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CONTENTSBUSINESS RISKA PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR BOARD MEMBERSIntroduction: Simon Walker, Direc<strong>to</strong>r General, Institute of Direc<strong>to</strong>rsForeword: Sir John Parker, Chairman, Anglo-AmericanPART 1: THE ISSUESChapter 1 7A world of dangerNicolas Aubert, UK Managing Direc<strong>to</strong>r,ChartisChapter 2 13The board’s distinctive rolein risk oversightDr Roger Barker, Head of CorporateGovernance, Institute of Direc<strong>to</strong>rsChapter 3 19Key challenges facing boardsin risk oversightAlpesh Shah, Actuarial Risk PracticeDirec<strong>to</strong>r, and Richard Sykes, Governance,Risk & Compliance UK Leader, PwCPART 2: THE SOLUTIONSChapter 4 25The board’s role in establishingthe right corporate cultureRoger Steare, Professor of OrganisationalEthics at Cass Business School,City UniversityChapter 5 33Risk and strategyAlpesh Shah and Richard Sykes, PwCChapter 6 41Defining the risk appetite/risk<strong>to</strong>lerance of the organisationTom Teixeira, Practice Leader, GlobalMarkets International, Willis GroupChapter 7 47Board compositionSir Geoffrey Owen, Senior Fellow,The London School of Economics andPolitical ScienceChapter 8 53The boardroom conversationAlison Hogan, Managing Partner, AnchorPartners, with Ronny Vansteenkiste, SVP,Group Head Talent Management &Organisation Development, Willis GroupChapter 9 61Information and the boardDavid Jackson, Company Secretary, BPChapter 10 67Interaction with shareholdersDavid Pitt-Watson, Chair, Hermes FocusAsset ManagementChapter 11 73The personal risks facing direc<strong>to</strong>rsGrant Merrill, Chief Underwriting Officer,Commercial Institutions, Financial Lines,ChartisChapter 12 79The final wordJohn Hurrell, Chief Executive, AirmicCase studiesLessons from major risk events arehighlighted throughout the Guide.For details, see page 123

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