Fall 2008, Boost Your Health - Roper St. Francis Healthcare

Fall 2008, Boost Your Health - Roper St. Francis Healthcare

Fall 2008, Boost Your Health - Roper St. Francis Healthcare


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However, when diarrhea has a sudden onset after eating andis accompanied by nausea and/or vomiting, abdominal pain, andfever, food poisoning is the likely suspect, says Dr. Bohler.“Cases can range from mild bouts that run their course to severeillness that requires hospitalization.”Regardless of its cause, be sure to drink plenty of clear fluidswhile suffering from diarrhea, as it can quickly lead todehydration. See a doctor if problems last more than three daysfor adults or two days for children—you could have irritablebowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),warns Dr. Bohler.Finally, there are those times when your stomach simply hurts.If it’s sharp pain or cramps, you probably have gas. Gas getsinto the digestive tract when you swallow air and when yourbody breaks down certain foods, particularly those that containlactose and fructose, starches like potatoes and pasta, and foodshigh in fiber such as oat bran and (surprise!) beans. If enoughgas can’t escape from the intestine, it begins to cause pain.Moving from one part of the abdomen to another, thisdiscomfort can be intense, but often abates in short order.Again, make efforts to pinpoint your trigger foods. Whileeliminating high-fat fare is always a good idea, don’t cut back onhealthy items like fruits and vegetables. Instead, you might trytaking enzymes that help your body digest carbohydrates, oreating more slowly and avoiding chewing gum to reduce theamount of air you swallow. Excessive gas problems can besymptomatic of disorders such as IBS and IBD, so see a doctor ifyou have abdominal pain for a week or longer.When sizing up your bellyache for a probable cause, keepin mind that the severity of the pain does not necessarilyindicate the severity of the problem. Gas, for example, can beexcruciating, while early colon cancer can cause little discomfortat all. Serious illnesses like appendicitis, pancreatitis, and kidneystones are generally accompanied by other symptoms such asnausea and vomiting—see our sidebar for information on whento see a doctor. “The best way to avoid stomach troubles isultimately to pay close attention to your body,” says Dr. Bohler.“Often, healthy eating habits and an awareness of which foods‘don’t agree’ with you can prevent a lot of pain.”When sizing up your bellyachefor a probable cause, keep in mind thatthat the severity of the paindoes not necessarily indicate theseverity of the problem.WHAT IS IRRITABLEBOWEL SYNDROME?Dr. Bohler says that about 20percent of his patients have thecollection of symptoms known asirritable bowel syndrome (IBS):pain, bloating, and chronicconstipation or diarrhea, or a mixof the two at different times. IBSis a disorder of the large intestinethat is generally diagnosed onlyafter other illnesses have beenruled out.In addition to having moresensitive stomachs, Dr. Bohleroften tells these patients thattheir brains simply pay too muchattention to their intestinal tracts.To improve the symptoms, hetypically prescribes an anti-spasmmedication and recommendsreducing stress levels, increasingfiber intake, and maintainingregular sleeping patterns.FEEL BETTER! A few preventative measures can help your digestive system work more smoothly* For additionalsources of fiber, see“8 Easy Ways toImprove <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Health</strong>”on page 22.Keep a food diaryWriting down what you eat canhelp you pinpoint foods that maybe triggering problems.Get your fiberFiber ensures that bowelmovements are regular,helping to prevent constipationas well as more seriousdigestive problems.<strong>St</strong>ay hydratedDrinking six toeight glasses ofwater a day aidsin digestion.Practice food safetyAvoid foodborne illnesses bycarefully washing hands aswell as all cookware andcutlery involved in food prep.house calls 37

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