Giuseppe Martinico (Dr.) - Sant'Anna Legal Studies | Sant'Anna ...

Giuseppe Martinico (Dr.) - Sant'Anna Legal Studies | Sant'Anna ...

Giuseppe Martinico (Dr.) - Sant'Anna Legal Studies | Sant'Anna ...

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<strong>Giuseppe</strong> <strong>Martinico</strong>CurriculumVitaePersonalInformationName<strong>Giuseppe</strong> <strong>Martinico</strong>Nationality ItalianDate of birth 23 May 1981CorrespondenceaddressTel. 0034 915592901E-mailCentro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, Plazade la Marina Espanola Plaza de la Marina Española, 9- 28071 Madrid, Spain.martinico@cepc.esmartinico@csfederalismo.it<strong>Giuseppe</strong>.<strong>Martinico</strong>@EUI.euEDUCATION14 January 2008 PhD in “Individual Person and <strong>Legal</strong> Protection” (curriculum EU law) at the Sant‟Anna Schoolof Advanced <strong>Studies</strong>, Pisa. Final mark: 100/100 cum laude.October 2005 Sant‟Anna School of Advanced <strong>Studies</strong>, Pisa, diploma certificate with 100/100 cum laude.July 2004 Summer school session in “Human rights Law” at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence.21 May 2004 Degree in Law (“Laurea in Giurisprudenza”) with 110/110 cum laude (University of Pisa).October 2000- October 2005 Student (“Allievo ordinario”) in Law at Sant‟Anna School of Advanced <strong>Studies</strong>,Pisa (Italy).EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Since December 2011, Ricercatore (Lecturer, tenure track) Scuola Superiore <strong>Sant'Anna</strong>, Pisa (on leave) February 2011- February 2014 García Pelayo Fellow, Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, Madrid September 2010- August 2011 Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence. April 2009-Present Researcher on specific projects at the Centre for <strong>Studies</strong> on Federalism, Torino. February 2009-Present Adjunct member of the faculty of the master in “Human rights and conflict management”at the Sant‟Anna School of Advanced <strong>Studies</strong>, Pisa (Classes given in English). July 2008 Assistant Professor and STALS Editor www.stals.sssup.it), Sant‟Anna School of Advanced <strong>Studies</strong>,Pisa. March 2008-October 2009 Adjunct Professor (“professore a contratto”) in Law (on “<strong>Legal</strong> issues in cooperationfor development”), Center for Peace studies (Sciences for Peace), University of Pisa. 2008 (June-September) <strong>Legal</strong> Consultant for Region Sardinia. Title of the project: “Evaluation of Regionalchoices in the integrated system of social services”. 2006 <strong>Legal</strong> Consultant for FORMEZ (Centre of Formation and <strong>Studies</strong>) within the “Governance project”commissioned by the Department of Public Function.1

2005 Teaching Assistant (“Cultore della materia”) in European Union Law at the University of Pisa (Faculty ofLaw).2005-2007 Collaboration with the Chairs of Chairs of Constitutional Law (Prof.E.Rossi) and Public law (Prof.P.Bianchi) at the Sant‟Anna School of Advanced <strong>Studies</strong>.2004 February-July Collaboration with Italian Chamber of Deputies for the new edition of “Manuale perl‟attività parlamentare”, Roma, Camera dei deputati (“Handbook for parliamentary activity”, Rome, Chamber ofDeputies).2002 Collaboration in organizing “Integrazione europea: prospettive e dinamiche multidisciplinari” (“EuropeanIntegration: Multidsciplinary Perspectives and Dynamics”), course taken at Sant‟Anna School of Advanced <strong>Studies</strong>of Pisa.RESEARCH PERIODS/EXPERIENCES ABROAD, 2009 1 September-1 November Visiting Fellow at the Tilburg Institute of Comparative and Transnational Law(TICOM). 2009 15 February- 15 April Visiting Research Fellow, King‟s College, Center of European Law. 2007 15 February-15 May Visiting Researcher at the Université de Genève under the supervision of Prof. MichelHottelier. 2006 15 September-15 December Visiting Researcher at the Université de Montreal under the supervision ofProf. Andrée Lajoie. 2005 15 July-15 September Visiting Researcher at the Universitat de Barcelona under the supervision of Prof.Josep Maria Castella Andreu. 2004 5 February-5 May Research period at the Institute of Advanced <strong>Legal</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> (I.A.L.S.), London under thesupervision of <strong>Dr</strong>. Helen Xanthaki, Senior Lecturer, Academic Director of Sir William Dale Centre for Legislative<strong>Studies</strong>.OTHER POSITIONSFebruary 2012-now Adjunct Professor, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid (course on “Constitutional Tolerance”- given inEnglish and a course on “EU Law”- in English)May 2012, Adjunct Professor, CEU-S.Pablo, Madrid (course on “European Constitutional Law”- given in Spanish withJulio Baquero Cruz)November 2009 –September 2010 Invited Fellow at the Tilburg Institute of Comparative and Transnational Law, Tilburg.ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS Convenor, “Facing the Economic Crisis: Nine questions on the EU”, Centro de Estudios Politicos yConstitucionales, January 16 2012, http://csfederalismo.it/images/pdf/facing_economic_crisis_madrid.pdf Convener “How “Constitutional” Is Transnational Law?”, Scuola Superiore S.Anna, Pisa, September 23-24 2011,http://www.stals.sssup.it/files/workshop%20csf%20stals.pdfCoordinator of the panel on “Freedom of Association” (with F.Fontanelli” in the international conference“Judicial Cooperation In The Area Of Fundamental Rights”, International conference Robert Schuman Centre,EUI, Florence, Florence, 28-29 October 2011, http://www.eui.eu/Events/download.jsp?FILE_ID... Coordinator (area of law) of the García Pelayo seminars 2011/2012(http://www.cepc.es/es/Investigacion/Programa_Garcia_Pellayo/Seminario_investigadoresNW.aspx) (with Bruno de Witte) International Workshop “Treaty Reform Beyond Lisbon?”, Joint workshop EUDO(European Union Democracy Observatory), Centre for <strong>Studies</strong> on Federalism, STALS (Sant‟Anna <strong>Legal</strong><strong>Studies</strong>), Max Weber Programme, European University Institute, Florence, 18 March 2011(with Rebecca Zahn) EU Law Panel, European University Institute , Max Weber Programme‟s LustrumConference June 8, 9 and 10 June 201, Florence, European University Institute.2

Seminar “Targeted Sanctions & the Interaction Between <strong>Legal</strong> Orders: The View from the UK?”, speaker <strong>Dr</strong>.CianMurphy (King‟s College, London), Session Working Group “Courts and Judges” European University Institute,Florence, March 17 2011,Seminar “File sharing, Copyright enforcement and National Case Law” speaker <strong>Dr</strong>. Enrico Bonadio (CityUniversity, London) , Session Working Group “Courts and Judges”, European University Institute, Florence,February 18 2011,“Rethinking citizenship/ripensare la cittadinanza”, 28 January, 2011, Scuola Superiore <strong>Sant'Anna</strong>, PisaConvener of the international conference “National judges and supranational laws: on the effective application ofthe EC law and the ECHR” , 15-16 January 2010Editor of the “ICFAI” Project (Indian Chartered Financial Analysis Institute/Sant‟Anna School of Advanced<strong>Studies</strong>): http://www.stals.sssup.it/site/cur_research/stals_ICFAI.pdf.Team Leader of the project “Principles in subnational fundamental charters”, Centre for studies on federalism,Moncalieri, Turin, http://www.csfederalismo.it/User/.Convener of the international workshop “The ECJ under siege: new constitutional challenges for the ECJ”:http://www.stals.sssup.it/site/files/stals_ICFAI_workshop.pdfPromoter with Prof. Petros Mavroidis of the Erasmus Bilateral Agreement between the Sant‟Anna School ofAdvanced <strong>Studies</strong> and the Université de Neuchâtel.Promoter with <strong>Dr</strong>. Matej Avbelj of the Erasmus Bilateral Agreement between the Sant‟Anna School of Advanced<strong>Studies</strong> and The European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica (EVRO-PF).Organizer of the 1 st STALS (Sant‟Anna <strong>Legal</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>) Seminar Series in WTO Law (Speakers: <strong>Dr</strong>. Marco Dani[LSE], Prof. Petros Mavroidis [Columbia Law School]; Prof. Joost Pauwelyn [Graduate Institute of Internationaland Development <strong>Studies</strong>, Geneva].Organizer of the 2nd STALS (Sant‟Anna <strong>Legal</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>) seminar series on “Judicial competition betweenInternational/Supranational and Domestic Courts” (Speakers: Prof. Alberto Alemanno [HEC, Paris]; Prof. MonicaClaes [Tilburg, University]; <strong>Dr</strong>. Jan Komarek [Oxford University, Sommerville College]; <strong>Dr</strong>. Lorenzo Zucca[King‟s College, London].LANGUAGESLanguages Writing Reading SpeakingItalian Mother language Mother language Mother languageSpanish Good Excellent FluentFrench Good Excellent GoodEnglish Very Good Excellent FluentAREAS OF INTEREST1. European Constitutional Law2. EU Law3. Subnational constitutionalism in federal and quasi-federal contexts4. Comparative Constitutional Law5. Italian Constitutional Law6. Cohesion policiesTEACHING EXPERIENCES1. EU Law2. European and Comparative Constitutional Law3

3. Remedies in EU Law4. <strong>Legal</strong> issues in cooperation for developmentPARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH PROJECTS2012-1015 Member of the research group “El ejercicio de las competencias comunitarias entre la UE y sus Estadosmiembros: técnicas jurídicas de coordinación” (Prof. Olesti, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain), Financial entity: Ministeriode ciencia e innovación, Spain.2010-2012 Principal investigator of the research project: “Principles in subnational fundamental charters”.Financial entity: Center for Federal <strong>Studies</strong>, Torino2008-2009 Principal investigator of the research project “The ECJ under siege: new constitutional challenges forthe ECJ”. Financial entity: Scuola Superiore <strong>Sant'Anna</strong>, PisaMember of the research group “IACL Subnational Constitutions” coordinated by Prof. Alan Tarr (Center for StateConstitutional <strong>Studies</strong>, Rutgers University – Camden, USA), set up at the “VII Congress of the International Association ofConstitutional law”, http://www.iacl-aidc.org/downloads/report_subnational_constitutions_williams.pdf2007-2009 Member of the research group “Coesione e integrazione: alla ricerca di un nesso „costituzionale‟ dicausalità” PRIN within the MIUR 2007 “Livelli di governo e integrazione multiculturale nell‟esperienza europea: dalleistituzioni ai diritti”. National coordinator: Prof. <strong>Giuseppe</strong> Morbidelli (Università La Sapienza di Roma). Financial entity:MIUR - Ministry of University and Research (MIUR)2005-2007 Member of the research group “Modelli di welfare municipale” within the project MIUR 2005 “Latutela multilivello dei diritti sociali”. National coordinator. E. Balboni, Università “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” Milano.Financial entity: MIUR - Ministry of University and Research (MIUR)2005-2007 Member of the research group “Profili processuali della tutela dei diritti fondamentali nello spaziocostituzionale europeo”, within the project MIUR 2005 “La tutela dei diritti fondamentali tra ordinamenti nazionali esovranazionali, nella prospettiva della Costituzione europea”. National coordinator: Prof. A. Pizzorusso, Università of Pisa.Financial entity: MIUR - Ministry of University and Research (MIUR)PAPERS PRESENTED AT CONFERENCES (SELECTED)“Two worlds (still) apart? CEDU e diritto dell'UE dinanzi ai giudici nazionali", Università della Calabria, Rende,28 March 2012 .“L‟autonomia regionale nella giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia”, Università della Calabria, Rende, 28 March2012.“The new “Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union”: Asymmetryor Dis-integration?”, The Constitutional Architecture of the Economic Governance in the EU”, EuropeanUniversity Institute, Florence, 23 March 2012.“What lies behind Art. 4.2 TEU?”, "National constitutional identity and European integration”, Universitat PompeuFabra – Barcelona, February 23 – 24, 2011.“Interpretation As Constitutional Disagreement. On Some (Political) Attempts To Hijack The European IntegrationProcess" II ISEL Meetings 2011/2012 , City University London.“A Constitutional Approach To The Development Debate?”, paper presented at the conference “How„Constitutional‟ Is Transnational Law?”, Scuola Superiore S.Anna, Pisa, September 23-24 2011,http://www.stals.sssup.it/files/workshop%20csf%20stals.pdf“Dual Preliminarity and the Melki Case: Hidden Dialogue in Action”, paper presented at the conference “TheCauses, Consequences and Meaning of Transnationalization”, 18th International Conference of Europeanists,Council of European <strong>Studies</strong>, Barcelona, June 20-22, 2011“Multiples Loyalties and Dual Preliminarity: Hidden Dialogue in Action”, Max Weber Programme‟s LustrumConference June 8, 9 and 10 June 201, Florence, European University Institute.4

“The idea of the „mega constitutional politics‟: borrowing from Canada?”, paper presented at the internationalworkshop “Treaty Reform Beyond Lisbon?”, Joint workshop organized by the EUDO (European UnionDemocracy Observatory), Centre for <strong>Studies</strong> on Federalism, STALS (Sant‟Anna <strong>Legal</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>), Max WeberProgramme, European University Institute, Florence, March 18 2011 “Interpretation as constitutional disagreement. On some (political) attempts to hijack the European integrationprocess”, European University Institute, Working Group “Courts and Judges”, European University Institute,Florence, June 15 2011 “National principles and rules regarding state structure versus EU law: the view of the Italian courts”, Leuven,paper presented at the international conference “Federalism in the European Union.:, University of Leuven, May12-13 2011. “Constitutional Failure or Constitutional Odyssey?”, paper presented at the Universitat de Barcelona, April 62011. “Judging in the multilevel legal order: exploring the techniques of „hidden dialogue‟”, Universitat Pompeu Fabra,Barcelona, April 5, 2011 “Fundamental Rights and Constitutionalism: Historical and Critical Perspectives”, Universitat Pompeu Fabra,Barcelona, April 5 2011. “Complexity as the “efficient secret” of the European Constitution: an alternative (explanatory) proposal”, <strong>Legal</strong>Theory Working Group , January 27 2011, European University Institute, Florence “The constitutional dimension of the European citizenship”, “Rethinking the citizenship/Ripensare lacittadinanza”, Scuola Superiore <strong>Sant'Anna</strong>, Pisa, 28 January 2011 Why judicial comity (still) matters, paper presented at the conference “Towards a Unified System of Protection inEurope? The European Convention on Human Rights & the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights”, Centre ofEuropean Law, King‟s College, London, 1 July 2010. Constitutionalism as a “resource”: strength and weakness of a constitutional approach to the development debate,paper presented at the workshop “Comparative Aspects on Constitutions: Theory and Practice”, W.G.Hart <strong>Legal</strong>Workshop, Institute of Advanced <strong>Legal</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>, London, 29 June –1 July 2010. La integración silenciosa, Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, 17 May 2010. On Subsidiarity as a Political Safeguard of Federalism in the European Union, Institut de <strong>Dr</strong>et Públic, Universitatde Barcelona, 17 May 2010. Too good to be “right”? Strength and weakness of a constitutional approach to the development debate, paperpresented at the the II International symposium of the Brazilian Academy of Human Rights “Development andHuman Rights”, Vitória, 12, 13 e 14 November 2009. Preliminary reference and constitutional courts: are you in the mood for dialogue? Paper presented at the FreeUniversity of Amsterdam, 29 October 2009. The unfinished constitutionalization of Europe: the role of national judges, paper presented at the HagueUniversity, 15 October 2009. Judging in the multilevel legal order: exploring the techniques of “hidden dialogue”, paper presented at theTICOM Talk, University of Tilburg, 5 October 2009. The „dark‟ side of the constitutional dialogue, paper presented at ELINIS (European <strong>Legal</strong> Integration: The NewItalian Scholarship), New York University (organized by Prof. J.J.H.Weiler-Prof.R.Toniatti), 19 and 20 May, 2008. (With Filippo Fontanelli), Looking for coherence: hidden techniques of multilevel dialogue and constitutionalcomity in the EU context, “The Evolution of the European Courts: Institutional Change and Continuity”, 6thInternational Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH), University College of Dublin 16-17 November 2007,organized by Prof.Francis Snyder and Prof. Imelda Maher. (With Oreste Pollicino) The specificity of the European judiciary system against the background of the judicialglobalization, VIIth World Congress of Constitutional Law, Athens 11-15 June 2007.OTHERFellow of the European Law Institute, ViennaMember of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL)Editorial Coordinator, Perspectives on federalism (www.on-federalism.eu)Editor, Blog “wishy washy blog” (http://maestro-gustavo.blogspot.it/)Editor, Sant‟Anna <strong>Legal</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> (www.stals.sssup.it)5

Member of the Editorial Board of Panóptica, Revista Eletrônica Acadêmica de Direito, (www.panoptica.org)REFERENCESProf. Alessandro Pizzorussoalessandropizzorusso@tiscali.itUniversity of Pisa,Piazza dei cavalieri 2, 56100Pisa, Tuscany, ItalyProf. Luis Miguel Poiares MaduroTel. [+39] 055 4685 - 964Miguel.Maduro@eui.euEuropean University Institute, Florence,Robert Schuman CentreVilla La Pagliaiuola, Via delle Palazzine, 1950014 San Domenico di Fiesole - ItalyProf. Sabino CasseseTel. +39064698633s.cassese@cortecostituzionale.itCorte CostituzionalePiazza del quirinale 4100187 Roma, ItalyProf. Petros MavroidisTél. : +41 32 718 1316Fax : +41 32 718 1201petros.mavroidis@unine.chFaculté de droitFaubourg de l'Hôpital 1062000 Neuchâtel<strong>Dr</strong>. Helen XanthakiTel: +44 (0) 20 7862 586helen.xanthaki@sas.ac.ukInstitute of Advanced <strong>Legal</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>,Charles Clore House17 Russell SquareLondonWC1B 5JP<strong>Dr</strong>. Lorenzo ZuccaTel: +44 207 8482316lorenzo.zucca@kcl.ac.ukKing's College LondonStrandLondon WC2R 2LS6

ANNEX: LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONSBooks (in English and Italian)Authored BooksG.<strong>Martinico</strong>, L‟integrazione silente. La funzione interpretativa della Corte di Giustizia e il diritto costituzionaleeuropeo, Jovene, Napoli, 2009 [Reviewed in Common Market Law Review, European Pulic Law, EuropeanJournal of Law Reform, Civitas Europa, Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, Diritto Pubblico Comparato edEuropeo, Revista Eeuropea de Eerechos Fundamentales, Giornale di Diritto Amministrativo]G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Lo spirito polemico del diritto europeo Studio sulle ambizioni costituzionali dell'Unione, Aracne,Roma, 2011ForthcomingG.<strong>Martinico</strong>, The Tangled Complexity of the EU Constitutional Process: The Frustrating Knot of Europe,Routledge, London, 2012Co-authored books G.<strong>Martinico</strong>-O.Pollicino, The Interaction between Europe's <strong>Legal</strong> Systems: Judicial Dialogueand the Creation of Supranational Laws, Elgar, 2012.Edited Books F.Fontanelli-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>-P.Carrozza- (eds.), Shaping rule of law through dialogue: international andsupranational experiences, Europa Law Publishing, 2009., 500 pages [reviewed in Common Market Law Review,European Journal of International Law, European Public Law, Rivista Trimestrale di diritto pubblico, Rivista didiritto pubblico comunitario]. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>-O.Pollicino (eds.), The national judicial treatment of the ECHR and EU Laws: A ComparativeConstitutional Perspective, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2010, 500 pages (reviewed in Common MarketLaw Review, European Law Review, European Law Review, European Journal of International Law, Rivista didiritto pubblico comunitario), F.Fontanelli-G.<strong>Martinico</strong> (eds), The ECJ under siege: new constitutional challenges for the ECJ , Iupindia, 2009,250 pages. M.Campopiano-L.Gori-E.Stradella-G.<strong>Martinico</strong> (ed.), Dialoghi con il Presidente. Allievi ed ex allievi dellescuole d'eccellenza pisane a colloquio con Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Edizioni Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 477pages.Special Issues (edited) G.<strong>Martinico</strong>-R.Castaldi (eds.), Rethinking (EU) Citizenship, special issue, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 3,Issue 2, 2011, 127 pages G.Delledonne-G.<strong>Martinico</strong> (eds.), The New Eldorado: Exploring Subnational Constitutonalism, Perspectives onFederalism, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012, 317 pages.8

Works in EnglishJournal Articles (peer reviewed)Forthcoming G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Multiple Loyalties and Dual Preliminarity: how hard it is being judge in a multilevel legal order!”,International Journal of Constitutional Law, forthcoming, 2012. G.Delledonne-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “<strong>Legal</strong> Conflicts and Subnational Constitutionalism”, Rutgers Law Journal, 2012. F.Fontanelli-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Browsing The XX Files Necessity in the GATT, and why it is not like proportionalityin the EU”, SWUPL International Law Review, Xiamen University Press, 2012,Publisheda. Selected G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Is The European Convention Going To Be “Supreme”? A Comparative-Constitutional OverviewOf ECHR And EU Law Before National Courts”, European Journal of International Law, 2012, 401-424. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Chasing the European Court of justice, International Community Law Review, 2012, 243-272. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Born to Be Together: The Constitutional Complexity of the EU”, (Canadian) Review ofConstitutional <strong>Studies</strong>, 2011, 63-95 G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Judging in the Multilevel <strong>Legal</strong> Order: Exploring The Techniques Of „Hidden Dialogue‟”, inKing‟s Law Journal, 21.2, 2010, 257-281. G.Delledonne-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Handle with care! The Regional Charters and Italian Constitutionalism‟s „GreyZone‟” European Constitutional Law Review, 2/2009, 218-236. F.Fontanelli-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Between procedural impermeability and constitutional openness: the 102 and decisionof the Italian Constitutional Court”, European Law Journal, 2010, 345–364. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Reading the others: American legal scholars and the unfolding European integration”, EuropeanJournal of Law Reform, 1/2009, 35-49 G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Complexity and cultural sources of law in the EU context: from the multilevel constitutionalism tothe constitutional synallagma”, German Law Journal, 3/ 2007, 205-230. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Dating Cinderella: On Subsidiarity as a Political Safeguard of Federalism in the European Union”,European Public Law, 2011, 649-660.b. Other journal articles (peer reviewed)G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “How “European” is the Italian Regional State now? A study on the Europeanization of the ItalianRegional System”, Revista de Estudios Autonomicos y Federales (REAF) REAF, núm. 14, 2011, 36-66G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Constitutional Failure Or Constitutional Odyssey? What Can We Learn From Canada AndSwitzerland”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2011, E-51- 77G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Constitutionalism as a “Resource”. A Constitutional Approach to the Development Debate”,International Journal of Public Law and Policy, 2011, 1-17G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The Berlusconi judgement: a brief case note on the decision of the Italian Constitutional Court(n.262/2009)”, European Public Law, Vol. 16, n. 2/2010, 231-238M.Cerizza-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Supranationalism in EU Criminal Justice: Another Incoming Tide?” Civitas Europa,25, 2010, 33-49.G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The new “Estatutos de autonomìa” in Spain: a brief overview of the literature”, Perspectives onFederalism, 1/2010, R- 1-15.9

G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Constructivism, Evolutionism and Pluralism: Europe‟s Constitutional Grammar”, King's LawJournal, 2009, 309-326. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “From the Constitution for Europe to the Reform Treaty: a literature survey on EuropeanConstitutional Law”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 1, issue 1, 2009, R 13-41. G. <strong>Martinico</strong>, “The impact of the cohesion policies on the “Form of Union”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 1,issue 1, 2009, E 15-39. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>-O.Pollicino-V.Sciarabba, “Hands off the untouchable core: a constitutional appraisal of the Kadicase”, European Journal of Law Reform, 3/2009, 281-304 F.Fontanelli-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The Hidden Dialogue: When Judicial Competitors Collaborate”, Global JuristAdvances, Global Jurist 8.3 (2008). Available at: http://works.bepress.com/giuseppe_martinico/1 G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Tales form the overseas. Short remarks on judicial implications of supranational integration in UKand Ireland”, Civitas Europa, 20, 2008, 153-174. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Comparative legal studies and European integration: looking at the origins of the debate”, inBoletin Mexicano de derecho comparado, 2008, 859-883. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>-O.Pollicino, “Between constitutional tolerance and judicial activism: the “specificity” of theEuropean judicial law”, European Journal of Law Reform, 1/2008, 97-125. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The interpretative judgments of the ECJ as “complex” sources of EC law”, Civitas Europa, 19,2007, 21-45.c. ForthcomingG.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The Importance of Consistent Interpretation in Subnational Constitutional Contexts: Old Winein New Bottles?”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 4, Issue 1/2012Books Chaptersa. Forthcoming G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The impact of “regional blindness” on the Italian Regional State”, E. Cloots, G.De Baere,S.Sottiaux (eds), Federalism in the European Union, Hart Publisher, Oxford, 2012 G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Interpretation as constitutional disagreement. On some (political) attempts to hijack the Europeanintegration process”, in R.Toniatti (ed.), “The Law Maker's Interpretation. How the Law Controls Interpretation”,Wolf <strong>Legal</strong> Publisher, forthcoming G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Connecting Judges. A few points about the latest trends in the preliminary ruling procedure”, in M.Sandru-M.Banu-D. Călin [eds.], Procedura trimiterii preliminare. Principii de drept ale Uniunii Europene. Ńeale s si experien istemului român de drept, Editura C. H. Beck, Bucharest, 2012. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Refugees in the European Union: Apostolides v. Orams”, in S Cassese et al. (eds) GlobalAdministrative Law Handbook - Cases, Materials, Issues. Third edition, 2012 G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The relationship between the Italian Constitutional Court and the ECJ. Issues on the preliminaryreference in C. Cost. Order 103/2008”, in S Cassese et al. (eds) Global Administrative Law Handbook - Cases,Materials, Issues. Third edition, 2012b. PublishedG.<strong>Martinico</strong>-O.Pollicino, “The impact of the European courts on the Italian Constitutional Court”, in P. Popelier,C. Van De Heyning & P. Van Nuffel (eds.), Human Rights Protection in the European <strong>Legal</strong> Order: theInteraction between the European and the National Courts, Cambridge, Intersentia, 2011, 261 ff..G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “National Judges and Supranational Laws: Goals and Structure of the Research”, in G.<strong>Martinico</strong>-O.Pollicino (eds.), The national judicial treatment of the ECHR and EU Laws, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen,2010, 7-19.G. <strong>Martinico</strong>, “Preliminary Reference and Constitutional Courts. Are You in the Mood for Dialogue?”, inF.Fontanelli, G.<strong>Martinico</strong>- P.Carrozza (eds.), Shaping Rule of Law Through Dialogue, Europa Law PublishingGroningen, 2010, 219-247.10

F.Fontanelli-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Focusing on courts: the techniques of hidden dialogue in the multilevel system”, in -F.Snyder- I.Maher (ed.), The evolution of the European Courts: institutional change and continuity, proceedingsof the 6th International Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH), Bruylant, 2009, 37-66.Working Paper Archives (peer reviewed) G.Delledonne-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “<strong>Legal</strong> Conflicts and Subnational Constitutionalism”, EUI Working Paper LAW No.2011/03 , EUI, Florence (now forthcoming in Rutgers Law Journal, supra) G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Complexity as the 'Efficient Secret' of the European Constitution. An Alternative (Explanatory)Proposal”, Max Weber Programme Paper, 2011/1, EUI, Florence. G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “A Matter of Coherence in the Multilevel <strong>Legal</strong> System: Are the „Lions‟ Still „Under the Throne‟?”,Jean Monnet Working Paper, n. 16/08, New York School of Law,http://www.jeanmonnetprogram.org/papers/08/081601.html (an improved and shortened version of this work waspublished as: G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Judging in the Multilevel <strong>Legal</strong> Order: Exploring The Techniques Of „HiddenDialogue‟”, in King‟s Law Journal, 21.2, 2010, 257-281, supra). F. Fontanelli.-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Cooperative Antagonists - The Italian Constitutional Court and the PreliminaryReference: Are We Dealing with a Turning Point?” Eric Stein Working Paper, .5/2008, 1-23,http://www.ericsteinpapers.eu/dokumenty/ESWP-2008-05-Fontanelli+<strong>Martinico</strong>.pdf (an improved version of thiswork was published as: F.Fontanelli-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Between procedural impermeability and constitutionalopenness: the 102 and decision of the Italian Constitutional Court”, European Law Journal, 2010, 345–364,supra). G. <strong>Martinico</strong>, “Preliminary Reference and Constitutional Courts. Are You in the Mood for Dialogue?”, TICOMWorking Paper, 10/09 (now in F.Fontanelli, G.<strong>Martinico</strong>- P.Carrozza (eds.), Shaping Rule of Law ThroughDialogue, Europa Law Publishing Groningen, 2010, 219-247, supra). G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Dating Cinderella: On Subsidiarity as a Political Safeguard of Federalism in the European Union”,IDP Working Paper 2/2010 (a different version of this working paper is going to be published in European PublicLaw, supra), http://www.idpbarcelona.net/docs/public/wp/workingpaper3.pdf G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The impact of “regional blindness” on the Italian Regional State”, IDER Working Paper (adifferent version of this paper is going to be published as G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The impact of “regional blindness” on theItalian Regional State”, E. Cloots, G.De Baere, S.Sottiaux (eds), “Federalism in the European Union.:”, HartPublisher, Oxford, 2012).Book reviewsG.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Book review “J.C.Piris, The Lisbon Treaty: A <strong>Legal</strong> and Political Analysis, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2010”, European Public Law, forthcomingG.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Book Review “Constantin Stefanou and Helen Xanthaki (eds.), <strong>Dr</strong>afting Legislation: A ModernApproach (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2008)”, European Public Law, 2011, 783-786.G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Book review “F. Laursen (ed.), The EU and Federalism. Polities and Policies Compared, Ashgate,2011”, Common Market Law Review, 2011, 442-444.G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Book Review “M.Forowicz, The Reception of International Law in the European Court of HumanRights”, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010”, Common Market Law Review, 2011,1744-1746.G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Book review “G.De Vergottini, Oltre il dialogo tra le Corti. Giudici, diritto straniero, comparazione,il Mulino, 2010”, Revista Română de <strong>Dr</strong>ept European, 2012, forthcoming (also available at STALS Book review,http://www.stals.sssup.it/files/Recensione_devergottini_STALS.pdf)G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Book review “F.Casolari, L'incorporazione del diritto internazionale nell'ordinamento dell'Unioneeuropea, Giuffrè, 2008”, STALS Book Review, http://www.stals.sssup.it/files/Book_review_Casolari_STALS.pdfG.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Book review “J.Baquero Cruz- C.Closa Montero (eds.), European Integration from Rome to Berlin:1957-2007. History, Law and Politics, Peter Lang, Bruxelles, Wien, 2009” European Law Review, 2009, 992-995G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Book review “N.Lavranos, Jurisdictional competition. Selected Cases in International and EuropeanLaw Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2009”, Common Market Law Review, 2010, 962-965G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, Book review “Robert Schütze, From Dual to Cooperative Federalism: The Changing Structure ofEuropean Law. Oxford: OUP, 2009”, Common Market Law Review, 2010, 1258-1260.11

G. <strong>Martinico</strong>, “Gli strumenti previsti per una migliore qualità della normazione”, in M. Carli-G. Carpani-A.Siniscalchi (a cura di), I nuovi statuti delle regioni ordinarie. Problemi e prospettive, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006,455-489. G. <strong>Martinico</strong>, “Considerazioni (di lungo periodo) sulla responsabilità statale "da" diritto comunitario” in U.Breccia e A. Pizzorusso, La responsabilità dello Stato (a cura di F. Dal Canto), Pisa, 2006, Edizioni Plus,. 277-300. G. <strong>Martinico</strong>, “La razionalizzazione normativa e i testi unici regionali: un modello in circolo?”, in P. Caretti (acura di), Osservatorio sulle fonti 2005, Torino, Giappichelli, 2006, 232-247. G. <strong>Martinico</strong>, “Il rapporto fra le competenze dell‟UE e la tipologia delle fonti alla luce del Trattato- Costituzione”in E. Catelani-E. Rossi (a cura di) Le “nuove” fonti comunitarie, Padova, Cedam, 2005, 189-203. G. <strong>Martinico</strong>, “La resa e le sue condizioni. Sulle difficoltà linguistiche del dialogo fra Corti alla luce dellasentenza Berlusconi”, in R. Bin-G. Brunelli-A. Pugiotto-P. Veronesi (a cura di), Ai confini del favor rei. Amicuscuriae 2005, Torino, 2005, Giappichelli, 249-255. G. <strong>Martinico</strong>-E. Rossi, “Commento agli articoli 4 e 5 dello Statuto della Regione Toscana, Finalità principali everifica dei principi e dei diritti”, in P. Caretti – M. Carli - E. Rossi (a cura di), Statuto della Regione Toscana.Commentario, Torino, Giappichelli, 2005, 39-57.Other papers or contributions in English (working paper versions)G. <strong>Martinico</strong>, “The National Judicial Treatment of European Laws: Are National Judges Extending Primacy andDirect Effect to the ECHR?”, STALS Research Paper, 5/2011,http://www.stals.sssup.it/files/STALS_martinico_ECHR_direct_effect.pdfG.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The Constitutional Language of the Cohesion Policies”, Panóptica, Revista Eletrônica Acadêmicade Direito, 1, n. 9/2007, 187-208.G.<strong>Martinico</strong>-O.Pollicino, “The specificity of the European judiciary system against the background of the judicialglobalization”,http://www.enelsyn.gr/papers/w4/Paper%20by%20<strong>Giuseppe</strong>%20<strong>Martinico</strong>%20&%20Oreste%20Pollicino.pdf (an improved version of this paper was published as: G.<strong>Martinico</strong>-O.Pollicino, “Between constitutionaltolerance and judicial activism: the “specificity” of the European judicial law”, European Journal of Law Reform,1/2008, 97-125) G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The interpretative rulings of the ECJ as a source in the EC Law”, STALS Research Paper, 2/2008,http://www.stals.sssup.it/site/files/stals_<strong>Martinico</strong>.pdf (another version of this paper was published as:G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “The interpretative judgments of the ECJ as “complex” sources of EC law”, Civitas Europa, 19,2007, 21-45).G. <strong>Martinico</strong> ,“European Constitution and European Evolution: Why does the ECJ matter?”, STALS ResearchPaper, 4/2009, http://www.stals.sssup.it/site/files/stals_<strong>Martinico</strong>v2.pdf (reprinted in F.Fontanelli-G.<strong>Martinico</strong>(eds)., “The ECJ under siege: new constitutional challenges for the ECJ” , Iupindia, 2009, 7-29)G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Too Good To Be “Right”? Strengths And Weaknesses Of A Constitutional Approach To TheDevelopment Debate”, STALS Research Paper, 8/2009,http://www.stals.sssup.it/files/stals_<strong>Martinico</strong>TooGoodToBeRight.pdf (an improved version of this work waspublished as: G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Constitutionalism as a “Resource”. A Constitutional Approach to the DevelopmentDebate”, International Journal of Public Law and Policy, 2011, 1-17)Articles in FrenchG.<strong>Martinico</strong>, « L‟homme et la femme dans les familles européennes: quelles familles selon les traités européens,in Informations sociales, No. 149, CNAF, Paris, 2009OtherEntries in law blogs14

“Recensione a Marta Simoncini, La regolazione del rischio e il sistema degli standard. Elementi per una teoriadell'azione amministrativa attraverso i casi del terrorismo e dell'ambiente, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2010”,http://www.diritticomparati.it/2011/04/negli-ultimi-anni-la-prospettiva-della-regolamentazione-del-rischio-hacominciato-a-trovare-spazio-anche-in-europa-dopo-aver.html“Governance e diritto: appunti su due recenti volumi”, http://www.diritticomparati.it/2010/06/governance-e-dirittoappunti-su-due-recenti-volumi.html“Non c‟è più rispetto!! Appunti sul rapporto fra il sistema giudiziario nazionale e la Corte di giustizia”,http://www.diritticomparati.it/2010/11/non-c%C3%A8-pi%C3%B9-rispetto-appunti-sul-rapporto-fra-il-sistemagiudiziario-nazionale-e-la-corte-di-giustizia.html“Federalismo e comparazione negli “Studi europei”: a proposito del libro di R.Schütze, "From Dual to CooperativeFederalism. The Changing Structure of European Law”, http://www.diritticomparati.it/2011/01/federalismo-ecomparazione-negli-studi-europei-a-proposito-del-libro-di-r-sch%C3%BCtze-from-dual-to-cooperativefederali.html“Recensione a E. D‟Alterio, La funzione di regolazione delle corti nello spazio amministrativo globale, Giuffrè,Milano, 2010”, http://www.diritticomparati.it/2011/05/nella-spaventosa-solo-per-la-mole-per-carit%C3%A0-letteratura-dedicata-alla-funzione-del-giudice-nella-dimensione-postnaziona.html“Strasburgo, Lussemburgo e Mrs Comity”, http://www.diritticomparati.it/2010/08/strasburgo-lussemburgo-e-mrscomity.html“Il passato e il futuro del diritto europeo: a proposito di un recente volume”,http://www.diritticomparati.it/2010/04/il-passato-e-il-futuro-del-diritto-europeo-a-proposito-di-un-recentevolume.html“Stuff” on lineG.<strong>Martinico</strong>, I Québécois come Nazione. Una mozione della House of Commons canadese riconosce i Québécoiscome Nazione all‟interno del Canada unito, inhttp://www.associazionedeicostituzionalisti.it/cronache/estero/quebecois/index.html, 2007G.<strong>Martinico</strong>, “Dal Trattato Costituzionale al Trattato di Riforma. Considerazioni sul recente “processocostituente” dell‟Unione Europea”, Scienza e Pace Rivista del Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace,http://scienzaepace.unipi.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=13:articoli-focus&id=34:daltrattato-costituzionale-al-trattato-di-riforma15

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