Kiel search warrant (PDF)

Kiel search warrant (PDF)

Kiel search warrant (PDF)

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During the course of my employment, I have investigatedillicit controlled substance trafficking in San Diego andsurrounding areas. I have had formal training and experience incontrolled substance investigations and I am familiar with themanner in which controlled substances are packaged, marketed andconsumed. I have received training in the identification of alltypes of controlled substances by sight and odors. I have made inexcess of 100 arrests for controlled substance violations.In thecourse of my employment, I have become familiar with the ordinarymeaning of controlled substance slang and jargon, and I am familiarwith the manners and techniques oftraffickers in controlledsubstances as practiced locally.During the time I have beenassigned to the NTF Parcel Interdiction Team, I have gainedspecialized expertise in the way narcotics and money are shipped toand from the San Diego area.This expertise included formal andinformal training from experienced United States Postal Service(USPS) inspectors and DEA and NTF agents on the modus operandi ofdrug traffickers using drug parcel transportation means;'It is quite well known in local law enforcement circles thatSan Diego is a primary source city for Mexican and Colombiannarcotics being shipped to all points east within the UnitedStates as well as subsequently being the destination city forhundreds of thousands of dollars in U.S. currency being returnedhere for payment of those drugs.

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