What is it about Rush? - KEVIN HORAN :: PHOTOGRAPHY

What is it about Rush? - KEVIN HORAN :: PHOTOGRAPHY

What is it about Rush? - KEVIN HORAN :: PHOTOGRAPHY

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It’s groundbreakingresearch that changeslives at every stage.Using some of the world’s largestaging studies to identify early signsof Alzheimer’sThe <strong>Rush</strong> Alzheimer’s D<strong>is</strong>ease Center has identified subtle memorydefic<strong>it</strong>s often ascribed to normal aging or forgetfulness as early signs ofAlzheimer’s d<strong>is</strong>ease.Using donor participants from <strong>Rush</strong>’s Memory and Aging Project, thelargest study of <strong>it</strong>s kind in the world, and the Religious Orders Study,a collaborative study involving more than 1,000 religious clergy, researchersled by David A. Bennett, MD, director of the <strong>Rush</strong> Alzheimer’sD<strong>is</strong>ease Center, d<strong>is</strong>covered that participants whose brains showedindicators of Alzheimer’s but didn’t have dementia at the time of theirdeath scored lower on memory tests like recalling stories or word l<strong>is</strong>ts.The results support the idea that large numbers of older people cantolerate an amount of Alzheimer’s pathology w<strong>it</strong>hout <strong>it</strong> progressing todementia. While all of the study participants appeared highly functional,the study suggested that even slight impairment of ep<strong>is</strong>odic memory inolder people may signify the presence of Alzheimer’s — and that thenumber of people w<strong>it</strong>h Alzheimer’s <strong>is</strong> probably much larger than currentestimates. It may also help identify a new direction in research aimed atsolving the mystery of early detection.Participants in the Memory and Aging Project and the Religious OrdersStudy undergo annual clinical evaluations and cogn<strong>it</strong>ive performancetests. After they die, autopsies are performed on their brains. Researchersare using the information from the studies to d<strong>is</strong>cover which changes inthe brain are responsible for memory loss and movement problems.Testing neck implants to relieve chronicneck and arm pain<strong>Rush</strong> was one of a few s<strong>it</strong>es in the nationchosen to test a new approach to treat chronicneck and arm pain. The Porous Coated MotionArtificial D<strong>is</strong>c was designed as an alternativeto trad<strong>it</strong>ional spinal fusion surgery forcervical d<strong>is</strong>c degeneration, a common causeof neck and arm pain that can greatly affectqual<strong>it</strong>y of life. Led by orthopedic surgeonFrank Phillips, MD, the goal of the ongoingtrial <strong>is</strong> to determine whether the implant cansimulate the natural function of the cervicald<strong>is</strong>c and restore the motion of the spine.A study showing the effect ofsnoring on a marriageWhile snoring <strong>is</strong> often blamed for a poornight’s sleep, <strong>it</strong>’s rarely blamed for divorce —but researchers at <strong>Rush</strong> think <strong>it</strong> should be.The Sleep D<strong>is</strong>orders Center at <strong>Rush</strong> conducteda scientific sleep study to evaluate how ahusband’s sleep apnea affects the wife’s qual<strong>it</strong>yof sleep and the couple’s mar<strong>it</strong>al sat<strong>is</strong>faction.The Married Couples Sleep Study evaluatedcouples in which the male has been diagnosedw<strong>it</strong>h obstructive sleep apnea. After completingsurveys <strong>about</strong> sleepiness, mar<strong>it</strong>al sat<strong>is</strong>factionand qual<strong>it</strong>y of life, the couple spent the nightin the sleep lab where technicians determinedeach partner’s qual<strong>it</strong>y and quant<strong>it</strong>y of sleep.Early results showed that treatment for sleepapnea significantly improved sleep qual<strong>it</strong>y,reduced tension and strain — and identifieda new way to help save a marriage.It’s a comm<strong>it</strong>ment to research and a belief in <strong>it</strong>sabil<strong>it</strong>y to cure that motivates participants in theMemory and Aging Project and the ReligiousOrders Study to donate their brains to <strong>Rush</strong>.9 <strong>Rush</strong> Univers<strong>it</strong>y Medical Center Annual Report 2006 <strong>Rush</strong> Univers<strong>it</strong>y Medical Center Annual Report 200610

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