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<strong>TERTIARY</strong> <strong>EDUCATION</strong> <strong>SCHOLARSHIP</strong> <strong>TRUST</strong>(<strong>TEST</strong>) <strong>FOR</strong> GHANA<strong>SCHOLARSHIP</strong> RENEWAL <strong>FOR</strong>M 2013/14AFFIX 1ENDORSEDPASSPORT SIZEPHOTOGRAPHHERENOTE; THIS <strong>FOR</strong>M IS ONLY <strong>FOR</strong> EXISTING <strong>TEST</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> GHANA AWARD HOLDERSAND NOT <strong>FOR</strong> NEW APPLICANTS.DEADLINE <strong>FOR</strong> SUBMISSION OF RENEWAL <strong>FOR</strong>MS FRIDAY 31 st MAY 2013 NORENEWALS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE(Complete all questions using BLOCK letters only. Please note that your application will notbe processed if you leave any questions unanswered))

SECTION A – APPLICANT’S BACKGROUND IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION1. Full name, as it appears on your documents.Surname:Other Name(s):3. Gender (Female/Male) 4. Student ID #8. School9. Permanent Home Address: (where younormally reside with your parents/guardian. Donot provide a post office box number).Telephone#:Mobile#:Email Address :District:Region:10. Address to which correspondence regarding this application should be sent:14. CGPASECTION B – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION ON FINANCES18. Estimated Expenses for the 2013-14 academic years. (Estimate how much you will need tospend during the academic year from August 2013 to May 2014. These expenses should berelevant to your studies only.

Academic Fees(University Approved Feesand Charges)GH¢Residential /Housing/HostelFeedingBooksTransportationOther (specify)Other (specify)TOTALGH¢GH¢GH¢GH¢GH¢GH¢GH¢19. Indicate below the amount of money that you expect will be available to you from each ofthe following sources for 2013-14 academic years.PersonalGH¢Parents/ GuardianGH¢BenefactorPart-time employmentSSNIT / SLTF student loanScholarship (specify: eg MPsCommon Fund, DistrictAssembly etc)Other (specify)TOTALGH¢GH¢GH¢GH¢GH¢GH¢

20. How much funding do you require? This amount is the difference between your totalestimated expenses (question18) and what you expect will be available to you from the sourcesindicated (question 19).GH¢(The total of question 18 minus the total of question 19SECTION C – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION ON SPONSORSHIP22. If you have applied or intend to apply for other types of financial support for the2013-14 year please state:The type of financialsupport (e.g. Scholarship,bursary, student loan)a.Amount(GH¢)The agency to which application has been,or, will be made(e.g. Ghana Government,SSNIT, SLTF, MTN)b.c.

23. If you have been promised financial support for the 2013-14 academic year from anyBody/Organization, Benefactor, or Individual please provide:Name and address of theBody/Organization/Benefactor/IndividualThe amount in financial support (GH¢)a.b.24. Provide the name and address of theorganization, which has up to date beenresponsible for your education (Ifapplicable).25. Will the said sponsor continue to providefinancial support for your education?26. If YES what is the expected total amountof sponsorship per year?GH¢ _________________

Please submit any of the following that are applicable to you (do not send the originals of anydocuments unless they are addressed to <strong>TEST</strong>):Evidence of income of parent/guardian.Most up to date academic transcript (WITHOUT THIS YOUR RENEWAL WILL NOTBE PROCESSED)Applicant’s most current payslip if applicable.Any other supporting documents that you believe will assist in the processing of yourapplication.DeclarationIt is important that your eligibility for student financial aid be based upon accurateinformation.I do hereby declare that all the information given above is true.Signature of StudentDateNote: Misrepresentation in any material form renders the application null and void. Any awardmade based on misrepresentation shall be withdrawn or refunded by the applicant, and he/shemay be prosecuted. The truth, rather than lies, will get you Financial Aid.DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY BOTH PARENTS OR GUARDIANSIt is important that your dependant’s eligibility for student financial aid be based upon accurateinformation.I do hereby declare that all the information given above is true.

Signature or thump print of parent/guardianSignature or thump print of second parentDateDateNote: Misrepresentation in any form or manner shall render the application null and void. Anyawards made based on a misrepresentation shall be withdrawn or refunded by the applicant, andhe/she also may be prosecuted.The University reserves the right to cancel the applicant’s application if false or incorrectinformation is supplied.Thank you for your cooperation. Together, we can ensure that the right students get financialsupport, and that the integrity of the <strong>TEST</strong> scholarship scheme is preserved.

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