Basia McDougall MPhil.pdf - OpenAIR @ RGU - Robert Gordon ...

Basia McDougall MPhil.pdf - OpenAIR @ RGU - Robert Gordon ...

Basia McDougall MPhil.pdf - OpenAIR @ RGU - Robert Gordon ...

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Transition stages (Nicholson 1986)I. Preparation: process of expectation and anticipation before the change. There is littleresearch here since job change is often unpredictable. However, a biographic narrativeapproach can tap into what level of preparation existed.II. Encounter: affect and sense making during the first days or weeks of job tenure. Supportfor the positive nature of encounter comes from Nicholson’s own research. Here, the 2300manager sample:“are quite prepared to describe the experience as ‘stressful’ but further analysis revealsthese reports to be highly positively correlated with reports of challenge, freedom, authority,satisfaction and fulfilment” (Nicholson and West, 1988).III. Adjustment: subsequent personal and role development to reduce person-job misfit. Roledevelopment they argue comes first with personal change being slower and more difficult.Role development again is very much in terms of paid work, specifically for managers whomay have to hit the ground running.IV. Stabilisation: Settled connection between person and roleV. Preparation: the renewal of the cycleThe current research only interviewed women during their second or subsequent maternityleave so is ideally placed to consider stages II, III and IV and V.Figure 6: Transition stages from Nicholson (1986)Nicholson and West question the negativity associated with transitions (encounter stage)and suggest that researchers perhaps find what they are looking for. This research ispositioned well to consider whether the start of maternity leave is a transition, which could becategorised as outlined above. Certainly, there is (or should be) preparation along with adegree of formality with regards the start of paid leave and discussions regarding contractualobligations. The authors do touch upon taking on jobs that are below skill level or no job atall although this is not explored in any depth. They also review literature which leads them toconclude that the notion of continuity and control in working life are either self-delusions or:38

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