Bulk Solids Component Brochure - Zeppelin Systems USA, Inc.

Bulk Solids Component Brochure - Zeppelin Systems USA, Inc.

Bulk Solids Component Brochure - Zeppelin Systems USA, Inc.

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<strong>Zeppelin</strong> has been the leader in theinternational market of silo constructionfor decades. Thanks to our own modernmanufacturing and the internationalexperience of our assembly staff andservice engineers we guarantee qualityof the highest level.Competence in bulk solids handling –you can rely on <strong>Zeppelin</strong>The industrial <strong>Zeppelin</strong> Group and its various divisions are focusedon the requirements of their customer groups. All activities have,however, one thing in common: the economic handling of premiumbulk solids.Silo plants for the plastic, food, and chemical industries integratedin one logistics concept: from consultation and design to manufacture,assembly and after-sales service.Turn-key plants for the plastics processing and chemical industryas well as for rubber producers and tiremakers.Conveying components for any application: for powders or pellets,for high or low pressures, for products with good or poor flowability,for standard or special applications.Silogistic: turn-key plants for plastics producers, engineering companiesand forwarders. <strong>Zeppelin</strong> is the world-wide leader in the planningand construction of logistic centers and manufacturing plants.Pulling all the strings: the centraloffice for the industry sector islocated in Friedrichshafen, Germany.Here, in the world‘s largest TechnologyCenter for pellets and powders,tests are carried out on an industrialscale. The test results are availableto all subsidiaries, therefore allowingour clients to always be on thesafe side – no matter where theirplant is located.3

Full range of productsTrouble-free work flowfor optimized processesThe reliability of a complete systemdepends on the quality of its individualcomponents. Therefore, <strong>Zeppelin</strong> startedlong ago with the development, designand production of it‘s own components.Finally, you as our customer expecthighest functionality and reliable<strong>Zeppelin</strong> quality.A particularly clever feature of<strong>Zeppelin</strong>’s new program of divertervalves: the modular system allowsindividual adjustment of the divertervalve to your special requirements.4

You obtain reliable products as well ascomponents which are designed to fitperfectly into the overall system.Your advantage: When it comes to definingthe right product and design you can relyon the sound advice given by the internationallyleading system supplier. And alsoon the speed and flexibility of a strongindustrial group of companies.Pellets or powder, plastic material,rubber, carbon black or food stuff,high or low conveying capacities,high pressure or medium pressurerotary feeders, <strong>Zeppelin</strong> offers anappropriate, technically matureand economical solution.5

Efficient – innovative – economicalThe <strong>Zeppelin</strong> program for rotary feedersAdvantages, you can count on<strong>Zeppelin</strong> rotary feeders are designed toensure both: quick and easy mounting aswell as your success in daily operation dueto minimum downtimes. Thanks to the intelligentfeeder design you can benefit fromthe highest efficiency so that often smallersizes can be foreseen for achieving the samethroughput. Product damage e. g. choppingand squeezing effects on granular productscan be reduced to negligible levels. A particularlyclever feature is the modular design:you will receive a product matching exactlywith your application, assuring fast supplywith spare parts and an unproblematic adjustmentto changed operating conditions.Easy and rapid installationbecause of integrated cast flanges –special screws or stud bolts areno longer necessary.Modular systems – quick adaptionto changed operating conditions –rapid delivery of spare parts –fair prices.Little maintenance workrequired because of automaticchain adjusters for example.All parts are made from highqualitymaterials such as boltsin special steel.Standard leakage air channelintegrated into the housing,allowing maximum filling leveland utmost profitability.Deflector baffles integrated intothe housing do not obstructproduct feeding.Maximum product purity thanks tothe steep geometric design of thecasing – avoiding product deposits.High pressure rotary feedertype HDS/AGSYMedium pressure rotaryfeeder type MDS/APNRotary feeders in accordance with<strong>Zeppelin</strong> standard (company standard).Reliably metered dischargeof pellets and powdersin pneumatic conveyingsystems.Reliably metered dischargeof pellets and powdersin pneumatic conveyingsystems.Operationally reliable solution for thegravimetric discharge as well as forconveying.DesignsType Pressure difference Dimensions* Capacities* rotor diameter in mmHDS/AGSY < 3.5 bar 200 / 250 / 320 / 400 / 500 / 630 7.5 up to 350 m 3 /hMDS/APN < 1.5 bar 200 / 250 / 320 / 400 / 500 / 630 7.5 up to 340 m 3 /h<strong>Zeppelin</strong> standard < 1.0 bar 160 / 200 / 250 / 320 / 400 / 500 0.5 up to 160 m 3 /hFor detailed information pleaserefer to our product data sheets.6

The advantages of the <strong>Zeppelin</strong> programfor diverter valves at a glanceMaximum profitability in everyday useThe full range of <strong>Zeppelin</strong> diverter valvesoffers appropriate solutions for any application.The principle of the new generationof diverter valves is especially intelligent:by retrofitting the valves can be modifiedfrom the most simple standard applicationto complicated special diverter valves.Thus, you will always receive a componentwhich is perfectly geared to your requirements– assuring utmost process reliabilityand economic operation every day.No product destruction ordeposits due to the patentedgeometric design of inlet and outlet,and of the conveying channel inthe plug respectively.Pressure tightness of conveyingdirection resulting in practicallyno leakage and no productcontamination.Practically maintenance-freeoperation – due to life time lubricationof bearings and drive unit.No additional safety devicesare required.Inflatable sealing allows conveyinglines to be washed without mucheffort and with few downtimes.Materials can be combined to suitany application as they are fabricatedin premium long-lasting quality(we use exclusively stainless steelelements and bolts made fromspecial steel).Maximum reliability through wellvisible direction indicator.The Y-diverter valveThe T-diverter valveThe V-diverter valveThe M-diverter valveThe hose diverter station7The Y-diverter valve can beused no matter if bulk solidsfrom two conveying lines areto be converged into one or fordirecting the flow from onepipe to two outlets.Application:Directing the flow of bulk solidsin pneumatic dense-phase anddilute-phase conveying systems.Dimensions:DN 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 / 350(Further dimensions on request)With a 90° branch. The T-divertervalve can be mounteddirectly on the silo – withoutany additional fasteningelements and supports.Application:Several silos are chargedover one common pneumaticconveying line.Dimensions:DN 80 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 185 /200 / 230 / 250 / 300 / 350(Further dimensions onrequest)The universal diverter valvefor conveying. Designed tobranch conveying lines inpneumatic conveying systems.Application:Directing the flow of bulksolids in pneumatic densephaseand dilute-phaseconveying systems.Dimensions:DN 80 / 100 / 125 / 150 / 185 /200 / 230 / 250 / 300(Further dimensions onrequest)Multi-way diverter valvewith 4 outlets.Application:e. g. several tanks canbe charged through oneseparator.Dimensions:DN 150 / 250 / 300(Further dimensionson request)Two-way or three-waydiverter valve.Application:The ideal solution foradhesive products withpoor flowability.Dimensions:DN 65 / 80 / 100 / 125 /150 / 200

Further basic components<strong>Zeppelin</strong> offers complete systems as wellas individual components for all applicationsin conveying systems. Your advantage:you receive the components directlyfrom a system supplier – thus, ensuringdependable operation and the utmostprocess reliability for the daily use.The Granucheck GC used in pneumaticconveying lines··continuous taking of samples from theconveying line, equipped with pressuresealed flange connections DN 50 / 100When non-operated the extraction probeis flush with the pipeline, i. e. no partswill protrude into the conveying line.Universal vacuum hopper loader······for outputs ranging from 100 up to2,000 kg/hoperationally reliable for powdersand pelletslow-maintenance thanks to large filtersurfaces together with jet-type cleaningstandardized types and small size –facilitating and accelerating maintenancefor use as an independent unit solving alllogistics tasks or integrated into the PLCas a partial systemoutlet cross-sections and plugs designedto allow optimum throughput combinedwith minimum discharge timesThe product sampler MPN for use ingravimetric filling lines and vessels··simple, robust and reliable taking ofproduct samples, pressure sealedand product-tight to the exteriordiscontinuous sampling, automaticallyadjustable by an independent controlsystem or by the PLC (if integrated).8

Product purity means operational successThe RotoScreen drum sieve···capacity up to 60 t/h*for reliable and continuous separation ofstreamers from plastic pelletsautomatic cleaning of the sieve –therefore suited for permanent operationdifferent operating modes (operation withpressure, aspiration and circulation)The streamer separator BNC···requiring limited space, flexibleinstallation, therefore also suitable forretrofitting existing plantscleaning of the product is possible duringthe conveying processseparation of streamers withoutinterruption of the conveying process· highly reliable operation of the followingseparator, free from plugging: separation·of even very small clusters and streamersdegree of cleaning 85 – 95 %available for capacities of 3 – 30 t/h,dimensions: DN 250 – DN 500The Turbo Pig··perfect dry cleaning of the conveying systemsuitable for powder and pelletsthanks to the modular design adjustable todifferent product and pipe requirementscontrolled cleaning speed for pipediameters ranging from DN 50 – DN 250The GTS counterflow pellet cleaner···capacity 1 – 60 t/h*separation of superfine dust particles andlong streamers from the plastic pellets –resulting in maximum product cleannesshigh reliability as no moving partshigh degree of separation due to highrelative velocitythere’s practically no tear – therefore, theseparating capacity is maintained duringthe whole service lifeThe cyclone separator·for the separation of gases and solid mattersindividual calculation and design onthe criteria of air quantity* others according to individual technical requirements Special cellular wheel of the feeder pertaining to the streamer separator9

ManufactureAll specialistsunder one roof...From product development through ourown research center to the production facilities:We at <strong>Zeppelin</strong> rely exclusively onour own skills. Finally the success of ourcustomers depends on the quality of oursystems and components. Therefore, weavoid making compromises, and so weare always a reliable partner for ourdemanding customers.Only highly qualified personnel works inour manufacturing and assembling centers.We assure the necessary flexibility requiredfor the international construction of plantsand give you the certainty that you willreceive your product quickly, reliably andin premium quality.Assembly of the components aswell as the test runs before deliveryare carried out by specialists whichhave been specially trained. This isone of the multitude reasons forthe proverbial <strong>Zeppelin</strong> quality.When it comes to satisfiedcustomers we leave nothingto chance. The quality assuranceof the individual components isalso carried out in our works.It goes without saying that alsowith component production we relyon our own know-how and the skillsof our highly qualified personnel.Here again we apply our principle:Those who control the productionprocesses are in the position tosupply rapidly, flexible, and with acontinuously high quality. That iswhat you can count on!10

Quality assuranceThe <strong>Zeppelin</strong> Technology CenterResearch and Development for your successWith our testing facilities – world-wideunique in size, possibilities and productivity– we offer another element to contributeto your success, ensuring that youobtain sound information on your productand therefore, the best possible componentdesign before you start mass manufacturing.Our Technology Center is built on an industrialscale to meet the wide range of demands ofour customers. At present, two separate testplants are available: one for pellets and onefor powders, so that we are able to providetailored answers to your individual questions,with trials on an industrial scale and specialconfigurations that can be quickly installed.The <strong>Zeppelin</strong> Technology Center isthe heart piece of the global technologicalconcern. New products aredeveloped, existing ones are testedin relation to their functionalityunder defined operating conditionsand current processes areoptimized. This takes you alwaysone step closer to the future.11

All specialists under one roofwww.lake-of-consens.comThe <strong>Zeppelin</strong> Group of companies:All specialists under one roofPresented by:Please visit our web site:http://www.zeppelin-industry.com© <strong>Zeppelin</strong> Silos & <strong>Systems</strong> GmbH,SD 03/08. Subject to modificationswithout notice.<strong>Zeppelin</strong> Silos & <strong>Systems</strong> GmbHLeutholdstr. 10888045 FriedrichshafenGermanyE-mail: zentral.fn@zeppelin.com<strong>Zeppelin</strong> Belgium N.V.Munsterenstraat 93600 GenkBelgiumE-mail: zeppelin.belgium@zeppelin.be<strong>Zeppelin</strong> Technology Far East Pte, Ltd.331 North Bridge Road#08-02/03 Odeon TowersSingapore 188720SingaporeE-mail: angie@zeppelin.sg<strong>Zeppelin</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>USA</strong>, <strong>Inc</strong>.11050 West Little YorkBuilding DHouston, TX 77041<strong>USA</strong>E-mail: zeppelin-usa@zeppelin-usa.comJMB <strong>Zeppelin</strong> EquipamentosIndustriais Ltda.Rua João XXIII, N° 650Bairro CooperativaCEP 09851-707São Bernardo do CampoSão PauloBrazilE-mail: info@jmbz.com.br<strong>Zeppelin</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> India Pvt. Ltd.F411-414, Kailas Industrial ComplexGodrej Park Site, Off L.B.S. MargVikhroll (West), Mumbay – 400 079IndiaE-mail: zeppelin@mtnl.net.in<strong>Zeppelin</strong> Solid Technology(Beijing) Co. Ltd.111#, Parkview CenterNo. 5, Fangyuan West RoadChaoyang DistrictBeijing 10016ChinaE-mail: office@zeppelin-china.com<strong>Zeppelin</strong> Plast Tech S.r.l.Centro Direzionale „Summit“Palazzo „C“/Via Brescia, 2620063 Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI)ItalyE-mail: info@zeppelin-zi.com<strong>Zeppelin</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> Ltd.Multiflex 5, Core 27Little Oak DriveSherwood Business ParkAnnesleyNottingham NG15 0EBUnited KingdomE-mail: info@zeppelin-uk.com<strong>Zeppelin</strong> RepresentativeOffice MoscowLeninskij Prospekt 95 A, Room 464119313 MoscowRussiaE-mail: marcus.reichmann@zeppelin.com

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