Beyond 2, 2005 - Innventia.com

Beyond 2, 2005 - Innventia.com

Beyond 2, 2005 - Innventia.com

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Participation in the various Research Programmes that have gone from national-based research projectsto research on the European market signifies increased opportunities for making contacts with newparties. Aerial view of the M-real Husum Mill.M-real & network orientedresearch“With R & D, our general philosophyand vision is network oriented,” saysSune Wännström, Assistant VicePresident of M-real CorporationCentre in Örnsköldsvik. “The institute,the university and the Companyare important parties in our researchnetwork when it <strong>com</strong>es to customersand suppliers.”PHOTO: M-REALSune Wännström, Assistant Vice President ofM-real Corporation Centre in Örnsköldsvik hashad valuable experience as a Partner Customer atSTFI-Packforsk. He regards contract research as anexcellent <strong>com</strong>plement for meeting the needs ofthe different units in the <strong>com</strong>pany.M-real has been a Partner Customer ofSTFI-Packforsk for many years and, inthe latest research programme, it hasbeen an active participant in many of theclusters.“In principal, it’s only the NewsprintCluster that we don’t take part in,” saysSune Wännström. “And the reason forthat is simply because we don’t producethat kind of paper.”Valuable experiencesAt M-real, they actively participate in thedevelopment of the forth<strong>com</strong>ing threeyear STFI-Packforsk Research Programme,offering opinions, from the point of viewof the Company, on important issues concerningresearch.“In addition to participating in the variousResearch Clusters, our experiencesfrom contract research have been valuable,which has been a good <strong>com</strong>plement,”says Sune Wännström. “Putting aside aportion of our annual financing towardsthis has worked out extremely well for us.This might include anything from trialson EuroFEX, the STFI-Packforsk papermachine, to visual evaluation with the aidof perception studies.”More interfaceHe emphasises the function of theResearch Programme concerning the significanceof meeting other <strong>com</strong>paniesfrom different parts in the value chain.This provides more opportunities forinterface, which in turn can generate jointdevelopment projects.“Earlier on, there were fewer playerson the market and research made a muchgreater impression nationally. These daysall our research investments take placeon a European playing board as well asamong an increasing level of <strong>com</strong>petition,”adds Sune Wännström.•CONTACT: malin.wedin@stfi.se– Vår generella filosofi och synpå FOU är nätverksorienterad, säger SuneWännström, Assistent Vice President vidM-real Corporation Technology center iÖrnsköldsvik. Institut, universitet samt företagpå både kund- och leverantörssidan ärviktiga aktörer i vårt forskningsnätverk.M-real är avtalskund hos STFI-Packforsksedan många år och i det senaste forskningsprogrammetdeltar man i många kluster.M-real medverkar aktivt i utvecklingenav det kommande treåriga forskningsprogrammetoch ger sin syn på viktiga forskningsrelateradefrågeställningar.– Förutom att delta i de olika forskningsklustrenhar vi mycket goda erfarenheterav kontraktsforskningen vilket är ett brakomplement, säger Sune Wännström. Detkan vara allt från försök i STFI-Packforskspappersmaskin EuroFEX till visuell utvärderingmed hjälp av perceptionsstudier.6 | <strong>Beyond</strong> #2/<strong>2005</strong> Current awareness from STFI-Packforsk

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