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A DEATH BED SCENE. 155and correction. It is prompt in the A DEATH BED SCENE.payment of debts, and in fulfiUing enoagementsand obligations, and correctsmistakes which tend lo others' detriment.»According to the estimation of worldlyBY MBS. COaK.During the last summer and fall, amother w-atehed with tender solicitudeminds, a scrupulous conscience is not over her youngest daughter, as oneof much use in practical life, except to after another of the sypmtons of declinehamper men, contradict their influence, appeared. The hectic" fiush, cough,and greatly diminish their usefulness. pain in the side, and the wasting form;They affirm that we must become all and yet, tho' all around could see herthings to all men, that by all means we days would be few, her own hopes weremay save some; that we must conform constantly cUnging, first to one, and thento the world a Uttie, lest they should to another remedy, thinking of everythink us rigid and unyielding, and partakingone it would bring back health andof the same spirit of fixedness, strength. Very terrible to her was thethey should never bend their necks to thought of death, and of that greatthe yoke of the gospel. Thus worldly hereafter beyond it. One day she hadcon^rmity in fashions and in spirit, is been weaker than usual, and as theused as an instrument of human salvation.doctor left the room, her mother followed,But Oh, what a dreadful gain entreating him to tell her what hehas the church made, when a soul is thought of her daughter's state. Thenbrought to its fold by such instrumentalitieshe said, she wUl not Uve twenty-four! It is the weaker by every such hours. She went back to her chUd andaccession.told her what he had said. And nowshe awoke to the terrible reality of herWo to the church, when its membersposition; so near eternity and yet allcannot bear the shaking of the ark, byunprepared. Raising herself in bedfile rough movement of the cart inGod's own way! when it is not admissibleto advocate holiness, or close livingaccording to God's commandments!when it is necessary to make the wayto heaven appear smooth, thornless, descending,gUding, natural, easy, withoutopposition, persecution or self-denial!0, who can be too scrupulous in avoidingeverything displeasing to God! orin faithfully fulfilUng everything wellpleasing to him ? In a world of sin,where every sweet contains a snare,where even "the heart is deceitfulbove all things, and desperately wickd,"who can be too wary? How^leedful is a conscience that places God(ilways before us! Its use is incalcula-|ble in this world; but if steadUy maintained",wUl surely lead to that world ofbiowledge where the mystery will alljbe solved in perfect bliss, in the holinesspf heaven.We must really get at the bottom ofaU that belongs to self, if we are to bethe vessels of the Holy Ghostshe said: I have a great work to do,and now began the agonizing -to enter" into the strait gate," Jesus she said,wUl you save me ? it is so mean of meto come now just at the very end oflife, when I have wasted all my daysin sin and pleasure. Oh -warn theyoung wherever you go ! said she to aChristian, wam them from me not toput off reUgion to a dying day. Tellthem to seek the Saviour in their youth.Oh that 1 had done so. This wasted life!this wasted life! Hour after hourpassed, and as the weak lady would besinking,into slumber, she would arouseherself exclaiming, I have no time tosleep now!-As her relations surrounded her bed,with a solemn earnestness they wUlnever forget, she pleaded with each oneof them now to seek the Lord; caUingone brother to her she said: "John,you must kneel down and pray for me,""I cannot," hesaid, "I don't know howto pray." But her entreaties prevaUed,and be bowed his knees in prayer by

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