PSI 2011-049 - Inside Time

PSI 2011-049 - Inside Time

PSI 2011-049 - Inside Time


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UNCLASSIFIED EIA PAGE 2Initial screeningThe first stage of conducting an EIA is to screen the policy to determine its relevance to the variousequalities issues. This will indicate whether or not a full impact assessment is required and whichissues should be considered in it. The equalities issues that you should consider in completing thisscreening are:• Race• Gender• Gender identity• Disability• Religion or belief• Sexual orientation• Age (including younger and older offenders).AimsWhat are the aims of the policy?The purpose of this Instruction is to enact and support the Prisoner Communication Servicesspecification. Apart from any legal obligation to do so it is recognised that supporting andmaintaining links between prisoners and their families can help reduce re-offending. Doing so canalso contribute to tackling intergenerational offending by addressing the poor outcomes faced bychildren of offenders. Letters and telephone calls assist in sustaining supportive relationships withfamily and friends and also enable the prisoner access to justice through legally privilegedcorrespondence and phone calls with legal advisers and other support organisations.The aim of the policy is to ensure clarity as to prisoners‟ entitlement to send and receivecorrespondence and the policy in relation to access to telephones. The policy also providespractical guidance for staff on a wide range of correspondence handling issues and on theoperation of the prisoner telephone system or PINphones. Both activities seek to strike a balancebetween the need for prisoners to keep in contact with their families and friends, the maintenanceof security and good order within establishments and the protection of the public from unwantedcontact from prisoners.EffectsWhat effects will the policy have on staff, offenders or other stakeholders?This Instruction is to support the Prisoner Communication Services Specification which is due forimplementation on 1 October <strong>2011</strong>. It replaces <strong>PSI</strong> 06/<strong>2011</strong> and PSO 4400 Chapter 4 and fewchanges have been introduced to the current policies. Consequentially there will be very littleeffect on staff, prisoners or stakeholders as the majority of the policy is already in existence andthe desired outputs within the Specification reflect current policy requirements.EvidenceIs there any existing evidence of this policy area being relevant to any equalities issue?In relation to correspondence there is no evidence to suggest that either the change in format orthe minor amendments we are looking to introduce will have any impact on equalities issues.Similarly there is no evidence to suggest that the changes which are proposed in relation toprisoners access to telephones impact on any equality issues on the grounds of race, gender,gender identity, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.Since the introduction of PINphones concern has been expressed about the cost of telephone<strong>PSI</strong> 49/<strong>2011</strong> UNCLASSIFIED ISSUE DATE 26/09/<strong>2011</strong>

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