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THE PERSONAL RISKS FACING DIRECTORSnot a concern for private companies, they are affected just as much as theirpublicly quoted counterparts by the increased focus on ethical business conductand greater corporate transparency. They are exposed on a daily basis <strong>to</strong> claimsrelating <strong>to</strong> health and safety, employment practices and the environment,among other areas. Many claims are against the company, with a direc<strong>to</strong>r orofficer named as a co-defendant. Common areas of claims activity include:■ Health and safety – The primary piece of legislation coveringoccupational health and safety in the UK is the Health and Safety at WorkAct 1974. Under the Act, direc<strong>to</strong>rs and managers can face personal liabilityif they consented <strong>to</strong> a breach, turned a blind eye or neglected their duties.The UK Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 enablesthe prosecution of larger organisations, in the public and private sec<strong>to</strong>r,w<strong>here</strong> a corporate management failing has led <strong>to</strong> a death.■ Mergers and acquisitions – Much claims activity surrounds M&A, with themost common allegation being unfair treatment or valuation in a sale,acquisition or merger.■ Accounting irregularities – These are always a driver of D&O claims asstakeholders, including inves<strong>to</strong>rs, lenders and other credi<strong>to</strong>rs andsuppliers, all rely on the company’s financial statements.■ Competition law – The Enterprise Act 2002 criminalised cartel activity andempowered the Office of Fair Trading <strong>to</strong> investigate anti-competitiveactivities in the UK, such as price-fixing, bid-rigging and market sharing.■ Breach of fiduciary duty – On the civil side, t<strong>here</strong> has been a rise in casesbrought by stakeholders related <strong>to</strong> breach of fiduciary duty resulting infinancial loss. In particular, the recent macro-economic slowdown isincreasing the number of bankruptcy claims, as companies struggle withstressed capital structures and a lack of liquidity. Accompanyingallegations of asset stripping are common in bankruptcies of subsidiariesand tend <strong>to</strong> be against individual D&Os, as stakeholders allege the parentcompany profited at the expense of the subsidiary. The number of direc<strong>to</strong>rsreported for alleged misconduct by insolvency practitioners in the UK in2010 was 7,030 compared <strong>to</strong> 3,539 in 2002.75

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