Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Valued ... - American Water

Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Valued ... - American Water

Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Valued ... - American Water

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UNDERSTANDING YOUR BILLEstimated BillsIllinois <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> makes every effort to obtain an actualmeter reading on which to calculate your bill. However, there aretimes when adverse weather or other circumstances prevent usfrom obtaining an actual meter reading. When an actual meterreading is not taken, you will receive a bill b<strong>as</strong>ed on an estimatedreading. If your reading is estimated, your bill will be marked“estimated.” The difference between the estimated bill <strong>and</strong> theactual usage is automatically adjusted on your bill following thenext actual meter reading.Higher than Expected <strong>Water</strong> BillsAn unusually high bill can occur for many re<strong>as</strong>ons, including:• When an actual meter reading follows estimated readings thatwere lower than actual consumption.• When there is a leak in your plumbing system, or in the serviceline p<strong>as</strong>t the point of your water meter. Toilet leaks are the mostcommon form of plumbing system leaks. An underground serviceline leak is another common cause for high usage.• When you have been using water for se<strong>as</strong>onal purposes such <strong>as</strong>lawn irrigation, gardening, or filling a pool.Illinois <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> is entitled to bill for prior unbilled service,up to 12 months for residential customers <strong>and</strong> 24 months forcommercial customers. Customers who are billed for prior unbilledservice are allowed an equal amount of time to pay.If your bill is unusually high <strong>and</strong> you do not know why, ple<strong>as</strong>econtact our Customer Service Center so that we can help youdetermine the cause.How We Calculate <strong>Your</strong> Bill<strong>Your</strong> bill is b<strong>as</strong>ed on rates set in ratemaking proceedingsbefore the Illinois Commerce Commission <strong>and</strong> approved by theCommission in those proceedings. Rates <strong>and</strong> charges vary bycommunity. Applicable rates are itemized on your bill for service. Allcustomers will see a fixed service charge <strong>and</strong> a water consumptioncharge on their bills. The fixed service charge is b<strong>as</strong>ed on the sizeof your water meter. The consumption charge is b<strong>as</strong>ed upon theamount of water used during the billing period. Some customerssee additional charges, such <strong>as</strong>:• A supply charge, which reflects the p<strong>as</strong>s-through cost of waterpurch<strong>as</strong>ed for delivery to most Chicago Metro-area customers.The supply charge reflects the cost of high quality Lake Michiganwater delivered to Illinois <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> by a pipeline.• Local charges. In many c<strong>as</strong>es, Illinois <strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> bills <strong>and</strong>collects sewer <strong>and</strong> garbage/tr<strong>as</strong>h charges for municipalities.To the right is a sample bill that includes descriptions of mostof the charges that customers see on their bills. <strong>Your</strong> bill will bedifferent from this example because actual rates <strong>and</strong> charges varyby community. Bill descriptions are also available on the Illinois<strong>American</strong> <strong>Water</strong> website at www.illinoisamwater.com.System Improvement Charge <strong>Water</strong>Some customers pay a System Improvement Charge that fundscompany improvements to water lines, hydrants, <strong>and</strong> otherinfr<strong>as</strong>tructure upgrades.PAYMENTS MADE EASYPaying <strong>Your</strong> BillsIf you receive a Final Notice, ple<strong>as</strong>e take immediate action

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