FINEST HOUR - Winston Churchill

FINEST HOUR - Winston Churchill

FINEST HOUR - Winston Churchill

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<strong>Churchill</strong> Cars cont'd...<strong>Churchill</strong> $ England Q6: The 8th <strong>Churchill</strong>Royce engine) was first placed on nri 1.1 i Oil T i #• 7 fy flour and tnesale in 1964 - so Sir <strong>Winston</strong>'sUth international Conference,ownership could only have been England, September 26th-October 7th, 1006fleeting, although his wife couldhave had one for awhile. Austinbuilt 7,087 4 Litre Rs, not ten —so the car is hardly scarce."The 'pig story' also soundsunlikely," comments former<strong>Churchill</strong> secretary and firstChartwell administrator, ICS hon.member Grace Hamblin: "It istrue, however, that Sir WilliamRootes supplied Sir <strong>Winston</strong> witha Humber Estate." Miss Hamblinthinks the gift was made "aroundthe time of Sir <strong>Winston</strong>'s eightiethbirthday, in 1954." Since the firstproduction Humber estate car, theHawk Mark VIA, was built in1956, it's possible that a prototypewas in existence in time for the1954 birthday present.)Coincidentally, one of Sir <strong>Winston</strong>'schauffeurs was named JoeBullock. Miss Hamblin remembers:"Once on being asked whichcar he would like to travel in, hisreply was, 'I'll have the Bullockcart.'"elm Sandys s Research lnp toTHE TOUR:26th: Londonarrival, receptionand dinner.27-8th: ToDorchester,<strong>Churchill</strong> homesites,Pool Pottery,Malborough'sbirthplace,Lawrence's Cottage,etc.29th-30th:To Exeter, with further explorationsof the ancient <strong>Churchill</strong> sites and aWest Country ICS banquet.lst-3rd: Headquartered at the delightfulOld Bell at Hurley on theThames, we visit Ditchley and Bletchley,enjoy a luncheon at the home ofCelia Sandys and her husband KenPerkins; visit Cotswold byways, thegravesite at Bladon, capping all witha gala black tie Blenheim Award banquetat Blenheim Palace Thursday.4th-6th: On to the conference! Thetour price, comparable to previoustours, includes conference expenses.Full details next issue. To preregisternow, contact the editor at(603) 746-4433 or fax 746-4260.Ashdown Park, East Grinstead, Sussex: tentative conference site.THE CONFERENCE:Fri 4th: at Chartwell, hosted byLady Soames and Celia Sandys; luncheonand speaker. A visit to Lullenden(the <strong>Churchill</strong>s' first countryhome). Exhibits and fellowship at aninformal dinner evening at the headquartershotel nearby.Sat 5th: Academic panels;Jonathan Aitken MP on <strong>Churchill</strong> andBeaverbrook; Wendy Reves will presentthe Reves Award; banquet withour most distinguished chief speaker,to be divulged in due course.Sun 6th: optional walking tour of<strong>Churchill</strong>'s London with Sir MartinGilbert. (Return flights Monday).The Conference will be affordable,requiring a small registration fee withdinners optional and alternate B&Bsto the HQ hotel. Full details in ournextissu^ SAVE TH0SE DATES!Already working on her sequel to The Young <strong>Churchill</strong> (From <strong>Winston</strong> With Love and Kisses), Celia and herfamily travelled to South Africa in June, finding a host of key people. Left to right: with Judge LouisWeyers, President Smuts's grandson; Celia, Alexander and Sophie with Errol Dewsnap, grandson of themine engineer who hid <strong>Churchill</strong> at Witbank Colliery in 1899; with Charles Wagner and Mollie Buchanan,grandson and granddaughter of Charles Wagner, engineer of the armoured train; Alexander atop the ridgewhich his great-grandfather climbed, from the plain below, twice in one day during the battle of Spion Kop.<strong>FINEST</strong> <strong>HOUR</strong> 88/8

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