Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered

Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered

Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered

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89/260“Lige knows all about dat cup uh cawn. He hid round yo’ barn andwatched yuh. ’Ta<strong>in</strong>’t no feed cup you measures dat cawn outa. It’s uhtea cup.”“Ah does feed ’im. He’s jus’ too mean tuh git fat. He stay poor andrawbony jus’ fuh spite. Skeered he’ll hafta work some.”“Yeah, you feeds ’im. Feeds ’im offa ‘come up’ and seasons it widraw-hide.”“Does feed de ornery varm<strong>in</strong>t! Don’t keer whut Ah do Ah can’t gitlong wid ’im. He fights every <strong>in</strong>ch <strong>in</strong> front uh de plow, and even layback his ears tuh kick and bite when Ah go <strong>in</strong> de stall tuh feed ’im.”“Git reconciled, Matt,” Lige soo<strong>the</strong>d. “Us all knows he’s mean. Ahseen ’im when he took after one uh dem Roberts chillun <strong>in</strong> de s<strong>tree</strong>tand woulda caught ’im and maybe trompled ’im tuh death if de w<strong>in</strong>dhadn’t of changed all of a sudden. Yuh see de youngun wuz try<strong>in</strong>’ tuhmake it tuh de fence uh Starks’ onion patch and de mule wuz dead <strong>in</strong>beh<strong>in</strong>d ’im and ga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>’ on ’im every jump, when all of a sudden dew<strong>in</strong>d changed and blowed de mule way off his course, him be<strong>in</strong>’ sopoor and everyth<strong>in</strong>g, and before de ornery varm<strong>in</strong>t could tack, deyoungun had done got over de fence.” The porch laughed and Matt gotmad aga<strong>in</strong>.“Maybe de mule takes out after everybody,” Sam said, “ ’cause heth<strong>in</strong>ks everybody he hear com<strong>in</strong>’ is Matt Bonner com<strong>in</strong>’ tuh work ’imon uh empty stomach.”“Aw, naw, aw, naw. You stop dat right now,” Walter objected. “Datmule don’t th<strong>in</strong>k Ah look lak no Matt Bonner. He a<strong>in</strong>’t dat dumb. If Ahthought he didn’t know no better Ah’d have mah picture took and giveit tuh dat mule so’s he could learn better. Ah a<strong>in</strong>’t go<strong>in</strong>tuh ’low ’im tuhhold noth<strong>in</strong>’ lak dat aga<strong>in</strong>st me.”

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