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140 THE EAENEST CHBIBTIAN.The pulpit lacks power, because it however administered, without complaining.He can meet the results oflacks' courage. Few mmisters darespeak out what is buming in their hearts. his fideUty to God, with resignation, andSo many fears press upon them to turn often with rejoicing. He can bear Teproaches,grievances and annoyances,them aside from their high-calling. Thewants of their famUies, the feai of popularodium, and the ^jorror of being with calmness and equanimity, i Hethongh he deserves better treatment,caUed "singular" intimidate. They can resist a false, public opinion,ianddare not bare their breasts to the ioe refuse compliance with an unscripturaland " declare the whole counsel of God." social Custom, however popular. IThey have to smother many convictions, Do not think you have courage becauseyou are obstinate and self-wijlled.and kiU many heavenly impulses thatstrongly urge them to " rightly divide You can be firm in what is wrong, i 0!the -word of truth," never mind what be sure that you are firm in the rightman it hits, whether big or small. Hundredshide behind the spacious screen cause you are blunt and outspoken. " IDo no not think you are courageous he-policy, which is only another name for say just what I think." Yes, and anycowardice—yes, downright cowardice. fool does the same. The truly courageousoften keep a profound silence, tiU .Now it is no wonder the ministry ofsuch men is tame and pointless. God the right time comes to act.cannot endorse a coward in the pulpit.boldness. Alexander had a soldier inBut be sure and have the pentecostalIf a minister wUl shoot over the heads his army who was a notorious coward.of speculators, gamblers in stock, rumsellers,(and perhaps tiplers) pleasure-said: " Either give up my name or beThe great general went to him landtaking and fashion-loving people, Sabbathafter Sabbath, he cannot look for fearful, shrinking soldier of the cross.like me." So Christ speaks to eyeiythe unction and power of the Holy " For God- hath not given us the ipirit^ Ghost. He -wUl have to read or recite of fear; but of power, and love, and ofhis discourse -without any help from God. a sound mind."But let a man get up in tbe pulpit, determinedto preach the truth and the FUTURE GLOBY OP THE CHUEOH.—whole truth, and God -wiU be with his Now there shaU be a oneness of judgmentmouth and make his word Uke a hammer.and understanding in the hearts ofMen of courage have always all saints; they shaU be no more f-wo,' ^ been men of power. God loves to trust but one in the Lord's hand.such men with large endownments ofpower from on high.Alas, the saints are yet but as an armyrouted, and are apt sometimesBut we do hot want to endorse all through- fear, and sometimes throughthat passes for courage. One may be forgetfulness, to mistake the word ofreckless and not truly courageous. Onemay be audacious and not truly courageous.their Captain general the Son of God;and are also too, too prone to shoot andWe must distinguish between kill even .their right-hand man. But at" grit" and " grace." The courage we that day all such doing shall be laidhaye been speaking of is valor, resolution,hope, perseverance, invincibility.It is a courage that takes its position on- the rock of trutii; has faith in the GreatGod, -and feels in its pulses the strengthaside, for the knowledge of the gloryof the Lord shall cover the earth, as thewaters cover the sea; which knowledgeshall then strike through tbe heart andliver of aU swerving' and unsound opinionsin Christ's matters; for then shallof God.V It gives a man fortitude tostand by duty, trath and right, at all every one of the Christians call nponhazards, at aU personal sacrifices, afraid the name of the Lord, and that withof no consequences. He oan accept one pure lip, or language, to serve Himthe discipline ojf divine government, with ovje consent.—Bunyan.

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