2013/2014 Course Catalog - University of Missouri - College of ...

2013/2014 Course Catalog - University of Missouri - College of ...

2013/2014 Course Catalog - University of Missouri - College of ...


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Admission to the <strong>College</strong>For the most up-to-dateinformation about the<strong>College</strong>’s admission process,refer to the Admission Guideor the <strong>College</strong>’s website.Preparation for applying to theMU <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> Veterinary Medicine isbest begun while in high school. Theselection process for entrance evaluatesacademic and non-academic criteria.Admissions criteria may change on ayearly basis.Academic PreparationNo fixed requirements exist for therecommended high school curriculum.However, a high school student isgenerally advised to take four years<strong>of</strong> mathematics, four years <strong>of</strong> English(grammar and composition), two years<strong>of</strong> biology, and as much chemistry andphysics as possible. Basic computerskills such as keyboarding and wordprocessing will be useful. Speech,debate and drama will also help preparethe student for communication skillsexpected <strong>of</strong> veterinarians.Nonacademic PreparationInvolvement in extracurricularactivities, such as school clubs,athletics, band, FFA, 4-H, Boy Scouts,Girl Scouts, church activities and anyother organized activity requiring thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> teamwork, interpersonalskills and diversity are encouraged andscored for selection purposes. Applicantsare expected to have had experiencesobserving a variety <strong>of</strong> animals. Some<strong>of</strong> this experience must be whileobserving actual veterinary medicinepracticed. High school studentsconsidering veterinary medicine as acareer are encouraged to seek out suchopportunities to see the actual practice<strong>of</strong> veterinary medicine. Agricultural,biomedical, research and public healthexperience is also highly regarded.Requirement for Observation<strong>of</strong> the Pr<strong>of</strong>essionApplicants are required to spend aminimum <strong>of</strong> 40 hours observing oneor more veterinarians actively engagedin their normal work environment.Observation must be as a third person,not as a client (i.e., small or large animalpractice, public health, laboratoryanimalmedicine or research). Theveterinarians observed by the applicantshould be among the four invitedexternal reviewers; however, theexternal reviewers may not be relatedto the applicant by birth or marriage.Personal Attributes andExperience DesiredThe Admissions Committee expectsapplicants to demonstrate certainabilities and personal traits:• Experience working with avariety <strong>of</strong> animal species;• Familiarity with the veterinarymedical pr<strong>of</strong>ession;• Community-minded withdemonstrated leadership abilities;• Effective communicator;• Possess time and stressmanagement skills;• Sincerely motivated;• Have realistically evaluated plansfor financing their education.Standardized TestingApplicants must submit scoresattained within the last three yearsfrom the Medical <strong>College</strong> AdmissionsTest (MCAT) or the general GRE.A minimum acceptable score on the22TEACHING. HEALING. DISCOVERY. SERVICE.

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