FRIENDS Magazine Fall 2007 - Banner Health

FRIENDS Magazine Fall 2007 - Banner Health

FRIENDS Magazine Fall 2007 - Banner Health

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Your health care. Your community.Your gateway to excellence.This theme captures the spirit of the nonprofit<strong>Banner</strong> Gateway Medical Center,scheduled to open its doors to the SoutheastValley later this month.This innovative facility, which melds leadingedgemedical technology with the care-centered missionof <strong>Banner</strong> <strong>Health</strong>, will offer a comprehensive healingenvironment focused on addressing the needs of thewhole patient, including mind, body and spirit.<strong>Banner</strong> Gateway has been designed around evidence-basedresearch that identifies key elements thatenhance both healing and patient safety. Evidencebasedmedicine already shapes methods to deliverquality patient care, and now, evidence-based designsets the stage for today's "next generation" hospitals.The facility’s planning team, led by CEO BeckyKuhn, identified evidence-based design as a key driverfor the hospital in its early stages of development.Researchers behind this design philosophy have discoveredlinkages between hospital design and patientand staff safety and satisfaction, all of which support<strong>Banner</strong> <strong>Health</strong>’s mission to make a difference in people’slives through excellent patient care.A reflection of both the evidence-based designimperative and Kuhn’s team-focused managementstyle, this state-of-the-art facility will feature numerousamenities for the benefit of patients, employees,and members of the community who choose to beaffiliated with <strong>Banner</strong> Gateway.And while the new <strong>Banner</strong> Gateway MedicalCenter will offer advancements virtually unmatchedin this community, the hospital is only as strong asthe people who are associated with it – and those individualstake their awesome responsibility to thecommunity to heart.“As the CEO preparing for the opening of <strong>Banner</strong>Gateway Medical Center, I feel a bit like theconductor of a highly tuned orchestra, leading talentedmusicians in varying instrumental sections tocreate beautiful music,” shares Kuhn. “The openingof a new hospital takes tremendous work and coordinationin and among multiple teams.”She continues, “For me, one of the most satisfyingaspects of this project is to watch the intenseeffort and outstanding results of the various teams atwork. Our teams have been tuning their instrumentsfor many months and have already produced somegreat music. With the opening just days away, thegrand concert and the best music lie ahead. I feelprivileged to be a part of it.”In addition to the highly-trained experts whowill deliver excellent care to the Southeast Valley,and the administrative leadership, including Kuhn,charged with ensuring a culture of caring remains atthe forefront of all hospital activi-Southeast Valley communityleader Tony Hyland11

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