PDF (2.47 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (2.47 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

PDF (2.47 Mo) - Le Crédit Agricole

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1 RAPPEL_T1PRESENTATION OF CRÉDIT AGRICOLE S.A.Stock market data 2007Stock market data 2007»SHARE DATAEARNINGS PER SHARE(in €)NET DIVIDEND PER SHARE(in €, before tax credit)MARKET CAPITALISATION(in € billions at 31 December)* Adjusted data (capital increase in January 2007).** Subject to approval at the AGM on 21 May 2008 with an option for payment in shares up to 80%.»OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE AT 31 DECEMBER 2007On 31 December 2007, Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> S. A.’s share capital comprised 1,669,756,872 shares. As of that date, to the best of Crédit<strong>Agricole</strong> S. A.’s knowledge, ownership of share capital and voting rights was as follows:ShareholderNumber ofshares% of sharecapital% of votingrightsSAS Rue la Boétie 903,090,102 54.09 54.50Treasury shares 12,552,962 0.75 -Employee share ownership plan 103,761,579 6.21 6.26Institutional investors 520,433,879 31.17 31.40Retail investors 129,918,350 7.78 7.84TOTAL 1,669,756,872 100.0 100.0All the shares are fully paid up. They may be in either registered orbearer form at the holder’s choice subject to any prevailing legalprovisions. There are no double voting rights or additional dividendrights attached to the shares.A €4 billion capital increase with preferential subscription rights wascarried out between 4 and 23 January 2007. Subscription for newshares was at a price of €26.75 on the basis of one new share forten existing shares. A total of 149,732,230 new shares were created,carrying rights to dividends with effect from 1 January 2006.A €500 million employee share offering was carried out from 10 to21 September 2007. A total of 22,702,341 new shares were createdas of 5 December 2007, the settlement-delivery.10 I Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> S.A. I R egistration d ocument 2007

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