SINGLE EQUALITY SCHEME - Hills Road Sixth Form College

SINGLE EQUALITY SCHEME - Hills Road Sixth Form College

SINGLE EQUALITY SCHEME - Hills Road Sixth Form College

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APlanning, Monitoring and EvaluationObjective 1Objective 2to ensure that the <strong>College</strong>’s commitment to all students and staffis embedded in its strategies, policies and procedures scrutinisedthrough a rolling programme of Equality Analysesto carry out systematic evaluation of progress towards providingfor the needs of all students and staff as an integral part of the<strong>College</strong>’s planning and review cycleBPre-enrolment, Enrolment and InductionObjective 1Objective 2to ensure that the <strong>College</strong>’s procedures for pre-enrolment,enrolment and induction are fully accessible to all studentsto record equality information disclosed about a student’s needs atthe earliest opportunity on the <strong>College</strong>’s Information Systems andto consider the implications of this information for the student’sexperience at the <strong>College</strong>Objective 3 to provide comprehensive support to, and make specialistinformation, advice and guidance available to, all applicantstudents and new students to enable them to access <strong>College</strong>courses, services and facilities wherever possibleCTeaching and LearningObjective 1Objective 2Objective 3to maximise the opportunities for all students to achieve theirpotential in particular through removal of any possible barriers toaccessing learningto design all teaching and learning materials to be accessible to allstudents wherever possibleto provide accessible examination and assessment arrangementsfor all students wherever possibleDCurriculum DevelopmentObjective 1Objective 2to build mutual respect and understanding between differentgroups, faiths and cultures.to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed for life in aglobal society by embedding a global awareness within thecurriculum including providing opportunities for students to learnforeign languages and inter-cultural skillsEStudent Support and GuidanceObjective 1to ensure accessibility for all students to the full range of StudentServices, including Study Skills Support5

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