatshirt and a red poloshirt with the school badge are available in all sizes fromTesco online. Enamel pin badges are also available from the school office, price £1.50.Iron-on school badges are available from the Parent Council (contact via Facebook).Almost all children now wear full school uniform, and there have been many positivecomments from parents/ visitors to the school on this recent improvement.Wearing school uniform has a positive impact on behaviour and attitudes, and promotes asense of belonging amongst our learners. Children who take on roles as House Captains orAmbassadors are expected to wear full school uniform at all times.SCHOOL CLOTHING GRANTA grant of up to £55 per year is available to each pupil attending full-time education in Fifetowards the cost of school clothing provided that the parent is entitled to Child Benefit andreceives one of the following:Income SupportJob Seeker’s Allowance (Income Based)Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) with an annual income below £15,860Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit with an annual income below £6,420Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)Working Tax Credit (total income is below £15,860)Long Term Incapacity Benefit (over 28 weeks)Widows Allowance (and not in full time employment)Payment is made directly into a bank account by Bank Giro Credit. Fife Council LocalOffices issue application forms on request and process claims. Please contact yournearest Local Office for an application form.8

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15ENROLMENTChildren who reach the age of 5 on or before 11 August 20<strong>14</strong>, must normally start school inAugust 20<strong>14</strong>. Children who reach the age of 5 after 11 August 20<strong>14</strong>, but before 28 February2015, may also start school in August 20<strong>14</strong>, though parents are not obliged to send their childto school until the first entry date after their fifth birthday.Parents of children in either of these categories are asked to enrol their child at theircatchment school before Friday, 24 January 20<strong>14</strong>.Headteachers must provide information to parents on how to make a placing request for theschool of their choice. Placing requests should be made as soon as possible, and not laterthan 15 March 20<strong>14</strong>.Children who reach the age of 3 on or before 28 February 2015 must apply for a place in aFife Council nursery before the 31 January 20<strong>14</strong>. Nursery places are allocated in accordancewith Fife Council's Early Years Admissions Policy. <strong>Information</strong> and application forms areavailable from all Fife nursery establishments and at www.fifedirect.org.uk. Applicationsshould be made for children due to commence nursery at any point in the following academicyear and be submitted to the nursery of their first choice. This means that even though thechild may not be entitled to start nursery until next January or April 2015 they must apply for aplace now. All places are allocated by the Admissions Panel held in March 20<strong>14</strong> and placeswill be offered by letter by 31 March 20<strong>14</strong>.9

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15SCHOOL YEAR 20<strong>14</strong>-2015Terms Start Date End DateAutumnMonday 18 August 20<strong>14</strong> (teachers)Wednesday 20 August 20<strong>14</strong> (pupils)Friday 10 October 20<strong>14</strong>(40 teacher; 38 pupil days)Winter Monday 27 October 20<strong>14</strong> Friday 19 December 20<strong>14</strong>(40 teacher; 39 pupil days)Spring Monday 05 January 2015 Thursday 02 April 2015(62 teacher; 61 pupil days)Summer Monday 20 April 2015 Friday 03 July 2015(53 teacher; 52 pupil days)The above pattern provides for 190 school days, once the holidays and 5 in service days forteachers are deducted.Holidays Start Date End DateAutumn Monday 13 October 20<strong>14</strong> Friday 24 October 20<strong>14</strong>Christmas Monday 22 December 20<strong>14</strong> Friday 02 January 2015February Thursday 12 February 2015 Friday 13 February 2015Spring Friday 03 April 2015 Friday 17 April 2015May Day Monday 04 May 2015June Monday 01 June 2015Summer Monday 06 July 2015 Friday <strong>14</strong> August 2015 (teachers)Tuesday 18 August 2015 (pupils)In Service DaysMonday 18 August 20<strong>14</strong>Tuesday 19 August 20<strong>14</strong>Friday <strong>14</strong> November 20<strong>14</strong>Wednesday 11 February 2015Tuesday 02 June 201510

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15SCHOOL MEALS AND MILK<strong>School</strong> meals are provided in all primary schools and now meet the Scottish NutritionalStandards as laid down by Hungry for Success because of this all primary schools now holdthe Food For Life Bronze Award. <strong>School</strong> meals now include more fruits and vegetables and allingredients used are low in salt and fat.What is a school meal?<strong>Home</strong> Made Soup...OrOne of our Daily DessertsPlusThe Hot Main Courses...OrA Baked Potato with Filling...OrA Filled Baguette and Self Served Salad...PlusA Glass of Fruit Juice And Unlimited Bread and SaladMenus are changed twice a year and are issued to all pupils.The current cost of a school meal is £1.75 (from 1st April <strong>2013</strong> to 31 March 20<strong>14</strong>).Lunch money is collected daily.SPECIFIC DIETARY REQUIREMENTSFife Council is committed to providing a school meal service to all pupils who require themand will provide a specialised dietary service for certain children through discussion betweenthe child, parent/guardian, and the school. Special diets will be provided on the basis ofReligious requirementsCultural/ethical reasonsTherapeutic diets will be provided on the basis of Medical conditions (as recommendedby a doctor or dietician.)It is not possible to meet individual requests for diet unless they are based on the reasonsabove.If the child is known to have an allergy to nuts/nut products then our Allergies –Policies/Guidelines should be read in conjunction with this policy.11

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15SCHOOL MILKFresh chilled milk is available in all <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong>s, and currently costs 18p per carton (from1st April <strong>2013</strong> to 31 March 20<strong>14</strong>).Milk can be purchased daily in the dining room.FREE FRUIT IN SCHOOLSThe Free Fruit in <strong>School</strong>s initiative targets the youngest children, where eating fruit andvegetables is most likely to be habit forming and where the health gain might be the greatestin the long term.All nursery, primary 1 and 2 pupils receive free fruit three times a weekWATER IN SCHOOLS SCHEMEAll pupils have access to chilled water throughout the school day.HEALTHY TUCK SHOP INITIATIVEA healthy tuck shop can help encourage children to adopt good eating habits. Therefore aspart of the whole school approach to food schools are being encouraged to establish healthytuck shops within their schools. The Food in <strong>School</strong>s group has developed a Healthy tuckshop/Vending policy which gives schools guidance on suitable products for inclusion in ahealthy tuck shop initiative.12

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15CURRICULUMFife schools follow Curriculum for Excellence, a national framework which is providing ourchildren with learning experiences and opportunities to prepare them for learning, life andwork in a changing world. Children learn actively in eight different curricular areas following acurriculum designed by each school to reflect their particular needs and circumstances.All schools follow the same principles in designing the curriculum, aimed at ensuring thatchildren have the experiences and opportunities to become –Successful LearnersConfident IndividualsEffective ContributorsResponsible CitizensLiteracy, numeracy and health and wellbeing are addressed throughout the curriculum andchildren's wider achievements are fully recognised and celebrated, reflecting the value givento wider learning and children’s experiences out of school.Children are fully consulted throughout their learning and in decisions about what they learnand how they learn it. There are opportunities throughout the school year for parents toreceive information and be consulted upon the curriculum children are following, particularlyin relation to more sensitive aspects of learning.Religious and moral education is a core subject for all pupils attending primary and secondaryschools in Scotland. <strong>School</strong>s also provide opportunities for religious observance in order topromote the spiritual development of the school community. Parents can choose to withdrawtheir children from participation in religious education or religious observance. Parentswishing to do this should contact the headteacher. The school will make arrangements forpupils to participate in a suitable alternative activity.Further information about the curriculum is available on the school website, and more generalinformation regarding Curriculum for Excellence can be found at Parentzone(http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/parentzone), a national resource developed byEducation Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government.Each year, <strong>Primary</strong> Six and Seven have the opportunity to take part in a residentialOutdoor Education week. This is usually very well attended, and the children benefitgreatly from this experience.We have a very active Pupil Council at <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong>. Weekly Pupil Council meetingsare attended by the Depute Headteacher.The Ambassadors Group meet fortnightly with the Head Teacher, to discuss ways topromote the school's role in the community.We welcome parents to share their child's curriculum and learning in a variety ofdifferent ways, including Shared Starts, Open Events and through children's LearningLogs.Our curriculum is planned to support Curriculum for Excellence.13

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15ASSESSMENT AND REPORTINGAssessmentBroadly, across Fife primary schools two forms of assessment are used to support yourchild’s development:Summative assessment- which focuses on measuring current performance in terms of howsuccessful the learner has been measured against national benchmarks, and formativeassessment which gathers information about pupils’ learning which is then used to help plannext steps in learning. Both types of assessment help teachers improve their teaching and thesupport they give to their pupils.Summative assessment takes the form of standardised classroom based tests whichmeasure how well your child is performing for their age and stage. Their purpose is not tocompare your child with others but to provide the school with information to ensure that yourchild’s learning needs are being addressed.Formative Assessment is an integral part of your child’s day to day learning and provides arange of information to support your child in moving their learning forward. This less formalassessment takes many forms including observing children’s engagement in classroom tasksand providing individual feedback to pupils to support them in identifying their own next stepsin learning.Within our school, we engage in continuous assessment, to ensure children are challengedand supported in their learning. We do this in a number of ways, to ensure we build a veryclear picture of our learners.Children also get the opportunity to assess their own work, and that of their peers, in asupported and structured way. Children's evaluations of their progress are continually sought,and are shared with parents/ carers through their 'Learning Log', a book sampling their workto date, which is shared with parents/ carers.In line with Curriculum for Excellence, we report on children's strengths and challenges in apositive, accurate manner. We meet with parents to discuss their child's progress. Childrenwho require extra provision or support have regular meetings to discuss that child's individualneeds, and we regularly seek advice from colleagues in other services, e.g Speech andLanguage Therapy, NHS, Educational Psychology.Children in <strong>Primary</strong> 1,3,5 and 7 also complete "Assessment for Excellence" . This is donethroughout Fife, to ensure that our learners fulfil their potential, and that pace and challengeare appropriate.Children in our Nursery each have a Personal Learning Plan, which charts their activities andprogress during their time at nursery. This is regularly shared with parents, and focuses onCurriculum for Excellence".ReportingIn all Fife schools teachers’ reports about each pupil’s learning play an important part inproviding useful feedback about learning, for parents and carers and for other teachers andadults concerned with the young person’s learning, progress and achievements.<strong>14</strong>

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15Effective, constructive feedback to parents should be clear, positive, specific, supportive andgive an honest appraisal of pupils’ progress. Feedback will be provided for parents at parents’meetings and in formal written reports. Formal written reports will be based on the personallearning planning and informal records that have been shared with pupils and parentsregularly throughout the year. Reports provide an overall summary of progress, achievementsand next steps in learning in line with Curriculum for Excellence.Within our school, we report to parents in a number of ways:Annual Parent/ Teacher meetings to discuss each child's progress/ next steps inlearning.Regular Parent Chat meetings in our nurseryRegualr opportunities to come into school/ nursery during 'stay and play' sessions(nursery), Shared starts/ finishes in school, and open events which encourage your childto share their learning with parents/ other relatives.From last year in Nursery, until <strong>Primary</strong> 7, you will receive an annual written report,summarising your child's progress during the session.In addition, parents of children who require extra support will receive additional reviewmeetings, led by a member of the Management Team.15

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15INSTRUMENTAL INSTRUCTIONChildren who show musical promise may qualify for instrumental instruction. The types ofinstrument offered by Fife Education Service are violin, viola, cello, double bass, clarsach,woodwind, brass, piano/keyboard, bass guitar, guitar, percussion or bagpipes. The type ofinstrument available differs from school to school and generally only one type will be availablein a school.There is a charge for tuition. The rate may be subject to change but the current rate would benotified at the time of interview. This may be paid in instalments or by Direct Debit andconcessions may be available.Please tell the Headteacher if you do not wish your child to be considered for instrumentalinstruction.ATTENDANCEAs a parent you are legally obliged to send your child to school on a regular basis. To preventany misunderstanding, I should be grateful if you would contact the school immediately in anycase of absence from school or nursery. It would be appreciated if you would send anexplanatory note with your child when he/she returns to school; otherwise it will be recordedas an unauthorised absence.In cases of long term illness it may be possible for instruction to be given at home on apart-time basis.16

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15HEALTH CAREShould your child be taking medicine or suffer from a medical condition which might affecthis/her school life, it is essential that you notify the school of the condition and its implications.This information will be treated in strictest confidence to ensure the wellbeing of your child.Where necessary an Education Health Care Plan will be developed for your child inconsultation with you and relevant health services.Should your child become ill or have an accident while at school that requires medicalattention, we shall:try to contact you by telephone, if this is possible, or arrange for a message to be sent toyou.telephone the health service, if necessary, and arrange for your child to be taken by youor someone else nominated by you for medical attention.From time to time children are offered a medical examination or review by the schoolsCommunity Paediatrician or <strong>School</strong> Nurse from the <strong>School</strong> Health Service. These can beeither routine examinations carried out for all children, or where a health concern has beenidentified. As parent/carer you will be notified in good time so that you may be present ifpossible.<strong>School</strong> Based Immunisation ProgrammesAll pupils will be offered to participate in The Scottish <strong>School</strong> Based ImmunisationProgramme that is led by NHS Fife Health Board in partnership with education.Parents will be notified and invited to participate by the <strong>School</strong> Nursing Service when the ageappropriate immunisation programme is to take place within their child’s school.CHILD PROTECTIONOur school, like all schools in Fife, is concerned with all aspects of a child's health andwellbeing. We aim to provide a safe and supportive environment and work together with otheragencies to ensure that all children are safe and protected from harm. The school follows theEducation & Learning Directorate Child Protection guidelines in all aspects of child care andwelfare. Our school has a child protection co-ordinator (Mrs Jennifer Knussen) who will dealwith all child protection issues and with whom any concerns can be discussed.TRANSPORTIf you live more than one mile from your catchment area primary school, or two miles fromyour catchment area secondary school, measured by the shortest reasonable walking routefor an accompanied child, then the Council will meet the cost of transporting your child toschool. However, if you choose a school other than your catchment area school, the Councilwill not give any assistance with the cost of transport.17

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15SUPPORT FOR PUPILSSome children require additional support to make progress in school. Such support takes arange of forms – extra consideration by their class teacher, use of IT to support learning,support from a Pupil Support Assistant, time with a support teacher and in a few cases analternative placement to, for example an additional support needs class. In some cases helpmay be provided from services external to the school such as the Psychological Service,Sensory Service and Autism Support Team.If you are worried about your child’s progress and think he or she might have additionalsupport needs you can either raise this with school staff at a parent’s evening or make anappointment to discuss this at another time. <strong>School</strong> staff will listen closely to all your concernsand together you can decide on the next steps. Ongoing support will be co-ordinated by theheadteacher of the school.Each class teacher will ensure learning needs are met in their class and be aware of anyconcerns about a pupil’s wellbeing.If you would like to know more about how additional support needs are identified andassessed please contact the headteacher of your child’s school. Further information may alsobe available from the school’s link Educational Psychologist and the Learning SupportTeacher.The Additional Support for Learning ActIf you are concerned that your child/young person has additional support needs you canrequest, by writing to your school, an assessment to decide if there are additional supportneeds. If your child has additional support needs which are long term and involve a number ofservices, you can ask for a coordinated support plan to be established.<strong>School</strong>s in Fife work in partnership with parents and aim to agree with you the best wayforward for your child. Where agreement cannot be reached between you and the school, itmay be helpful to involve an educational psychologist or education officer. The school maysuggest this, or you can request such involvement. Where a disagreement persists, relating toadditional support needs, you are entitled to free independent mediation.You can also ask for independent adjudication for disputes about how the local authority isexercising its functions under the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act2004 as amended 2009. Additional Support Needs Tribunals can be accessed for disputesrelating to Coordinated Support Plans, including placing requests where there is a CSP.If you require further information about any of the above you can contact Alistair Haldane,Additional Support Needs Officer at Alistair.Haldane@fife.gov.uk or on 03451 555 555 Ext444224.18

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15Parents can also contact Enquire - the Scottish advice service for additional support forlearning. Operated by Children in Scotland, Enquire offers independent, confidential adviceand information on additional support for learning through:a telephone helpline – 0845 123 2303an online enquiry service – info@enquire.org.uktwo websites– www.enquire.org.uk (for parents/carers and practitioners) andwww.enquire.org.uk/yp (for children and young people)Enquire also provides a range of clear and easy-to-read guides and factsheets explainingeverything from ‘additional support in the early years’ to ‘what planning should take place formoving on from school’.EQUAL OPPORTUNITIESFife Council’s schools promote Equal Opportunities for all pupils. All schools take problems ofbullying and racism very seriously, and have procedures for dealing with hate incidents andsupporting pupils and parents.PARENTAL INVOLVEMENTWe are keen to involve parents, and have a number of ways in which parents canbecome involved in the life of the school, through volunteering to help in classes, withone-off activities and helping with Parent Council Activities. Whenever we create a newpolicy, we invite parents to contribute to these. Parents are asked for feedback, bothinformally, and through annual surveys.We have created a parent area in our nursery, which is well used by parent groups, e.g.jewellery- making, or for informal coffee mornings/ afternoons.We involve parents/ carers in their child's learning, through meetings, reports, learninglogs, personal learning plans, informal opportunities to share your child's learning andwhole school open events. Staff are happy to meet with parents, to discuss ways whichindividual children can be best supported.We provide a range of homework activities, to promote learning outside school hours,and which are designed to challenge our learners. Some of these activities are verypractical, and relate to work done in class, through all aspects of the curriculum.We have a small group of regular parent volunteers, who have all commented verypositively on their experiences in classes. these parents are PVG checked, and havegone through a process of induction, led by our Support for Learning Teacher.Small focus groups of parents have supported policy making.As well as making appointments to speak to management staff during the school day,parents can also attend a weekly 'drop in session' with the Head Teacher from 4.30pm -5.30pm on Mondays.19

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15THE SCHOOL TO WHICH YOUR CHILD WILL TRANSFEROn completion of primary education the normal arrangement is for children to transfer to thecatchment secondary school associated with their home address. However parents can makea placing request to attend a secondary school other than the catchment school and furtherinformation on how to do this is available in the booklet, Choosing a school – a guide forparents, which is available online at www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2010/11/10093528/0SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTOur full Standards and Quality Report, as well as our <strong>School</strong> Priorities can be found on ourwebsite. Our current priorities are listed below:.To continue to raise attainment across literacy and numeracyTo continue to improve learning opportunities for your child.To increase parental involvement in the school, and in your child’s learningTo consult parents even more on the life and work of the school, and your child’sexperiences and learningTo focus on opportunities to improve literacy skills amongst our learners. This is in linewith current Council Priorities.To ensure that children continue to develop as partners in their own learning, settingtargets and evaluating their success against these.To further improve transition arrangements between classes in the school.To promote practical science throughout the school.To promote rights and responsibilities amongst pupils.SCHOOL POLICIESFor more information about Fife Education and Learning policies please go towww.fifedirect.org.uk/keypoliciesThe following school policies are available and can be accessed by contacting the school orvia the school website:Learning and Teaching PolicyBehaviour and Relationships Policy (including anti-bullying and anti-racism).Curriculum RationaleOut of <strong>School</strong> Learning & <strong>Home</strong>workLearning at <strong>Home</strong> booklet20

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15DATA COLLECTIONFife Council collects information on pupils, parents and other carers to enable the provision ofeducational and other support services including personal data, contact details, pupil’sattainment records and health information.We are keen to help all our pupils do well in all aspects of school life and achieve better examresults. Sometimes the best way is by sharing information with our partner agencies includingNHS Fife, Fife Constabulary, Careers Scotland and the Scottish Government EducationDepartment. These agencies have a responsibility to protect children, young people andvulnerable adults and sharing information between agencies helps to do this. Examplesinclude: the provision of dental services, immunisation programmes and road safetycampaigns.The benefits of data sharing.Sharing information between partner agencies ensures integrated service provision whichprovides a positive contribution to the safety and well-being of children and young adults.Data sharing helps:protect children and young people from suffering harm, abuse or neglect;ensure children and young adults with additional needs get the services they require;enable pupils to achieve their academic potential and attain their goals;plan future servicesWhat information can be shared?<strong>Information</strong> collected through enrolment forms or provided by parents and other carers will beheld on computer systems and used within Fife Council for the purposes of furtheringeducation and training, pupil care, career guidance, health monitoring and Parent Councilelections and advice.<strong>Information</strong> will be shared with partner agencies when there are clear concerns about thecare, safety and welfare of children, young people or vulnerable adults and to aid careersplanning. If you have any questions or comments on the information we share please contactDavid Smith, MIS Team Leader at education.data@fife.gov.ukPersonal data will not be shared out-with the above circumstances and information will notbe disclosed to any third parties except where permitted or required by law or where informedconsent has been received. The uses of the information are covered by the Council’sregistration under the Data Protection Act 1998.WANT MORE INFORMATION?Further information on Fife Council’s use of data and the Data Protection Act 1998 can befound on Fife Council’s website www.fifedirect.org.uk21

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-15SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONSIn the event of early closure due to severe weather conditions parents are advised to makearrangements for children to be collected or be received at home or by a neighbour, etc.To be kept up to date with closure information:1. Visit www.fifedirect.org.uk/closures. Also, check the website of your own school.2. By text or email through Fife Direct – To sign up to receive text or email alerts, pleaseenter your contact details via www.fifedirect.org.uk/alerts, click on Alerts and under AlertServices click on join fifedirect.3. By text or email through your school – Make sure that you have given your mobilenumber and email address details to the school so that they can contact you viaGroupcall.4. On your Mobile phone – Search for m.fifedirect.org.uk – from your mobile phonebrowser.5. Follow-us on facebook.com/fifecouncil and twitter.com/fifecouncil.6. Listen to Kingdom FM, Forth One and Tay FM.7. Check DigiTV – Red button on Sky and Virgin Media under Interactive Services, LocalServices.Please note if your child has moved from a primary school to a high school in August youshould amend the school details on Fife Direct to ensure you receive the correct schoolinformation.22

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-1523

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-1524

<strong>Information</strong> for Parents/Carers <strong>Pitteuchar</strong> <strong>East</strong> <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>School</strong> 20<strong>14</strong>-1525

ALTERNATIVE FORMATSThe information included in this document can be made available in large print, braille, audioCD/tape and British Sign Language interpretation on request by calling 03451 55 55 00Calls cost between 3p to 7p per minute from a UK landline, mobile rates may vary.BT Text phone number for Deaf people 18001 01383 441177LANGUAGE LINES

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