Lawlines Volume 9 Issue 4 - eOASIS

Lawlines Volume 9 Issue 4 - eOASIS

Lawlines Volume 9 Issue 4 - eOASIS


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LawLinesVol 9 . <strong>Issue</strong> 4 • December 2007Around Rajah & TannRound Up – 2007 InPerspectiveFeature ArticlesTo Withhold Or Not ToWithhold – That Is TheQuestionAll Abuzz About GamesCorporate SocialResponsibility UnderThe New IndonesianCompany LawCase BitesLegislation BitesA Client Update on this matter has been issued,and is available on eO@SIS.Consumer ProtectionPublic Consultation On The ConsumerProtection (Fair Trading) Act And SubsidiaryLegislationOn 28 September 2007, the Ministry of Trade andIndustry (‘MTI’) launched a public consultationseeking public views and feedback on amendmentsto the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act(‘CPFTA’) and its subsidiary legislation, as wellas on proposed new CPFTA regulations. TheCPFTA provides the legislative framework to allowconsumers aggrieved by unfair practices to haverecourse to civil remedies before the courts.Apart from proposed amendments to the CPFTA,the Small Claims Tribunals Act and the ConsumerProtection (Fair Trading) (Cancellation of Contracts)Regulations, the public consultation also dealswith the proposed issuing of the following newregulations:• the draft Consumer Protection (Fair Trading)(Regulated Financial Products and Services)Regulations;• the draft Consumer Protection (Fair Trading)(Motor Vehicle Dealer Deposits) Regulations;and• the draft Consumer Protection (Fair Trading)(Opt-out Practices) Regulations.A Client Update on this matter has been issued,and is available on eO@SIS.Corporate & Capital MarketsMAS <strong>Issue</strong>s Consultation Paper OnAmendments To SFA And FAAOn 11 October 2007, the Monetary Authority ofSingapore (‘MAS’) issued a consultation paperproposing amendments to the Securities andFutures Act (‘SFA’) and the Financial Advisers Act(‘FAA’). The amendments are aimed at enhancingthe MAS’ oversight of capital market services(‘CMS’) and financial advisers (‘FA’) licenceholders. The amendments also seek to improvethe responsiveness of the regulatory frameworkto market innovation.Since 2006, the MAS has been issuing consultationpapers proposing policy reforms and amendmentsto the SFA and FAA to achieve consistency inpage 39 of 44 pages | print | comments | close

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