summer 2012

summer 2012

summer 2012

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with the ability to communicate in Englishif necessary. And Google translate workswonders, Wang explained with a smile.At the same time, however, all the teamsclaimed that their biggest challenge is findinglocal teams to compete against. ParisQuidditch explained that quidditch is notyet taken seriously at their school and so it’shard to gain respect. The Qwertyians QCdon’t have any Mexican teams near them,and while they do live on the border, it canbe difficult to acquire a tourist visa to crossinto the neighboring country.“We’ll just have to work around it untilthe sport is legitimate enough to provideus with quidditch visas,” Santillon said. Heremains hopeful.IQA commissioner Alex Benepe admitsthat it is very possible that the difference inlanguage is responsible for the lack of otherinternational teams.“I’m surprised that quidditch, at least toour knowledge, has not taken off on theAsian continent…and I’ve always wonderedif that was attributable to the languagebarrier. I finally solved at least part ofthat riddle through our new Chinese team,who testified to the fact that it was hard forthem [to garner interest] without the abilityto watch youtube videos (youtube.comis banned in China),” he said.Even after the IQA posts videos on additionalservers, they will still be in theEnglish language only. While non-Englishspeakers will at least be able to appreciatethe competition and whimsy involved inthe sport, they will not be able to understandspecific training or promotional aspectsof the videos.IQA international regional director, AndreaHill, believes that the language barrieris a problem, as well.“That language is a barrier to worldwideadoption of the sport is made clear by lookingat what countries have a strong quidditchcommunity: the United States, Canada,Australia and the United Kingdom. Allof these are English-speaking countries. Itis more difficult for the IQA to promote itssport to non-English-speaking countriessince our website and rulebook are in English,”she said.Hill believes that the first step towardquidditch as a global household name is toThat language is a barrier to worldwideadoption of the sport is madeclear by looking at what countrieshave a strong quidditch community:the United States, Canada, Australiaand the United Kingdom. All of theseare English-speaking countries.recruit English-speaking fans abroad to actas liaisons and translators: a very feasiblegoal. Watch out, world.In addition to those cited above, thanks aredue to Alberto Santillon of the QwertyiansQC in Tijuana, Mexico, Cowrin Falfus andSoraya Abbagnato of Paris Quidditch in Paris,France, for their assistance with this article. nDo you know your cognards from your cazadores?French quidditch termsBatteurs – beatersPoursuiveurs – chasersGardien – keeperAttrapeur – seekerSouafle – quaffleCognards – bludgersEt vif d’or – snitch runnerArbitre – refereeBut – goal hoopsBalais – broomsPhrases heard on the fieldFonce! – go go go!Chope le! – take it!cours – runSpanish quidditch termsJugadores – playersGuardián – keeperCazador – chaseeGolpeador – beaterBuscador – seekerAros – hoopsQuemado – knocked out¡Escobas Arriba! – brooms up!¡La snitch está suelta! – thesnitch is loose!Spanish exclamations¡Pásala! – Pass the ball!¡Cuidado! – Look out!¡Espera! – Wait!¡Corre! – Run!Chinese quidditch terms起 飞 !Brooms up!放 出 金 色 飞 贼 !the snitch is loose!犯 规 了 犯 规 了 !Against the rules!黄 牌 !Yellow card!游 荡 时 间 结 束 !The seeker floor is over!Quidditch Quarterly • Summer <strong>2012</strong> 33

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