Philam Life Annual Report 2012

Philam Life Annual Report 2012

Philam Life Annual Report 2012

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Cesar A. Buenaventura, O.B.E. (83)Independent DirectorMr. Buenaventura is the Managing Partner of Buenaventura,Echauz and Partners (BEP) Financial Services, a financialadvisory firm.Born in Baguio City, Philippines in December 1929, Mr.Buenaventura graduated from the University of thePhilippines with a Bachelor of Science degree in CivilEngineering. He received his Master’s degree in CivilEngineering majoring in Structures from Lehigh University,Bethlehem, Pennyslvania in 1954, as a Fulbright scholar.After graduating from U.P. in 1950, he first worked withDavid Consunji who had just started his constructionbusiness.He started his career at Shell in 1956, rising to becomethe first Filipino CEO and Chairman of the Shell Group ofCompanies in the Philippines in 1975 until his retirement in1990. He stayed on as non-executive chairman until 1992and currently remains a Director of Pilipinas Shell PetroleumCorporation. He is founding chairman of the Pilipinas ShellFoundation Inc., and founding member of the Board ofTrustees of the Makati Business Club.He was appointed member of the Monetary Board of CentralBank of the Philippines representing the private sector, in1981, a position he held up to 1987.He was a member of the Board of Regents of the Universityof the Philippines from 1987 to 1994, the Board of Trusteesof the Asian Institute of Management from 1994 to 2007,and President of Benigno Aquino S. Foundation from 1985– 2010.He is a recipient of many awards, among which are – MostDistinguished Alumnus, College of Engineering, Universityof the Philippines in 1977, the Management Man of the yearby the Management Association of the Philippines in 1985,Outstanding Professional in Engineering by the ProfessionalRegulatory Commission in 1997, Outstanding Fulbrighter inthe field of business by the Philippine Fulbright Associationin 2008, recipient of Centennial Award as one of the Top 100Alumni Engineering Graduates.In 1991, Mr. Buenaventura was made Honorary Officer ofthe Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Her Majesty QueenElizabeth II.He is currently Director of the following organizations:DMCI Holdings, Inc. (Vice Chairman), Semirara CoalCompany, iPeople, Inc., and Petroenergy Resources Corp.Washington Z. SyCip (90)Independent DirectorWashington Z. SyCip is the Founder of SGV, the Philippine’slargest professional services firm. He is one of thefounders and Chairman Emeritus of the Asian Institute ofManagement in the Philippines; member of the Board ofOverseers of the Graduate School of Business at ColumbiaUniversity; Honorary Chairman of the Euro-Asia Centre ofINSEAD in Fontainebleau, France; Honorary <strong>Life</strong> Trustee ofThe Asia Society; and member of the Board of a number ofmajor corporations in Asia and other parts of the world.Mr. SyCip served as President of the InternationalFederation of Accountants (1982-1985), member of theBoard of the Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Managementand International Studies in the University of Pennsylvania(1983-2000), member of the International Advisory Boardof the Council on Foreign Relations (1995-2010), ViceChairman of the Board of Trustees of The Conference Board(2000-2004), and Chairman of the Asia Pacific AdvisoryCommittee of the New York Stock Exchange (1997- 2004).He also served on the International Boards of the AmericanInternational Group, AT&T, Australia & New Zealand Bank,Caterpillar, The Chase Manhattan Bank, Owens-Illinois,Pacific Dunlop and United Technologies Corporation, amongothers.Mr. SyCip graduated from the University of Santo Tomasin the Philippines with a degree of Bachelor of Science inCommerce and Master of Science in Commerce with highesthonors. Soon after passing the CPA exam at age 18, hecame to Columbia University in New York for postgraduatework. After passing the oral examination for his PhD, hisdissertation was interrupted by World War II. He served inthe U.S. Air Force in the China-Burma-India Theater.His honorary doctorate degrees include Doctor of Lawsconferred by both the University of Melbourne andUniversity of the Philippines, Doctor of Humanitiesconferred by both Ateneo de Manila University and AngelesUniversity Foundation, Doctor of Science (Management) and13

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