Newsletter winter 2011-2012.pdf - South Tipperary County ...

Newsletter winter 2011-2012.pdf - South Tipperary County ...

Newsletter winter 2011-2012.pdf - South Tipperary County ...

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Winter <strong>2011</strong>/2012<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Board<strong>Newsletter</strong>keeping you informed...

WelcomeMichael Fitzgerald,Chairperson of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development BoardWelcome to the first edition of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Board newsletter. Over the past twelveyears the <strong>County</strong> Development Board has played a pivotal role in bringing the various agencies together toformulate common strategies to benefit the people of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>. <strong>2011</strong> has been one of the mostchallenging years this country has experienced. All agencies have had to recalibrate and reposition theirown strategic development plans to reflect the new economic environment. Despite the economicchallenges, through its members, the <strong>County</strong> Development Board has continued to achieve greaterpublic and community coordination and integration.Over the next ten years, it will be critical for the Board to develop strategies that will support all sectors ofsociety in this new challenging era. The Economic Programme Management Group is working very diligently to implement actions includingthe <strong>County</strong> Innovation and Enterprise Strategy while the development of the new <strong>County</strong> Data Unit will provide invaluable information to allagencies and groups. The Social Inclusion Measures Implementation Group (SIM) is making significant progress in areas such as improvingstructures around mental health support and they are also in the process of completing a Social Inclusion Employment Strategy. The LocalAgenda 21 groups have developed an exciting Community Development Action Plan which will be implemented in 2012 with a focus oncreating greater resilience and strength within local communitiesFinally, I would like to thank everybody involved in the various strategies and groups. I am proud to have been at the helm of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong><strong>County</strong> Development Board this year where we have remained focused on <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> vision as a place with an excellent quality of life,an inclusive and vibrant economy and a healthy and sustainable environment. I look forward to working with all the Board members, theDirector and her staff over the coming years.Sinead CarrDirector of Community and EnterpriseThroughout <strong>2011</strong>, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Board has continued to work towards achievingits strategic objectives in the areas of social inclusion, sustainability, culture and economic development.This newsletter shows the practical approaches being taken to realising these objectives on the ground.Every day individuals, groups and agencies throughout <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> work towards implementingexcellent projects and events in the areas of tourism, youth work, sports, crafts, economic development andsocial inclusion. Examples of these are detailed in this newsletter. This work combines to make <strong>South</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong>’s vision for a place of inclusive economy and an excellent quality of life a reality.I hope you enjoy reading about the great works being carried out throughout our communities. We cansee that despite the difficult economic conditions, much is being achieved through continued cooperationbetween local agencies and communities.<strong>County</strong> Development Board Members:-keeping you informed...Cllr. Michael Fitzgerald (Chair)Cllr. Jimmy O’BrienCllr. Michael MurphyCllr. Jack CroweCllr. Seanie LonerganCllr. Joe DonovanBilly Mc EvoyCllr. P.J. QuinlanCllr. Siobhan Ambrose• Tourism 2• Social Inclusion 4• Community 5• Heritage 6Niall MorrisseyJoe Brennan,Kathleen PrendergastGerry HickeyIta HoranMaureen Mc NamaraOlive FogartyChief Supt. Catherine KehoeRay O’Connor• Sports 7• Year of the Craft 7• Culture 8• Youth 9Eimear WhittleDonal MullaneCiaran LynchFionuala Mc GeeverSr. Patricia WallMartin QuinnJ.J. KillianKevin CollinsNominations were notavailable from; FAS, HSE,Trade Union, Farming,Enterprise Ireland andDepartment of Educationat the time of going to print• Local Development 9• Econmoic Development 10• RAPID 11 -13• CBD Sub Groups 141• <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> TUS 6

Downloadable Walkingroutes on lineTourismDid you know…there are now fabulouswebsites where you can find all sorts ofwalking routes across the globe? You canlook up a route and download it to satnavs,iphones and a range of other gadgets. If youhave your own GIS device you can put yourown walking routes up to share with peopleall over the world.To make sure that <strong>Tipperary</strong> is on the map,we asked Michael Moroney, walking guidebased in the Glen of Aherlow, to put upthe Historic Towns Walking Trails for Cahir,Fethard, Carrick-on-Suir, Cashel and<strong>Tipperary</strong> Town.Needless to say, there are loads of othergreat walks around the county. If you havea favourite walk that you’d like to share withthe world, and its not there, you can putit up yourself if you have a GIS device! Ifyou don’t, you can add comments of yourexperience of the walks that are up already,let people know what you find interesting,where to eat,stay and look at the experiencesothers have had when they visitedthe areas. There are some brilliant andunusual photographs taken by visitors. It isreally worth a look next time you are on line.We have more photos and text to put inat each flag point, but the main maps areup and they are getting viewed. They haveonly been up since the end of October andalready they have had hundreds of viewers.Try www.wikiloc.com – type Fethard in thesearch box and look at the map, photos,make a comment on your experience of thewalk. It is fascinating.Each site is different, downloads to devicesare free in some, at a charge in others – butthey are all free to look at on-line. The othersites we are putting the historical routes upon are:www.trailzilla.com;www.everytrail.com;www.routeyou.com;www.mapmywalk.com;www.geolives.comwww.connect.garmin.com;www.trails.geolives.comEnjoy, and use to promote thewalks and facilities in your area.Walk The <strong>Tipperary</strong> 10Ten fabulous walks are showcased in‘Walk The <strong>Tipperary</strong> 10’ brochure. <strong>South</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> Tourism is undertaking a marketinginitiative to promote the range of walks thathave been developed in the county over thepast number of years. These walks have beendeveloped by communities in partnershipwith a range of agencies. The walks rangefrom a gentle 2km walk from Cahir alongthe river Suir to Swiss Cottage; to the 11kmBallinacourty Loop in the famous Glen ofAherlow; to the Historic Town Trail aroundFethard – featuring the magnificent townwall. As well as the brochure, a range ofguided walks have been held which haveattracted large numbers of visitors. GrangeCrag Loop, the towpath stroll along theRiver Suir from Carrick-on-Suir to Kilsheelanin August attracted over 160 people, the14km Liam Lynch Loop in the KnockmealdownMountains had over 90 participate inSeptember.The walks are publicised through a widerange of networks including the WalkingClubs, Community Groups as well as throughlocal and national media. to a slightly morestrenuous walk along the Liam Lynch Loop inthe Knockmealdown Mountains.See the www.discoverireland.ie/the tipperary10 for details on each walk.Guided walk fromGolden to CashelFethard Historic Townwalk August <strong>2011</strong>Swans- Carrick-on-Suirto Kilsheelan guidedwalk August <strong>2011</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> Holiday Guidebook <strong>2011</strong>The main promotional brochure for <strong>County</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> - The <strong>Tipperary</strong> Holiday Guidebookwas revamped for the <strong>2011</strong> season. The newsize and shape has proved to be very popularwith visitors and has been well received atthe holiday shows and fairs. The brochure isa joint production between <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>Tourism and North <strong>Tipperary</strong> Tourism companies.Holiday World Show, Dublin; Best ofBritain & Ireland, London; CMT, Stuttgart;Balmoral Show, Belfast; CLA Game Fair,Oxfordshire; Bloom in the Park, Dublin; ATaste of Dublin; The Royal Bath & West Show,Somerset; Dublin Horse Show; NationalPloughing Championships; Over 50’s Show,Dublin; BBC Good Food Show, Birmingham.Find the brochure at http://alinkto.me/gz3Liam LynchMonument<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> county Development Board - Winter newsletter <strong>2011</strong>/12Liam Lynch MonumentWolf detailkeeping you informed...2

TourismLaunch of <strong>2011</strong> Holiday GuidebookJanuary <strong>2011</strong> at Holiday WorldThe Butler TrailThis is an exciting new project being developed by <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>Tourism with the support of the local community, Trade, OPW, <strong>South</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council and Fáilte Ireland as well as three newlyformed tourism business networks in Carrick-on-Suir, Clonmel andCahir. It will be launched in January 2012.The Butler Trail will consist of the development of a phased historictown trail connecting heritage town and walking trails with naturaland cultural heritage themes.The first phase of the Butler trail will focus on the towns of Carrickon-Suir,Clonmel and Cahir; showcasing the attractions within andaround these towns through a print brochure, high-quality mapsand audio tours and a website. The website, hosted on the DiscoverIreland site will include details of accommodation, retail; bars, cafésand restaurants; sports and leisure facilities: and craft and artisanfood producers both within and around the identified towns as wellas the maps and MP3 audio tours for download.This integrated tourism project, based around the Butler Family, willdrive sustainable growth in the local visitor and non-visitor relatedeconomy; increase the local communities involvement in heritagetourism and foster inter-agency linkages and inter-county traildevelopment.keeping you informed...3<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> county Development Board - Winter newsletter <strong>2011</strong>/12

Social InclusionTraveller Men Making GreatProgressTraveller Men from the Cashel area wereinvolved in building a commemorativeTable as part of the EU Charter weekend inCashel. The base of the Table contained aTime capsule which contained objects fromthe Charter delegates. 10 Traveller men wereinvolved in the building of the Table whichwas done in conjunction with Philip Quinnof Stonemad.ie. Over the course of theweekend different EU delegates and thepublic were involved in designing andconstructing the Table along with the artistand the men.The men are involved in an overall <strong>South</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> Traveller Men’s project that isongoing throughout <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>. Themen take part in a wide range of activitiesincluding Health activities, Developmentwork and Educational activities. A full timeDevelopment Worker works with the mento help link them in with different servicesand is there to support the men. It is a twoyear project with funding being provided byPobal, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> VEC, the HSE, FAS,<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council and <strong>Tipperary</strong>Rural Traveller Project.There are four men´s groups: in Cahir, Cashel,Clonmel and Killenaule. The groups take partin literacy, numeracy, computer classes aswell as undertaking practical studies suchas woodwork, metalwork, stone carving andgardening as well as engaging in sportsactivities.The <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Traveller Men’s projectemphasises the positive contribution thatTraveller men can have on Irish society whengiven the opportunity, therefore it is vitalthat continued funding is secured to ensurethat Traveller men will continue to be engagedin activities that interest and inspire themgoing into the future.A need had been identified within the fieldof mental health and well being, to bring mentalhealth organisations and support groupstogether with community and voluntary groupsin the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Area. To achieve thiswe are hoping to create a network oforganisations, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Action Network– STAN. STAN is being formed with a viewto organising networking meetings so thatwe can collaboratively improve the lives ofall those effected by Mental health issues.STAN will be a network of mental healthservice providers established to provide networkingand sharing opportunities for peopleand organisation working in the mentalhealth area in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>. Currentlythere is a STAN Steering Group in place tohelp establish STAN with membership fromService Users, Mental Health Ireland, Grow,Community & Voluntary Forum, <strong>County</strong>Council & HSE Mental Health & CommunityDevelopment Services. A networking eventfor agencies was held on Monday 10th October<strong>2011</strong> in the Clonmel Park Hotel to raiseawareness, update each other on developments,to identify services and gaps while lookingat ways of working together in the area ofmental health supports and services. If anyoneis interested in joining STAN of findingout more information. Please contact theforum’s office: 052 7443407<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>Disability GroupsForum orgainised a LUNCH ‘N’ ROLL on 28thAugust <strong>2011</strong> in the Sensory Garden Cahir.Stefan Grace & Co provided the entertainmentand over 80 people from local groups andorganisations enjoyed their Lunch outdoors.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Positive AgeingCommittee<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Positive Ageing CommitteeLaunched their calendar of events for PositiveAgeing Week September 23rd to 1st Octoberwith a night of music and dancing in BruBoru Cashel Friday the 23rd September.The calendar of events was officially launchedby Cllr. Michael Fitzgerald Chairman of <strong>South</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council who praised thehard work of the committee in organizing allthe events and said that now is the chancefor all to celebrate the major contributionwhich older people have made, and continueto make, to their local community.The Chair of Cashel Town Council Cllr MarabelWood, Guest speaker Sr. Patricia Wall andAge Action Representative John O Mahoneyalso spoke at the event. All spoke about theneed to promote positive ageing and the importanceof getting everyone involved in thevarious events taking place across the countyfor the week. The purpose of the week is toshow that ageing is not something to fear,but something to celebrate; it is an opportunityfor older people to enjoy themselves and forcommunities to recognise the contributionwhich older people have made, and continueto make in their localities. Older people playkey roles in our communities as volunteers,parents and grandparents and experiencedworkers.keeping you informed...4

CommunitySTCVF AGM <strong>2011</strong><strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Community & Voluntary Forum held its AGM in the Clonmel Park Hotel on Monday 11th April <strong>2011</strong>. An open invitation wasgiven to all our active members and advertising took place on the local radio and newspapers. A great attendance of over 80 people attendedon the night. The principal aim of our AGM is to bring a high level of participative activity to the development of the work of the Forum.Ms Mary Davis Regional President and Managing Director of Special Olympics Europe/Eurasia and Chairperson of Special Olympics Irelandwas our guest speaker on the night and spoke about participation at a community level and how this is vital for any organisation to thrive. Shepraised the work of communities and volunteers in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> and commended the vital work they do on a day to day basis. Ms Davisalso told the audience that community groups should not be afraid to ask for help from the other people in their community. The floor wasopened for questions following her speech.The executive for <strong>2011</strong> is as follows• Chairperson Bernard Lennon• Vice Chairperson Sara Bourke• Secretary Sean Murphy• Treasurer Richard Long• Committee Marie Walsh,Martin Quinn, Martin Moore,Fiona Crotty, Sr Mary Walsh,Donal O Hallorhankeeping you informed...5Chair of STCVF Bernard Lennon & outgoing Forummember Jimmy Cass at the STCVF AGM <strong>2011</strong>Activities Summer <strong>2011</strong>STCVF is involved in a variety of events, campaigns and activites on a weekly basis including providing supportto <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Disability Groups Forum which is a networking group of over 40 agencies supportingpeople with disabilities, Cashel Gold Star, Positive Ageing Week, STAN – Promoting Positive Mental Health& Primary Care Community Participation. Below is some information about some of our recent work.What we do!• Provide an information service forcommunity and voluntary groups fromthe Forum office• Provide a directory of community andvoluntary groups in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>• STCVF has 54 reps on over 30 boardsand committees across <strong>South</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong>. Support, information& training is provided to these reps.• Produce a community newsletter• Work with other agencies in <strong>South</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> as required on Joint projectssuch as Age Action Week, SocialInclusion Week & Annual DisabilityAwareness Events,STAN, <strong>County</strong>Data UnitOutgoing STCVF member Sr. Patricia Wall & STCVFTreasurer Richard Long at the STCVF AGM <strong>2011</strong>• Identify the training needs of community andvoluntary groups and providesuitable training for affiliated members• Create and support networks such asdisability groups forum, Age ActionWeek & local history & heritage societynetwork• Arrange meetings where affiliatedmembers with common interests canexchange ideas.• Provide support for groups completingfunding applications.• Make information available onfunding resources, training & otherrelevant matters to community &Voluntary groups.STCVF Treasurer & <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Positive Ageing CommitteeChair accepting a plaque of recognition of Cashelas a Positive Ageing Town <strong>2011</strong> From John O DonnellAge Action Ireland Sept <strong>2011</strong>Who can become members?• Groups active in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>• Groups must have a minimummembership of five & are opento new members• Groups must complete an officialaffiliation form.• Groups must hold regular meetings &an AGM as appropriate.• For an Application Form contact theforum Office:<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Community & VoluntaryForum, Unit 2C Carrigeen CommercialPark, Clogheen Road, Cahir,Co. <strong>Tipperary</strong>. southtippforum@eircom.netTel: 052-7443407 Mob 087-9271524<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> CouncilsNeighbourhood Networking EventThursday 29th September <strong>2011</strong> saw Resident Associations, Community House Committees and Resident Networks from across the <strong>County</strong>come together to showcase the estate management projects they have organised throughout the year. The Annual Networking Eventorganised by the Councils Community Liaison Officers provides an opportunity for its Residents Committees to network amongst oneanother sharing ideas and gaining valuable information about the services and facilities available to assist them.Various agencies are invited to attend the event and this year <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Development Company, VEC, Volunteer Centre, TRYS, An GardaSiochana, HSE and the <strong>County</strong> Councils Environment Section were all on hand to offer support and provide information on how theirservices can benefit the work of our Committees.Events such as this are a great way of promoting social interaction within our neighbourhoods, whilst motivating and encouragingresidents throughout <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> to work in partnership with Local, Statutory and Voluntary Organisations to create sustainablecommunities.

HeritageThe River Suir is an untapped resource on our doorstep. There is huge heritage tourism potential around the river. <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong>Council are taking part in a European project ‘Waterways Forward’ looking at the economic benefits of inland waterways. Part of thisinnovative project involved the Suir River Café during the Clonmel Junction Festival which was a collaborative initiative between the localauthority, local artist Lyn Mather, Kingston University and The Heritage Council.Our Suir River Café and pop-up workshops in Carrick-on-Suir, Clonmel, Ardfinnan and Cahir gave local people the opportunity to putforward the challenges and opportunities associated with the River Suir. A community mapping exercise was undertaken and huge amountsof valuable data collected from local people. All the information is being collated and recorded and will ultimately be used to inform theplanning process.As part of the project people wrote down their stories and memories associated with the river which are a wonderful asset now to thepeople of the Suir Valley. Further work will be done to showcase all these information collected. Thanks to all those who took part inmaking this a great project.For further info on the project please contact Labhaoise McKenna, Heritage Officer, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council.heritage@southtippcoco.ieHeritage in Schools Project <strong>2011</strong> - 2012The Heritage In Schools Project is open to primary and post-primary students in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>. The theme for this year’s project is ‘Religionand Ritual in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>’. Projects may be submitted on any aspect of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>’s Religious heritage. An exhibition of studentswork will be on display in the museum. Contact Julia Walsh Education Officer, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Museum on Tel: 052 61 34564 oremail julia.walsh@southtippcoco.ie for further details.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>TUS ProgrammeDanielle Barron (Tús Participant), Kenny Ryan (TúsTeam Leader), Liam Kelly, Mark Rylands ( Tús TeamLeader), Michael Byrne (Tús Participant), Gerard Tuohy(Tús Participant) and John Hogan National President ofMuintir na Tíre.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> TUS Programme- A collaboration of the old andthe new!<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Development Companyis delivering an extremely successful TUSProgramme across <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> throughclose collaboration with local communityand voluntary groups. One particularly interestingproject to-date is whereby TUS isworking with Muintir na Tire on both the<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Energy Project (STEPS) andthe Small Repairs Project. These projectsprovide attic and cavity wall insulation topersons at risk of fuel poverty and theyalso conduct repair work on the homes ofthe elderly to enable them to liveindependently with a level of comfort thatsome had not previously enjoyed. Whilethis work can be as simple as changing alight fitting, it can also extend to changingan entire bathroom layout to make it moreaccessible.Whereas Muintir na Tire had theinfrastructure and materials in place,they lacked the numbers of sufficientlyskilled workers to help them to implementand broaden the scheme and to maximiseits potential. In line with the downturnin the construction industry, the TUSprogramme has placed a number of highlyskilled and motivated individuals whowere eager to bring their talents to bothprojects and share their skills to the benefitof the elderly and their co-workers.In return, the workers will receive on-goingup-skilling and training including SafePass, Manual Handling and GeneralInsulation which will increase their skillsbase and employability.In <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>, the TUS programme ismaking a very real, positive and practicalcontribution both to the people on theplacement and to the communities theyare working with.keeping you informed...6

Sport<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>Sports PartnershipIn 2007, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Sports Partnershipwas established as a sub-structure ofthe <strong>County</strong> Development Board of <strong>South</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council. The Partnershipcomprises representation from key memberagencies, sporting organisations and sportsenthusiasts from the community of <strong>Tipperary</strong>working together to achieve the vision of‘Activity for All’.In June of this year John Treacy, CEO of theIrish Sports Council launched the Partnership’ssecond Strategic Plan, the aim of whichis todevelop sport and increase lifelong physicalactivity in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>.As part of the work of STSP to increasesports participation and reduce sedentarisma variety of key programmes and initiativesare rolled out including the flagship eventof the Partnership the <strong>Tipperary</strong> Women’sMini Marathon which saw over 570 womentaking part including former internationalathlete Catherina McKieran who won thisyears event.Also, recently up and running is the Link 2BActive programme targeting the unemployedin <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>. This programme to datehas linked with 12 sporting facilities in the<strong>County</strong> offering an opportunity for theunemployed to access sports facilities at areduced rate.In conjunction with Clonmel AC, STSP facilitatedthe formation of a new meet & train groupfor women the aim of which is to providean opportunity for women to cometogether and get fit in a social setting. Todate, over 200 women have engaged in theprogramme with 83 running the <strong>Tipperary</strong>Women’s Mini Marathon.Another key target group is people with adisability; a number of targeted programmeshave been rolled out by the PartnershipSports Inclusion Officer which have includedthe setting up of a <strong>County</strong> Boccia League, aVisual Impaired Bowling club and a SportsAbility Club. Also a number of new activitieswere initiated including Outdoor Adventureprogrammes which have included hill walking,surfing and sailing. The inclusion ofpeople with disabilities has been a strongfocus of the disability programme and anumber of ‘Come N Try It’ days were heldalong with awareness training for primaryschool teachers and child care providers.In addition to the above, the Partnershiprolls out a wide range of programmesincluding Child Welfare & Protection forsports volunteers, Development & CoachingFunding Programme for sports clubs, Volunteerin Sports Awards and many more targetedprogrammes. Further information on thePartnership and its programmes can befound on www.stsp.ieYear of Craft <strong>2011</strong>keeping you informed...The Craft Granary in Cahir organised the Taste of Craft Project fundedby <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Development Company whereby 30 craft workersgathered to run workshops, which were held in 6 differentlocations within <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>. Teaching over 200 people variouscrafts from soap making, wood turning and jewellery making.ExhibitionsOver the months of May - Sept the Craft Granary ran the Crafters’Exhibitions. Each month a different region was exhibited holdingsome of the <strong>South</strong> East’s finest craft workers pieces ranging fromwoodwork, ceramics, jewellery, fabrics, glassware and much more.Festivalsin July and the Cluain Meala Festival in August saw many craftworkers demonstrations take place with lots of visitors gettingthe opportunity to experience crafts firsthand. On Friday September23rd <strong>2011</strong>, locals and visitors across the island of Ireland enjoyedthe unique experience of Culture Night, a free night of entertainment,discovery and adventure that took place in a record 30 towns, cities,counties and islands in Ireland. The Craft Granary hosted a verysuccessful event combining a craft exhibition, craft demonstrationsand tastings of locally produced artisan foods from the Cahir farmersMarket and wine from local vendors. Lots of local support was generatedand even Effin Eddie joined in on the fun.‘Presence & Absence’ was an exhibition of artwork by <strong>Tipperary</strong> artistGeraldine Jackman influenced by past histories of places, peopleand objects, often inspired by found materials and photographs.Exhibition ran from 10 Oct - 5 Nov.There is always something happening within the craft granary, checkout our facebook site for more info on events and courses that aretaking place within your area.https://www.facebook.com/craftgranary7<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> county Development Board - Winter newsletter <strong>2011</strong>/12

CultureA selection of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong><strong>County</strong> Council’s Culture Team’s Highlights in <strong>2011</strong>Banna Chluain Meala 1971 – <strong>2011</strong> Exhibition: July <strong>2011</strong>Banna Chluain Meala is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Museum created an exhibition to honourBanna’s achievements. See www.bcmyouthband.ie for furtherprogramming details.Donal Wylde’s Exhibition ‘The Light of Other Days’July – Sept <strong>2011</strong>Is an evocative portrait of Clonmel ‘The Light of Other Days’ is anexhibition of Twentieth Century images of Clonmel and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>.Donal has also produced a beautiful book, which is the result of severalyears of research by film maker-photographer Donal Wylde. Theformer chief photographer of The Nationalist has assembled a wonderful,atmospheric collection of pictures from town and county life in theSixties and Seventies. Copies of Donal’s book can be bought in the<strong>County</strong> Museum and other local bookshops.Festival Cluain Meala Fri 26th – Sun 28th August <strong>2011</strong>As part of Heritage Week, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council, ClonmelBorough Council, The Heritage Council, Craft Council of Ireland ,Local traders, Vintners Association, Food producers and many, manymore came together to bring you ‘Festival Cluain Meala’. The highlightsof the festivities included:• A special performance by Micheál O Suilleabhain and BannaChluain Meala.• Medieval Inn Trail.• FREE family fun evening & Medieval Banquet at Gordon Placecar park beside Clonmel’s Town Walls.• <strong>Tipperary</strong> Breakfast, Hearn’s Hotel.• Food & Farming Festival which highlighted local crafts and foodproducers.• Clonmel Business and Industries’ Exhibition displayed in theMain Guard.Over 6’000 visitors enjoyed the festivities, due to its success we arealready planning next year’s festival.Culture Night – Sept 23rd <strong>2011</strong>.Culture Night is an initiative co-ordinated by Temple Bar CulturalTrust and supported by the Department of Arts, Heritage and theGaeltacht in partnership with <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council ArtsService and <strong>County</strong> Museum.Featured events were:• An exhibition titled ‘Light of Other Days’ by Donal Wylde.• The Bugle Babes performed fantastic toons combined with slicksinging & tight harmonies.• Traditional music with Nora Butler, Eileen O’Brein and JenniferMinogue• The launch of the Museum’s publication ‘Maurice Davin, A Manand his Boat’.Connex 11Connecting arts and youth - <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Youth Arts Programme<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council Arts Service working in collaborationwith cultural providers, school and community groups to provide ayouth arts programme throughout <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> in <strong>2011</strong>. The programmespans all art forms and is aimed for young people betweenthe ages of 13 to 20 years. This year’s programme will includedrumming workshops, animation and dance, a choral project forschools, creative writing and visual arts workshops. For further informationcontact Sally O’Leary, Arts Officer, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong>Museum on 052 6134565 email sally.oleary@southtippcoco.ie<strong>County</strong> Archives<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Archives is located at the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>Local Authorities Complex at the Carraigeen Business Park inClonmel. It is a purpose built Archives building comprising of anenvironmentally controlled Archives store and public reading roomas well as archive processing room, isolation area and offices andalso houses a records store for <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council.Contact Roisin O’ Grady, Archivist on 00 353 (0)52 6172319 /00 353 (0)52 6172318 or Email: roisin.ogrady@southtippcoco.ieOpening Hours: Our reading room is available to the public byappointment only Monday-Friday 10a.m - 1.15p.m.keeping you informed...8

YouthComhairle na nÓg <strong>2011</strong> –A Great SuccessOn October the 14th <strong>2011</strong> the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council held the <strong>South</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> Comhairle at the Cappawhite Resource Centre. The primary aim of theComhairle na nÓg is to give young people in the region a voice. The Comhairle nanÓg or youth council was established in 2002 as part of the National Children’sstrategy (2000). The event was open to young people aged 12- 17 and theywere either nominated by their school or youth group and also through selfnomination. The day was a great success as we had over 130 representativesfrom all over <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> in attendance. In <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>, Comhairle nanÓg is organised by <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council, in association with<strong>Tipperary</strong> Regional Youth Service, Waterford and <strong>South</strong> Tipp Community YouthServices, Foroige, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> VEC, HSE and local schools and youth groups.The Comhaire report regularly to the Social Inclusion Measures Group of the<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Board.The events on the day included a number of informative workshops such as,sexual health and well being, social inclusion, body image, mental health androad safety. We had a motivational speech from the Mayor of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>Michael Fitzgerald who stressed the importance of democracy and engagementin politics in young peoples lives. Each year at the Comhairle day delegatesare elected by the young people in attendance and this year 22 new delegateswere elected to represent their county throughout the year and 8 stayed on thecommittee. Comhairle na nÓg is a very worth while and educational day forany young person as it informs them about the democratic process and it givesthem to opportunity to voice their opinions on issues that matter to them.Becoming a delegate is an invaluable experience as you will gain an extensiveinsight into Ireland’s political system while increasing your self confidence andpublic speaking abilities. If interested please contact your school or youth clubfor more information, or check out the <strong>South</strong> Tipp Comhairle Facebook Page.Local Development<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Development Company at work within communities of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>keeping you informed...<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Development Company (STDC) implements a number of programmes in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> including the Rural DevelopmentProgramme (also known as the LEADER programme). Under this programme STDC has provided funding to a number of community groupsfor a range of community based projects such as:-• Drawing up of three year tidy town plans;• Preparation of a recreational strategy for the Knockmealdowns and the Galtees; development of walks including walking tracksaround sports fields;• Playground facilities;• Upgrade and enhancement of community centres;• Publication of parish history books;• Training programmes, particularly focussing on ICT;• Training for residents groups in traditional stone wall building skills;• etcSTDC is interested in talking to community groups that may have ideas for community based projects. A community may qualify for fundingfrom 50% - 100% depending on the project. Our staff are more than willing to meet with your community and discuss ideas that you mayhave with a view to helping you through the application process.Contact: Isabel Cambie, Rural Development Manager on 052 7442652 or on 087 22198189<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> county Development Board - Winter newsletter <strong>2011</strong>/12

Economic DevelopmentPlatoPlato Ireland is dedicated to the successful development of Ireland’s indigenous small and medium enterprise (SME) sector. Plato offers ownermanagers a business support forum where they can tackle the challenges and issues of today’s business world. Through a unique partnershipwith large “parent” companies, Plato creates a confidential and safe environment where SMEs can benefit from facilitated group learning,training activities, business linkages and networking events. Plato encourages participants to share experiences and resources, to stimulatenew ideas, and to support each other as they make the strategic decisions that determine how their businesses will grow.Having formally commenced activity inNovember 2010 both <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> NetworkGroups concluded their first scheduleof seven meetings each with a joint meetingon Wednesday 15th June at Medite, Clonmel.Both groups met individually first and thencame together for a joint meeting. The purposeof the meeting was to get each group toevaluate the group’s performance andspecifically address:a) what worked well, is working well andthe benefits accruingb) what did not work well and areas forimprovementc) how the process is developing and howit can be enhancedd) setting of objectives for ‘new’ yearcommencing in SeptemberFollowing the individual group reviews bothgroups introduced themselves and then helda joint review. It was an excellent meeting. Theconsensus was that the relationships, trustand bonds between participants were nowclearly established and that both groupswere comfortable with their co-colleagues.Confidentially is in place and there is a highdegree of confidence amongst participants.Areas of satisfaction were many andvaried with each individual giving their ownassessment of how they used the forum todeal with issues, learn from others anddevelop their businesses. The common positivetheme is that the most valuable asset is thepeer group assessment. All participants gaveexamples of how this is really working. It wasagreed that accentuating this would be verybeneficial. The area of dissatisfaction was theunexpected loss of some ‘good’ participantsor a lack of commitment from others. It wasagreed that the core of both groups wereworking well and that a real effort shouldbe made to recruit two to three additionalparticipants into both groups. After somediscussion amongst the participants andGroup Leaders it was agreed that the ‘core’participants would each invite an ownermanagerthey know personally and whothey believed would benefit from participation,to join their group from September.Plato affirmed it is happy to accommodatethis and will engage with each nominee.Both group participants and Group leadershave affirmed their full commitment tore-commence following the summer break.They have also agreed that in Septembereach participant will express to the groupa specific target/over-riding strategic objectivethey wish to achieve by June 2012 and thatthey will use their peer group colleagues toassist them in achieving and progressing towardsthe goal.Plato also recently launched Linked-In, Facebookand Twitter platforms. These are very recentevents but some are already being used byrelatively large numbers. All can be accessedby using Plato Business Network. Theinformation varies depending on the sourceand need. All go to support, inform andcommunicate with owner-managers as theydeem appropriate.The network is now well established and itexpected that it will be fully embedded bythe end of <strong>2011</strong>. Once fully embedded itshould have the capacity to create wider andappropriate supports for itself and the widercommunity. It is hoped that the activity of thenetwork will further enhance and strengthenthe fabric of the region.Fethard pop-up CafeA pop-up café operated in the Youth centre in Fethard from 26th Julyfor a period of 8 weeks. The purpose of the project was to ascertainpotential of such a facility in Fethard in the future. The project wasan excellent example of community participation in that the café wasstaffed completely by local volunteers who undertook food hygieneand safety training and managed the rotas. As part of the projecta survey was carried out which showed that the average numberof visitors per week was 87 with about 52% of visitors being local,25% national and 22% international.Edel O’Gorman put great work into the project and special thankyou to her as well as the volunteers and everyone involved in makingthe project a success.keeping you informed...<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> county Development Board - <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>10

Carrick-on-Suir RapidEstate Enchancement AwardsEleven groups took park in the <strong>2011</strong>Carrick-on-Suir Estate EnhancementProject. The project was sponsored byorganised through Carrick-on-Suir TownCouncil and the Carrick-on-Suir RAPIDProgramme and was sponsored by Supervalu.Awards on the night went to Treacy Park forbest overall project, Collins Park for bestLocal Authority Estate and Castle Heightsfor best private Estate. All groups receiveda brass plague to be erected in their estate.Thanks to all who took part and the greatwork carried out over the summer.Halloween week in CarrickHalloween week was jam packed withevents for the young people of Carrick-on-Suir this year. Carrick-on-Sur Town councilreceived funding through the National Playand Recreation Grant Scheme. A subgroupwas formed through the RAPID programmeto put together a full programme of events.Events included a photo competition organisedby the Carrick camera club. Winnerswere displayed in Carrick-on-Suir libraryfrom November 11th. A Disco was run inby the Swan GAA club and the Davins GAAhad a fun night in conjunction with TreacyPark residents groups. The highlight of theweek was the ‘spooky tour’ hosted bylocal historian Tom Walsh. Young peopleand adult volunteers were fascinated byCarrick’s gory past and tales of ghosts thanwander the Carrick laneways to this day.The Edge Garda Youth Diversion projectorganised a trio to an outdoor pursuitcentres as well as fishing, swimming andcinema visits. Thanks to the county Museumwho provided an artist for mask makingto work with Foroige NeighbourhoodYouth project and the Carrick girl guidesfor organising a great fancy dress party. Theweek was a great success and all that tookpart really enjoyed it.Mask making in Foroige Youth project Carrickon-Suiras part of RAPID Halloween weekEstate Enhancement Awards, Carrick-on-Suirkeeping you informed...<strong>Tipperary</strong> RAPIDYIIPPE!! Festival <strong>2011</strong><strong>Tipperary</strong> Regional Youth Service held the Annual Youth Festival weekendYiippe!!! - (Youth Involved in Planning and Preparing Events) featuring arange of indoor and outdoor events and activities at a variety of locationsand venues in <strong>Tipperary</strong> town over a three day period - including YouthTheatre and Drama, Art, Sporting Events, Storytelling for Tots and a host ofOutdoor Entertainment including a Fireworks Display. As an added feature tothis year’s programme of events, the Festival closed with a Talent Show for localyoung musicians for the prize of a professional Studio Recording Session.11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> county Development Board - Winter newsletter <strong>2011</strong>/12

<strong>Tipperary</strong> RAPIDThree Drives Family Resource CentreRevised plans and refurbishments have now being finalised bythe Three Drives Family Resource Centre to redevelop the existingblock of five Housing Units in Grennane Drive <strong>Tipperary</strong> Town,as a multi-purpose Resource Centre. The refurbished Centrewill host a variety of Training Rooms, Meeting Rooms, TrainingKitchen and Offices. The Budget available is in the region of€60,000 and works will take approximately three months fromthe start date. <strong>Tipperary</strong> Town Council and <strong>Tipperary</strong> RegionalYouth Service are among the key partners in supporting theinitiative.<strong>Tipperary</strong> Allotments ProjectThe Allotments Project in Carrowclough held anOfficial Opening Ceremony to mark the successof the initiative which has proven successfulover the last year with maximum take-up ofover 40 Plots by local residents in <strong>Tipperary</strong>Town. The venture is a unique opportunityfor local people to actively “grow-their-own”produce. Pat Stokes, Chair of the AllotmentsProject has thanked and acknowledged therole of the Town Council in what has beenone of the most significant Allotmentdevelopments nationally in recent times.keeping you informed...12

Clonmel RapidHealthy Savers.RAPID took a proactive approach to the health andfinancial situation of residents in the town in <strong>2011</strong>.This was possible through the support of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>Sports Partnership and the Social Services Departmentof the HSE. Most importantly it was the communitypeople themselves that assisted in the developmentof a life adjusting opportunity through theimplementation of this project.The management team of the Healthy SaversElm Park Community Facilitieskeeping you informed...Every Thursday the 28 Healthy Savers gathered and were greetedby their Health and Fitness Instructor Ger Houlihan. Following apersonal weigh-in and individual health pep-talk, the wider groupparticipated in a Pilate’s class. What was different about this projectis the fact that each of the participants used the opportunity to savea sum of money over a specific period of time. As time progressedthe group developed and friendships also began to grow, and whilsteveryone began to feel much healthier and fitter, more importantly,they also had managed to amass some savings. Some people usedthe money for holidays, or to pay bills, or for a special occasion thatwas coming up.The principle of the Healthy Savers was that they developed a trustbetween each other that enabled them to encourage each otherto stay with the programme and to also see that they could easily,with a small amount building up weekly, gather money together forspecial events and occasions.The real test of any project is the sustainability of it without supportfrom outside Agencies. This is where the Healthy Savers provedthemselves, and their interest, by continuing to save over the summerperiod without any outside support. Now they have enough fundslaid aside to have another session of the Healthy Savers during these<strong>winter</strong> months and people have also continued to save money forpersonal use.This project is based on the Gramheen model of Saving Circles inIndia that aims to encourage people to develop the ability to planfor the future through saving. With the additional attraction ofbecoming healthy and fit this project looks to be set for expansioninto the future.Celebrations in Elm Park were multiplied recently when the Mayorof Clonmel, Counciller Darren Ryan returned to his home estate toofficiate in the formal opening of the various community facilitiesarising from the success of the RAPID programme in Clonmel.Elm Park is now possibly one of the best equipped estates inregard to community facilities in the <strong>County</strong>. A toddler playground,a childrens playground, a new state of the art Childcare Facility, aMulti-Use Games Area and an Outdoor Gym are now all located inthe estate.Indeed the Outdoor Gym was lauded on Diarmuid Galvins show‘Dirty Old Towns’ when members of the Rathangan Communityvisited Clonmel to witness what community spirit, self-belief andwillingness to work with numerous agencies including localAuthorities can do for an area.It was indeed a very special occasion when Mayor Ryan had finishedcutting the ribbons on each of the facilities, as his mother MarieRyan is currently Chairperson of Elm Park Residents Group. Mariespoke about how proud she was that her son had always remainedinterested and worked tireless on behalf of his home estate. Shealso commended her fellow residents group for their hard work andfor their drive to develop their estate in such a positive way.The community hosted a fantastic tribute in Elm Tree CommunityCentre to celebrate the efforts of those that had assisted in securingthe various facilities and those that supported the community inmaintaining them.13

<strong>County</strong> Development Board SubgroupsEconomic Programme Management GroupBilly McEvoy (Chair & S T Co Council) , Anna Touhy Halligan, (CDP/FRC network), Anthony FitzGerald (Business Development Executive S T Co Council),Bernard Lennon (Com & Vol Forum), Brian Cleary (Clonmel Chamber) Sinead Carr (S T Co Council) Cllr. Michael Murphy (Elected Rep),Donal Mullane (Teagasc), Eimear Whittle (Failte Ireland), Fiona Lonergan (IDA), Ita Horan (CEB) Niall Morrissey (STDC Ltd), J. J. Killian (Ignite Solutions)Brian Fives (Enterprise Ireland), Mike Ryan (Cashel Chamber), Ciaran Lynch (LIT), Terry Flynn (COSBA), Brian English (TIRD).Social Inclusion Measures GroupGerry Hickey (Chair & <strong>County</strong> Childcare Committee) Supt Padraig Dunne (Gardai) Olive Forgarty (DSFA/FAS) Angela Joy (HSE) Fionuala McGeever (VEC)Phil Shanahan (STDC Ltd), Sinead Carr (ST Co Council) Patricia Wall( Com & Vol Forum) Cllr Seanie Lonergan (Elected Rep) Clare Cashman (MillenniumFRC) Mark Ryan/Kathleen Prendergast/Margo Hayes, (S T Co Council- RAPID) Donal O’Halloran (Disability Sub-Group) Clare Curley (ST Co Council)Lisa Kavanagh(VEC) Sean McSweeney (Knockanrawley RC), Cora Horgan (TRYS) Martin Hayes W &STRYS), Grainne de Stafford (Spafield FRC),Eugene O’Donnel (<strong>Tipperary</strong> Rural Travellers Project), Terry O’Connor (Three Drives FRC), Carmel McKenna (Suir CDP), (Foroige Rep)Local Agenda 21 Programme Management GroupCiaran Lynch (Chair & LIT), Eileen Horgan (ST Co Council), Jackie Meally (Ring a link), Hilery Tarrant (Volunteering Centre), Julie White (Com& Vol Forum),Kevin Collins (Environmental Pillar Rep), Bernard Lennon (Com & Vol Forum), Dan Fox (IFA) , Marie Phelan (ST Co Council).Cultural Programme Management GroupJimmy O’Brien (Chair &Elected Rep), Margo Hayes (ST Co Council), Labhaoise McKenna (ST Co Council), Martin Maher (Tipp Library Services),Mary Alice O’Connor (Com & Vol Forum) , Marie McMahon(ST Co Council), Sally O’Leary(ST Co Council), Mary Sarsfield (<strong>Tipperary</strong> Excel) ,Helen Shanahan (Craft Granary)<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Childcare CommitteeClare Cashman, (Chairperson & Com & Vol Forum), Kaye Mullaney (ST VEC), Ann Comerford (Private Provider Rep), Patricia Power, (Community ServiceRep), Tommy Coleman (FÁS), Ann Ryan (S T Co Council), Marian Fitzgerald Childminding Rep, Kathleen Holden-Kelly (Com Rep) ,Mary Hanna-Hourigan (S T Co Council), Teresa Ring (Private Provider Rep), Máire Corbett ( Early Childhood Ireland), Sandra Gibbons (Parents Rep),Seamus Anderson (Parents Rep), Phil Shanahan (STDC Ltd). Currently vacant - Health Service Executive, Dept. of Social & Family Affairs, Trade UnionPillar<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Sports PartnershipFionuala McGeever, (Chair & VEC), Martin Quinn (Vice Chair), Monica Anglim (Com & Vol Forum) Cllr. John Cross (STDC Ltd),Eileen Horgan (ST Co Council) Cllr. John Fahey (Elected Rep) Hilda O’Neill (HSE), Emby Walsh (Community Games) Niall O’Sullivan (Outdoor Sports),Dr. Sean McCarthy (Elected Rep) Michael Morrissey (Disability Rep) Phillip Hennessy (LIT); Jim Kissane (Field Sports) Fran Curry (Tipp Fm)and Alan Quinlan (Sports Rep)<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Tourism CompanyTony Musiol (Chairperson (Advisor), Joan Brett-Moloney(B&B, Country homes and Farmhouses), Adrienne Martyn (Hotel network),Dominic Foran (Golf network), Peter Roe (Equestrian network), Eleanor Morrissey(OPW / Heritage), Con Ryan (Walks & STD ltd),Eileen Horgan (ST Co Council),John Quinn (Business Advisor),Pat Whelan (Food Sector),Eimear Whittle (Fáilte Ireland),Maura Barrett (Community TourismGroups), John Bermingham(Self catering, camping, hostel), <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> Development Company support Isabel Cambie; Michael Begley<strong>South</strong> Tippery Childrens Services CommitteeJim Gibson, (Chair & HSE) Chris Monahan (HSE), Sinéad Carr (S T Co Council) Kevin Bowen (Gardaí) Fionuala McGeever (V.E.C), Della Devereaux,(Probation), Niall Morrissey (STDC Ltd), Seán McSweeney, (Knockanrawley Resource Centre),Clare Cashman, (S T Co Childcare Committee),Lisa Kavanagh (V.E.C), Tomás Ó Slatara (Grange N.S),Shay Bannon (C.B.S. High School),Catherine Joyce (Barnardos),Damien White (National EducationWelfare Board), Bridget Farrell (HSE), Julie White (Com & Vol Forum), (<strong>Tipperary</strong> Rural Traveller Project), G.P’s . Supported by Ann Ryan (ST Co Council)Ruairí Ó Caisleáin, (CSC Coordinator &HSE)Carrick-on-Suir RAPIDEileen Horgan (Chair and S T Co Council), Cllr Silvia Cooney Sheehan (Carrick-on-Suir TC), Lisa Kavanagh (VEC), Liam Murphy (DSFA), Richie Grant (FAS)Sgt Ian Barrett (An Gardaí), Michael O’Brien (Town Clerk), Angela Joy (HSE), Pauline Kenny (Com Rep) James Hogan (Com Rep),Sandra Walsh (Com Rep), Noreen Robinson (Com rep), Jackie Hogan (Com Rep), Margo Hayes (Coordinator)Clonmel RAPID AITDarren Ryan (Chair & Elected Rep), Kathleen Prendergast (Coordinator), Eileen Condon (VEC), Paula Sheehan (Com Rep), David O’Donnell (DSP),Ruairi O’Caisleain (HSE), Ann Ryan (ST Co Council), Catherine Flanagan (FAS), Denise Crotty (Com Rep), Kevin Bowen (Gardaí), Martin Hayes(W&STRYS), Billy Doyle Town Clerk<strong>Tipperary</strong> RAPID AITPat Holland (Chair & ST Co Council), Mark Ryan (Coordinator), Catriona Crowe (<strong>Tipperary</strong> TC), Veronica Crowe (VEC), Ann Bradshaw, Marie Fogarty,Cllr Mary Swords, Sgt Padraig Powell (An Gardaí) , Cora Horgan (TRYS), Aidan Finn (<strong>Tipperary</strong> TC), Jean Nelson (Com Rep), David O’Donnell (DSFA),Peader O’Donnel (Com Rep)l, Marie O’Connell (Com Rep), Terry O’Connor (Three Drives FRC), Catherine Sharpe (KRC)keeping you informed...Compiled by Kathleen Prendergast & Margo Hayes Community Enterprise, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Council14

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Board<strong>County</strong> Hall, Clonmel, <strong>County</strong> <strong>Tipperary</strong>Tel: 052 6134597 Fax: 052 6180422Email: dce@southtippcoco.iewww.southtipperary.iewww.southtippcdb.ie

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