The Hutchins School Information for Parents 2011.pdf

The Hutchins School Information for Parents 2011.pdf

The Hutchins School Information for Parents 2011.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> long-term effect of being a bully may include a loss ofpopularity, an inability in later life to resolve conflict situations,a likelihood of being abusive later in life, a greater likelihoodof committing juvenile offences and a greater likelihood ofexperiencing problems at home.It is every student’s right and responsibility to report bullying,whether this happens to him or to someone else. If bullyingoccurs, students or parents should report it to the person withwhom they feel most com<strong>for</strong>table talking. Students and parentshave a range of possible people to talk to including other parents,a senior student, House mentors or class teacher, any other teacher,the <strong>School</strong> Counsellor or Chaplains.Discussions will be confidential. After consultation, action willbe taken to stop the bullying and if appropriate, disciplinary actionwill be taken.CAREERS CENTRE AND TRANSITIONSUPPORT<strong>Hutchins</strong> offers a varied program of career-focused activitiesdesigned to assist senior students develop the tools and life skillsthey will need to effectively plan and implement their successfultransition to life after <strong>Hutchins</strong> – whether that be travel, furtherstudy, or employment and training. Students are encouraged toparticipate in activities that will assist them develop a customisedcareer action plan that will support their ongoing careerdevelopment decision-making.<strong>The</strong> career development services that are available <strong>for</strong> studentsfrom Years 9 – 12 include:• Individual course counselling• Opportunity to participate in “Taster Programs” (industryspecificcareer programs) and UTAS faculty activity daysA ‘<strong>Parents</strong> as Career Partners’ workshop is held during first term.This session aims to provide parents with an opportunity to learnmore about the language of careers, where to access relevantin<strong>for</strong>mation and how to work collaboratively with their sons inplanning his transition to the world beyond.However to achieve the desired outcomes this has to be a sharedtask between all staff, the tertiary education and training providers,parents and the student himself.Contact from parents, Old Boys and others, interested inestablishing co-operative partnerships to help achieve this, iswelcomed by the Careers Counsellor, Mrs Sheree Malarski, on6221 4271.CHAPEL<strong>Hutchins</strong> has two Chaplains. <strong>The</strong> Chaplain is the ReverendMatthew Gray and Reverend Mark Holland is the AssistantChaplain with responsibility <strong>for</strong> the Junior <strong>School</strong>. <strong>Hutchins</strong>is an Anglican school with a commitment to Jesus Christ as itsfoundation. All students from Kindergarten to Year 12 attendregular services in the Chapel as part of their school life. Anemphasis is placed on students playing a significant part in theseservices. All students and families are welcome to attend anyservice advertised in the term calendar. <strong>The</strong> Chapel of St Thomas,dedicated and opened in 1971 by Bishop Robert Davies, has aprominent position on the campus and in the life of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Hutchins</strong><strong>School</strong>.Each year the Chaplains offer preparation courses to help studentsdecide whether or not they wish to be Baptised and/or Confirmed.<strong>The</strong>y are also highly involved in the co-curricular life of the<strong>School</strong> and members of the <strong>Hutchins</strong> community are encouragedto seek their assistance.• Personal consultations <strong>for</strong> both parents and students regardingcareer and course decisions• Access to up-to-date relevant career and course in<strong>for</strong>mation• Optional work experience placements in Year 10/11/12• Tax file numbers• Vocational assessment tests• Support and assistance with accessing and participating inschool-based traineeships• Access to a range of Vocational Education and Training(VET) courses in Year 11/12, possibly conducted at otherschool campuses• Resume, applications and job interview guidanceCO-CURRICULARA wide selection of summer and winter sports and activitiesis offered within the <strong>School</strong>. All students are expected togive absolute priority to commitments they have through themembership of orchestras, choirs, debating teams, drama groupsand representative sporting teams.Participation in <strong>Hutchins</strong> representative teams and groups is arequirement <strong>for</strong> all students from Year 5 to Year 12 and optional<strong>for</strong> students from Year 2 to Year 4. Written applications <strong>for</strong>exemption (on medical grounds only) may be made to the Directorof Co-Curricular and Sport.Students from Year 2 – Year 12 may participate in outside clubcommunity teams or employment provided that such participationdoes not prevent their meeting school requirements and provided• Assistance with accessing and undertaking short courses,that they do not play in a team which competes against asuch as RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol), First Aid,<strong>Hutchins</strong> team in the same roster or Premiership competition.White Card3 - Whole <strong>School</strong> <strong>In<strong>for</strong>mation</strong> 9

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