SINGLE EQUALITY SCHEME - Hills Road Sixth Form College

SINGLE EQUALITY SCHEME - Hills Road Sixth Form College

SINGLE EQUALITY SCHEME - Hills Road Sixth Form College

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together with an assessment of whether the <strong>College</strong>’s facilities and resourcesare sufficient to meet those needs, or can be modified to do so with reasonableadjustments.3.5.5 Applications will be assessed on the basis of suitability for the job or course inquestion. The assessment will be independent of, and will not be influenced by,any considerations relating to the support requirements of the applicant.3.6 Teaching and learning3.6.1 Departments will employ teaching and learning strategies which make thecourse(s) as inclusive as is reasonably possible; and, where appropriate andreasonable, make adjustments to accommodate disabled students’ individualneeds. Course specifications will not include unnecessary barriers to access bydisabled students.3.6.2 Assessment and examination policies, practices and procedures will beadjusted, where possible, to provide disabled students with the sameopportunities as their non-disabled peers to demonstrate achievement oflearning outcomes; this may involve alternative assessment and examinationarrangements.3.6.3 Where appropriate, specialist training will be provided for teachers of disabledstudents to ensure they have the knowledge and expertise to provide adequatesupport.3.7 Study Skills Department3.7.1 The Head of Study Skills will ensure learning support staff have the necessaryqualifications and/or expertise to provide support to students with specialneeds; where these are not available within <strong>College</strong>, the <strong>College</strong> will seek torecruit specialists externally.3.7.2 All students will have access to advice and support from the Study SkillsDepartment; they will be given the opportunity to review their learning needsand negotiate support to help them meet those needs.3.7.3 Information relating to needs, and the support plan negotiated to deal withthem, will be shared with subject teachers, tutor, student and parents, asappropriate.3.7.4 The Department will make arrangements for students to take advantage ofappropriate concessions in examinations as recommended by an educationalpsychologist or another qualified professional. Concessions may include extratime, the use of computers, readers, amanuenses and relocation to a separateroom.3.7.5 Where appropriate, the Study Skills Department will seek professional help, forexample from an educational psychologist, in deciding the level of disability andthe level of help and support required.3.8 Career development (staff)3.8.1 All employees have equal rights to training, promotion and other aspects ofcareer development. Special employment needs will not be used to justify afailure to promote or train any employee.14

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