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P A G E 2Lorna’s fareweLLThe dust may have settled but the memories have not!! Howwe miss our First Lady of <strong>Tennis</strong>.Approximately 100 ‘Vets’ tennis players turned out at a raindrenchedfunction at the Country Club Johannesburg to bidLorna Doig Krog au revoir. The good news is that she is nottotally lost to tennis. She is available to lend a hand whereneeded, will still organise the Sun City Ladies event in July andcontinues to serve on the ITF Executive.Gordon Forbes had the audience in stitches, while Ronnie van’tHof and Jean Hubert paid tribute with many amusing storiesfollowing on an entertaining video clip. Many, many messageswere received from all over the world and just some were readout. All these messages are going into an album.Gordon Forbes (right)and above with Lornaand John de St CrioixThe trip to the <strong>IC</strong> Worldwide Men’s<strong>Tennis</strong> Team Championship held inNovember 2011 in Delhi on the occasionof the <strong>IC</strong> of India’s 60 th anniversary wasa marvellous success and we were veryprivileged to experience this.The Gymkhana Club’s facilities werevery good, with indoor swimming pool,billiards, bridge rooms, rummy roomsand a marvellous bar. It is the mostprestigious club in Delhi with a 30-yearmembership waiting list! We were invitedto four dinners hosted by variousdignitaries and one evening we wereprivileged to have dinner in the magnificenthome of one of the wealthiestpeople in Delhi, the son of Daljit Wallia,the <strong>IC</strong> President.The tennis was of a high standard withmost teams opting for younger playersin the respective age spans. The originalformat of the tournament was changedto two sections of 5 teams and thewinners of each section played out forfirst and second. Our section consisted<strong>IC</strong> MEN’S TRIP TO INDIA A GREAT SUCCESSwrites Peter de Vaal, captain of the teamof Great Britain, Germany, India East,India Punjab and South Africa. The othersection comprised Mexico, USA,Switzerland, India West and India North.South Africa lost to Germany 0-4 and toGreat Britain 0-4. South Africa beatIndia East 3-1 and received a walkoverover India Punjab as they withdrew onthe last day. Great Britain then playedthe final against Mexico. In the endGreat Britain won 3-1 in a close andexciting encounter.All the teams were verysociable and we got to knowvarious people quite well.This, at the end of the day, iswhy we still play this game –for the camaraderie ofplayers from other countriesand the opportunity to learnabout their cultures.I must add that our team wasa very happy team. We allgot on well together and itwas an absolute pleasurebeing captain of the team.One final point. South Africa was by farsartorially the best dressed side. Wewere the only ones with smart tennisshirts, matching caps and our teamblazers looked very good.Overall it was a marvellous experienceand something we will all treasureforever.Thank you <strong>IC</strong> South Africa!Billy Kehl, Peter de Vaal, Piet van Blerk, Schalk Vorsterlooking smart in their <strong>IC</strong> shirts

P A G E 3News, events and happenings 2012<strong>IC</strong>SA WEBSITE UP AND RUNNINGGreat news! The International Club of South Africa isproud to announce its website is up and running!There are two ways of getting on to the website :Use either www.sa.ictennis.netorwww.southafrica.ictennis.netYou will be then directed to the <strong>IC</strong> <strong>Tennis</strong> website witha link straight to the South Africa home page. There isalso an icon for each country on the right-hand side ofwebsite which you can also click on.We now have a platform which our members can useto keep up to date with events and news and what’shappening in the <strong>IC</strong> South Africa!**************<strong>IC</strong> SUPPER EAST LONDON<strong>IC</strong> Supper at Beacon Bay <strong>Tennis</strong> Club on Friday16th March (night before Nationals).6.30pm. Nominal charge of R30 formembers and R55 for partners.RSVP to Doug Hillen urgently:Email: doughill@iafrica.com**************<strong>IC</strong> WESTERN CAPE BREAKFASTCalling all our Western Cape members.You are invited to a breakfast to be held atthe Constantia Club on Saturday 31stMarch at 9.00am. We hope to have Jeffand Mauricia Coetzee as our guests.RSVP: Mike Wolffe at 082 497 8047**************TRIP TO NAMIBIAWanted urgently : Team to play in Namibiaat end of May. Includes sightseeing inSwakopmund. SAA have special fromJohannesburg at R2500.THE ANNUAL GENERALMEETING OF THE <strong>IC</strong>SAwill be held on:TRIP TO PRAGUESaturday 21st Aprilat 9.00amat the German Club.Breakfast first followed by theAGM. No charge for members butit is ESSENTIAL to RSVP to Dougor Leonie.PLEASE stay for tennisafterwards.WIMBLEDON T<strong>IC</strong>KETSHere is a fantastic opportunity to win tickets toWimbledon 2012! The <strong>IC</strong>SA is selling 200 tickets atR100 each. Prizes include tickets as well as the optionof buying further tickets. Remember the additionallucky draw for an option to buy tickets If you havesubmitted your updated Personal Details!All you have to do to stand a chance to win one ofthese prizes is to deposit your money into theaccount given below, using your name andWimbledon as a reference:International Club SAStandard Bank 00-1770268Bramley branch (00-40-05-03)OR for banks requiring only 6 digits (004-005)The draw will take place on 31st March.Prague – Regretfully we have had to postponethe trip to Prague. Members to diarise for 2013!The week after the French Open.**************I N T E R N A T I O N A L C L U B

WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A MEMBER OF <strong>IC</strong>SAHere is an extract from a letter from retired Judge Michael Jennett, a member ofthe <strong>IC</strong>SA for 50 years and still playing our Game for a Lifetime “once a week at aprivate court and thoroughly enjoying the exercise”.“ I have over the years felt very honoured to be a member of the <strong>IC</strong> of SA . Indeedto become a member of the International Club is a great honour to any and everytennis player.”How refreshing it is to hear from someone who considers it a privilege to be amember, who regrets he was not able to be more of a mentor because he was“living off the beaten track” and who understands that membership is not measuredin terms of what is being got out of the club, but also about what is beingput into tennis, also into the club and the activities it offers from time to time.Members may argue that in some parts of the country there are less activities onoffer and “they don’t get anything out of the Club”. This may be true. But withoutthe members in those areas coming forward to assist in making the Clubwork, it will remain so. It is not possible for a small group of committedindividuals in one centre to provide for the whole of the country, both in arrangingactivities and in raising funds to ensure the continued existence of this wonderfulinstitution.This is a heartfelt plea to you all to find at least one way each year to contributeto the Club, whether it is just a note to acknowledge receipt of our communications,or to volunteer to arrange a small function in your area, or to participate inone of the trips and activities on offer, or to pay subs timeously and withoutcomplaint. Helping to arrange a tennis day once a year will be an invaluableservice. Call it The Spirit of Volunteerism or My contribution to Project <strong>IC</strong>Survival, but let’s hear from you. It would be sad if the only Club on the Africancontinent has to call it a day.Boyd Cuthbertson from the <strong>IC</strong> of Great Britain,and secretary of the <strong>IC</strong> Philanthropy Committee,on a recent visit to Vosloorus played a fewpoints with Bongane Malinga, one of our coachesin our philanthropy project.<strong>IC</strong> TIES and SHIRTS FOR SALEWe have new ties for sale at R100.00 eachand also new <strong>IC</strong> shirts at R250.00 each.<strong>IC</strong> Western Cape <strong>Tennis</strong> Day—27th November 2011The calm weather at Constantia surprised all as it was destructively windy in most ofCape Town. A round robin format with six men and six women was organised byRichard Ballance.Everyone enjoyed the format as tennis was played continuously from 0930 to 1200with a 20 minute break for snacks beautifully and tastefully prepared by Sue Ballance.Men’s first prize was won by Denley Richards with Brian Pincus runner-up and in theLadies Muriel Cherry once again took first prize with Canadian visitor Julie Staplesrunner up. Mike Wolffe presented Margie Barnard with a token of appreciation from<strong>IC</strong> for the many years of work and contribution to the growth of <strong>IC</strong> in the Cape.WesternCape <strong>IC</strong>memberssmile forthecamera!Contact Details: International Club<strong>IC</strong> South AfricaChairperson: Leonie Grondel: lgrondel@gmail.comSecretary: Terrey Schweitzer: proten@netactive.co.zaDoug : doughill@iafrica.comMoira : moira.golden@gmail.comLorna : zk3@mweb.co.zaMiles : miles.foxcroft@standardbank.co.zaRonel : jglouw@mweb.co.zaMichael : wolfms@wol.co.zaNeville: nevandjoc@yebo.co.za

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