Deltasig July 09 - Delta Sigma Pi

Deltasig July 09 - Delta Sigma Pi

Deltasig July 09 - Delta Sigma Pi

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to your topic will snap the audiencemembers to attention.A Question: Ask a question andpause as if you genuinely want the audiencemembers to ponder it, and you willimmediately engage your listeners.Deliver the DetailsTo make your presentation powerfuland engaging, flesh it out by using toolslike quotations and brief stories. Makeyour stories and examples rich with specificdetails. Give your audience everyreason to stay connected with yourmessage.Close with a BangHow important is the closing?Crucial, because most audiences willremember what you said first in thespeech, followed by what you said last,and, if you are really lucky, they mightrecall something that you sandwiched inthe middle. That’s why bringing everypart of your presentation to life with richand colorful details is so important.Here are some ideas for compellingclosings:A Challenge: If you want audiencemembers to take action, you have toask.The closing is the time to ask.Emphasizing an Earlier Point:Conclude by answering a question youasked earlier in the presentation, or byrepeating a quotation, statement, orobservation.Know exactly what you will say, andsay it with absolute confidence. Yourclosing is your final opportunity to makea lasting impression with your audience,so capitalize on it.PracticeSpeaking is a learned skill, and aswith any learned skill (tennis, hopscotch,tiddlywinks), the truly dramaticimprovements result from practice. Allthese tips will help you to look andsound brilliant whenever you speak—ifyou practice them. There is no substitutefor preparation.Today’s economy is challenging.Business leaders cannot take for granted“Know exactly what you will say, and say it with absolute confidence.”any detail. The advantages gained bycultivating speaking excellence—everyday, every presentation, every time—farsurpass the extra work it entails. Leaderswho can motivate and persuade withpower, passion, and conviction, will distinguishthemselves in a crowded marketplace.And that kind of competitiveadvantage will propel anyone to thefront of the thundering herd ofmediocre speakers—in bad times andgood! ▲JULY 20<strong>09</strong>/THE DELTASIG OF DELTA SIGMA PI 31

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