APPENDIX D Key Changes , item 450. PDF 39 KB - Council meetings

APPENDIX D Key Changes , item 450. PDF 39 KB - Council meetings

APPENDIX D Key Changes , item 450. PDF 39 KB - Council meetings


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Current DWP SchemeLoans are interest free.Administration of loans andgrants is managed centrallyby the DWP.Repayments are taken atsource and deducted fromDWP benefits.The DWP only provide cashbasedawards and do notretrospectively checkwhether the award was usedfor the purpose intended.The DWP do not checkwhether the need for whichthe application is madecould be met by other localschemes.Lewisham’s Local SupportSchemeLewisham, providing it hasbeen verified by the DWP.A 2% monthly interest ratewill be levied (via the CreditUnion) on all loans.The Credit Union willmanage the administrationof Emergency Loans onbehalf of the <strong>Council</strong> and allapplicants will be required tojoin the Credit Union as acondition of receiving theirloan.The Credit Union will set arepayment plan inconjunction with theapplicant and manage thecollection process.Lewisham will provideapplicants with locallysourced replacement <strong>item</strong>sor vouchers and prepaidcards, which can be used topurchase agreed <strong>item</strong>s atspecified stores.As part of the applicationprocess, the <strong>Council</strong> willassess whether the needcould be met by anotherscheme/funding sourcewithin the authority or by alocal voluntary/communityorganisation.Rationale For Changefraudulent applications.Charging a minimal interestrate on loans will allow us torecycle our available fundingmore effectively, thussupporting a greater numberof residents and ensure thatthe Credit Union is financiallyable to administer thescheme on the <strong>Council</strong>’sbehalf.By using the Credit Union todisburse funds and collectrepayments on our behalf,we will also be able topromote financialresponsibility amongstapplicants and increaseaccess to budgeting support.Unlike the <strong>Council</strong>, the CreditUnion already has existingexpertise and infrastructurein this area. By not needingto establish our ownmechanisms for collectingrepayments, we will be ableto target the maximumamount of funding atvulnerable residents.This approach will ensurethat the requirements of allapplicants are met in themost appropriate mannerand that limited funds areeffectively targeted at thosemost in need.This will not restrict accessto Emergency Loans, butinstead ensure that supportis not duplicated orinconsistently applied. If thesupport that the applicantrequires cannot beaddressed elsewhere anddoes not fall into an areapreviously excluded underthe DWP scheme, then theirapplication will still be

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